Although I knew that since the other party said that there should be no room, at least the VIP suite, I couldn't help but feel a little worried.

  Hattori Heiji didn't feel anything.

  Some of these programs or activities will install cameras, bugs and the like.Of course, they are all ordinary ones, and you can't see them when you turn off the lights.The bathroom, bedroom and other rooms will not be safe, besides, he doesn't care if it is installed.

  After Qin Qianyuan saw it, he took the initiative to give Dagang Hongye a camera shield the size of an electronic pen.

  This thing belongs to black technology, not to mention the current market, even in the black market, there are not many for sale, it is bought from abroad.I always bring a few when I go out, but I didn't expect to use it here.

  Of course, the technology of this thing is not perfect, and the shielding range is limited, that is, the range of thirty or forty square meters.After seeing Heiji Hattori, he hurriedly asked for a 19, and Qin Qianyuan was not stingy. He carried a lot of these things with him.

  "By the way, how much did you bring?"

  Hattori Heiji looked at the shield in his hand curiously, and looked at Qin Qianyuan suspiciously.He took out several bags of snacks, and took out his mobile phone. Unexpectedly, he even took out the camera shield. He was really curious about how many things Qin Qianyuan packed.

  "you guess?"

  Qin Qianyuan laughed, bent his fingers, flicked into his cuff, and the handle of a small sword leaked out.

  When Dagang Hongye saw it, it was the handle Qin Qianyuan used to carve before, but he didn't expect to carry it with him, and when he thought of using coins to knock down Huyeyan people, he immediately showed a look of admiration and understanding.

  Then, seeing Qin Qianyuan doing magic, he took out a Swiss Army knife, a folding fan, a metal flute, a grappling hook...a dozen things.

  He was so shocked that Hattori Heiji almost called out, and hurriedly asked Qin Qianyuan to teach him how to hide such a thing when his body did not change.

  This is not a big secret, ordinary magicians and experienced survival masters know it.Just to get some small tricks on clothes or on his body, Qin Qianyuan told Hattori Heiji all about it, and Ooka Hongye's favor was greatly increased.

  "Okay, it's very late today, so please go to bed. Tomorrow morning, we will have breakfast at nine o'clock, lunch at one o'clock, and dinner at eight o'clock. At the end of dinner, we will hold a super reasoning that must be held once a year. Great challenge!"

  "Those who can get full marks in this test can get a first-print collector's edition of Conan Doyle's debut novel "Scarlet Research" that brought Sherlock Holmes to life!"

  Jin Gu Yuzhi fought another wave of chicken blood, and then announced the end.

  The group of people walked upstairs one after another. Toba Yan walked in the front like a rooster, looking very confident, like some maverick and a big man.

  Ooka Hongye gave him a mocking look.

  Qin Qianyuan smiled slightly, found the place where Damu Lingzi was, and walked straight over.

  Ooka Hongye was stunned for a moment, but he didn't care.

  Hattori Heiji showed a curious expression, looked at Ooka Hongye and asked, "Aren't you two together?"

  Ooka Hongye: "..."

  I came to you on purpose, but you always suspected that I had something to do with Qianyuan...


  Ooka Momiji's perfect smile became a little reluctant.

  Hattori Heiji was keenly aware of this.

  Hmm, I'm angry, maybe it's a crush or something.

  Hey, I didn't expect this guy Qianyuan to not see it, hehe, find a chance to laugh at him!

  Hattori Heiji touched his chin, and Wisdom revealed to Ooka Hongye that I understand, yours is something I won't say.

  But he secretly made up his mind that he must find an opportunity to talk to Qin Qianyuan.After a short time together, he still feels very good about Ooka Hongye,

  Ooka Hongye: "..."

  Long night, no internet access.

  Ooka Hongye couldn't move, and he didn't bring anyone else, so he could only find Ayako Oka to send him out of loneliness.

  As for dead or not?

  Just came today, tomorrow night is the theme.It is estimated that the possibility of death should not be large, even if it does die, it is nothing if it is not Ooka red leaves.

  "what happened?"

  Qin Qianyuan came over and saw that both of them had strange expressions, so he couldn't help but ask.

  "Haha, nothing, nothing~"

  Hattori Heiji put his arms around Qin Qianyuan's shoulders, and didn't forget to give Ooka Hongye an expression that I wouldn't tell him.

  Ooka Hongye: "..."

