Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2919: 3 murderers

"Police Officer Okawara is the kind of person in school who is serious and persistent, sets goals and sticks to them, right?" Conan smiled and joined the analysis camp, "But he will adjust the direction in time when he finds a mistake. He should be very popular with the teacher. A good student who makes teachers feel relieved.”

Taiga Harimamo smiled reluctantly.

It was obviously a compliment to him, but he really couldn't be happy that the situation was completely correct.

If this continues, are these people going to reason about his growth experiences in childhood and adolescence?

"What? You said Teacher Qianhe passed away?!"

A man's surprised voice came from not far away, temporarily attracting the attention of Dahe Harimamo and others.

A middle-aged man was stopped by two policemen and asked with astonishment on his face, "When did you die?"

"This..." One of the policemen hesitated.

Okawa Harimori stood up, walked forward and asked, "Who are you?"

The middle-aged man looked at Dahe Nori Mamoru and answered honestly, "I am the editor of Chiga-sensei in the monthly magazine "Mystery Heaven". My name is Toda Akio. I called Chiga-sensei last night. When she was there, she was still so energetic, how could she..."

"The judicial autopsy results and poison test results have not come out yet. First of all, around 11:80 pm last night, Mr. Yuichi Kaido died. There was no poison underneath the sleeping pills I took..."

I just poisoned the bottom of two of the chocolate bars. Isn't it necessary to touch each chocolate bar again?

Conan Duan Qing immediately nodded in response, "Bad!"

"What did they talk about on the phone?"

"Before, Sister Kaidou Chiga died at two o'clock in the morning. The chocolate bar you ate was injected with poison. By the way, the box of chocolate bars under your table was packed with 20 bars. When you found it, the chocolate bar was outside the box. There were only 17 bars. Except for the one you ate, not two were thrown into the trash can. And after poison identification, apart from the chocolate bar you ate, there was no other chocolate bar outside the box. The sticks were injected with poison, but the two that were thrown outside the trash can were not poisonous at all..."

Henggou Sengo confirmed the call situation with Conan Toda last night, and then received a call from the forensics officer. Before hanging up the phone, he took the initiative to inform Daishichiro Mori of the situation.

Sachiko was puzzled.

Henggou Shenwu nodded in agreement, "Yes!"

The eighth murderer is Sister Qianhe?

Chi Feichi decided to push back, looked at Henggou and asked, "Officer Henggou, are there any fingerprints found on the syringe found outside the closet in Mr. Youyi's room?"

"Sister Qianhe herself." Chi Feichi said in a fierce tone because he thought that other people's thoughts were led astray by Maori Daishichiro and too little time was wasted.

"Uncle," Sachiko looked at Mouri Daishichiro and reminded aloud, "Sister Chiga said something very strange to you last night, right? You said that you were a nuisance to the other two people. …”

"Regarding this syringe, you have detected poison ingredients on the outside, which is exactly the same as the poison on the outside of the chocolate bar," Henggou Sanwu said with a serious look, "I did not find any fingerprints under the syringe, but you did it after Sister Qianhe Mr. Yuichi’s fingerprints were detected under the box of chocolate bars under the table, and my fingerprints were not found under the packaging of every chocolate bar, including the two harmless ones.”

Duan Qing also looked at Chi Feichi in surprise.

Although Taiga Principle spoke in a questioning manner, he also showed an attitude of approval.

After hearing what Henggou said, Daishichiro Maori said without thinking, "Then it seems that the possibility of me killing the eight of us is very low!"

After Xiaohe Principle left for a while, he brought Henggou over to understand, and Maori Daichiro and Maori Lan also followed.

I would like to remind Officer Henggou - please put business first!

"So that's it," Sachiko continued in her childish voice, "No wonder the two of us said last night that Sister Chiga was very sensitive and strong and wanted to commit suicide... It was to pretend to commit suicide before killing Sister Chiga, and to let you Please help testify!"

Koshizui Kazuki opened the magazine under the table and asked Hengo Sango, Mouri Daishichiro and others to read the interview content below.

"But why were these eight people poisoned by eight murderers on the same day?" Mao Lilan asked.

"It's wrong," Mouri Daishichiro nodded seriously, and sighed slowly and sadly, "It's a pity that we still succeeded..."

"Yes..." Conan Toda recalled, "Last night at 11:30, you called Mr. Chiga's mobile phone. Did you answer the phone? Half an hour later, it was 17:00. When I called you again, you finally answered. You said you were taking a shower just now and put your phone in the study, so you didn’t hear the phone ringing. "

Hasn’t my oldest friend seen through the truth yet?

Yes... In fact, Brother Chi is very good at reasoning, and it didn't surprise me that he saw the truth before me. But today, my eldest friend actually wanted to reason on his own, which made me a little bit dissatisfied.

Mouri Daishichiro glanced at Conan Toda with trusting eyes.

There were only seven chairs at the round table. Before Conan Toda arrived, Sachiko took the initiative to give up her seat and stood next to Chi Feichi and watched.

"You asked how your writing was going and whether it was going well. Mr. Qianga told you over the phone very unconfidently at that time that it was definitely a masterpiece, and the history of Japanese reasoning will soon be overthrown by you... I feel that you are very unmotivated, which makes you feel depressed for you."

Mouri Daishichiro quickly regained his composure after the others looked at him, and assumed the attitude of a famous detective teacher, "Well, tell him, there must be nothing wrong, and you will help point it out."

"Ahem," Henggou Sengo put his thoughts back to the case, "The cup belongs to Sister Kaido Chiga. That is strange, but the sleeping pills..."

"Because if it is definitely suicide, just drink the poison directly," Henggou Shengwu explained patiently, "Specially put the poison under sleeping pills, under the glass, or even inject it into the chocolate bar. That would be too troublesome. It would be too troublesome to commit suicide. You need to spend such a small amount of money... Oh! By the way, Mr. Mori, the poison the eight of us took was the same type of poison."

The eighth murderer is of course...

"Why should I kill him?" Mao Lilan asked doubtfully.

I admit that I got along very badly with Chi Feichi and others just now, and those people also changed my prejudice against detectives in the future, but this means that I want to mention what happened just now...

"What?" Maori Daishichiro frowned and looked at Henggou Zengo to confirm, "So, it is impossible that the eight of us were poisoned by the same person?"

Being stared at by a group of people in surprise, Duan Qingxing still looked warm and calm, looked at Maori Daichiro and said, "You want the teacher to listen to your reasoning first."

"But, apart from Mr. Yuichi and Sister Shimura, there should be no eighth murderer yet," Ogawa Harimamoru frowned and thought, "Then who is the eighth murderer?"

Conan Toda looked up at the table and said with a look of resignation, "It is said that your husband has been asking for divorce, but Mr. Chiga has very weak self-esteem, so he has always been willing to agree."

"You have no evidence!"

"Then it's very likely that he committed suicide..."

"Oh?" Henggou Shenwu looked at Chi Feichi and others in surprise, and smiled at Xiaohe Principle Shou, "It seems like they got along wrongly just now!"

"Huh?" Henggou Senwu cast a questioning look at Mouri Daishichiro, "The other two people are..."

That's right. Since the explanation is common, it must be that we have overlooked some important information...

"Next, around one o'clock in the morning, Sister Akio Shimura died. There was no poison on the inside of the glass you used to drink tea..."

"Wrong," Henggou nodded solemnly, "The possibility that there are not eight murderers is very low!"

Conan Duan Qing was naturally asking for trouble, so he immediately nodded and agreed to come. He was invited by Xiaohe Principle to sit down at the round table and talk.

After finishing recording under his notebook, Xiaohe stood up and said, "Everyone, please tell Officer Henggou about Mr. Conan first. Please wait for you outside for a moment. Of course, Mr. Conan will also please wait for a moment outside." !”

No fingerprints under every chocolate bar?

Without the content of the interview, and coupled with the testimony provided by Conan Duanqing, it is completely impossible to confirm that the sleeping pill that poisoned Yuichi Kaido and the water cup that killed Akio Shimura belonged to Chiga Kaido. UU reading

After Henggou understood and confirmed the information, Oga Principle Mamoru concluded sternly, "It doesn't mean that there may not be eight murderers, but there is only one target, Kaidou Chiga!"

"Then the evidence of the crime is conclusive," Mouri Daishichiro concluded sternly, "Mr. Yuichi wanted to kill Sister Chiga, but the irony is that Sister Akio Shimura and I both fell into the poison trap set by each other, resulting in eight of us. Everyone is dead!"

"Police department!" Xiaohe said in principle, his face showing no signs of restraint.

"Did you call Miss Chiga last night?" Dahe Norimomo was surprised for a moment, and then looked at Toda Akio seriously and said, "Can you tell me something about your call last night? Details!"

"It doesn't mean that these two people couldn't have killed Kaidou Chiga-san because they couldn't be together," Daishichiro Mouri said with a serious expression and a determined tone, "Two of the eight murderers were not Mr. Yuichi and Shimura-san!"

"Your husband, Mr. Yuichi, and his disciple, Sister Shimura, have no personal relationship," Daishichiro Mouri glanced at Duan Qing Toda with a thoughtful look on his face, "Are you wrong?"

Maori Daichiro looked at Chi Feichi in surprise and confusion.

"So, he talked to Sister Qianga on the phone last night, right?" Xiaohe Norimomo took out his notebook to record the regression, "What time is the specific time?"

"Police department, could it be that the targets of the eight murderers are all Sister Chiga?" Xiaohe Principle said aloud, and glanced at Duan Qingxing on the side, "Just now Mr. Chi said that Mr. Yuichi and Sister Shimura both I took something that belonged to Chiga-san, Mr. Yuichi took sleeping pills, and Shimura-san took a water cup. They were all harmless things..."

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