  Qin Qianyuan was confused and didn't bother to ask.

  Almost all the others went upstairs, and Qin Qianyuan said, "Then, let's go!"


  Ooka Momiji nodded and walked to the front. She didn't want to see Hattori Heiji's face for the time being!

  "Haha, where do you live? Why don't we live together at night!"

  Hattori Heiji offered the invitation with a smile, and gave Qin Qianyuan a hard wink.

  This is what?

  "Forget it, I like quiet."

  Although Qin Qianyuan was different, he simply refused.

  What a joke, he is a promising young man with no shortage of money, how could he live with a man.Besides, even if Hattori Heiji has something to tell him, he doesn't think he really cares about those things, let alone having an appointment at night!

  "Hey, Qianyuan..."

  Looking at Qin Qianyuan who was speeding up his pace, Hattori Heiji stretched out his hand and made a crape myrtle don't go.

  "I'm busy, good night!"

  Qin Qianyuan waved his hand and hurried up to the third floor.

  "Mr. Hattori, your room..."


  Hattori Heiji looked at Jinya Yuyuki, and then at Qin Qianyuan and Ooka Hongye who were upstairs, and sighed involuntarily.

  I really don't know good people. Don't blame me when Ooka Hongye is angry tomorrow!

  (Thank you very much for your continuous support from samsega. Thank you for the 100vip reward from waitingx. I hope you will support everything. I need everything and ask for everything. I am eager to write a comment, and you can also put forward any suggestions and plots you want to watch.”).

Chapter 288

  "Qianyuan, Qianyuan, get up and eat!"

  Hexi's sunlight shone on the thin quilt through the window on the third floor, Qin Qianyuan rubbed his eyes and woke up.

  "Okay, stop arguing!"

  Qin Qianyuan said angrily.

  Last night, it was not easy, and Ayako was in good shape. It was inevitable that she was a little too excited to play, and she was busy until the middle of the night.

  "Who's so noisy~"

  Damu Lingzi turned over and didn't think she opened her eyes. Seeing Qin Qianyuan next to her, she was stunned for a while, her head blank for a while.

  what happened?

  "Look at what I'm doing, get up quickly."

  Qin Qianyuan stretched and took the clothes next to him: "I will do what I promised you, and I don't care what happens to you in the future, but I would like to remind you that your boyfriend should leave early."

  Ayako Ogi blushed for a while, and the events of yesterday flooded into her mind.

  It's just an ordinary woman, and there are not many people who have come into contact with those levels. If you want to get her, you don't even need a magic spell. Just enter some color gamut and agree to a few seemingly generous conditions. Simple!

  As for the trouble or dissatisfaction after the incident...

  Ayako Ogi is a smart woman, I believe she will not do it.Besides, even if she does, it's actually nothing. Anyway, she came to his room on her own initiative, and it will only be her who suffers when the trouble gets bigger. Besides, smart and flamboyant people will always think too much.

  After Qin Qianyuan took a simple shower, he opened the door and walked outside the room. Hattori Heiji and Conan were at the door.

  "Don't be so noisy in the early morning, right?"


  Do you have any illusions about the morning?

  Hattori Heiji and Conan are speechless, it's already nine o'clock, right?

  "Where's the red leaves? Are you going down too?"

  Qin Qianyuan closed the door and asked casually.

  "Go down early, it's almost time for dinner!"

  Hattori Heiji rolled his eyes, with a look on his face that you still know the appearance of red leaves in Ooka.


  Qin Qianyuan glanced at Hattori Heiji in surprise.

  It's not uncommon for Ooka Hongye to rise earlier than him, but her character can eat the ordinary food here?


  Ooka Hongye is drinking coffee elegantly, and there is a small dining car next to it.On the table were exquisite dishes that were completely different from the other tables, and the maids were constantly bringing them down from the dining car.

  Everyone around was surprised and curious.

  "What do I say!"

  Qin Qianyuan just smiled. After going downstairs, he walked towards Dagang Hongye, and asked familiarly, "Do you have my share?"

  There is delicious food, but he doesn't have the habit of eating ordinary.

  What's more, there are three tableware on the table!

  "of course."

  Ooka Hongye smiled slightly, put down the coffee, and gestured for a seat.

  Originally, Qin Qianyuan was regarded as a friend, not to mention that he was brought with him this time.

  "Then, thanks~"

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