Chapter 383

The frontier confrontation finally ushered in the turn.

Among the All -Big Soldiers, Hou, who is considered to be similar to the coach Wu Anjun, was captured by Yun Kingdom.

The 300,000 cavalry fled back to 80,000 to the public, and had lost the heart of fighting.

On the battlefield, there is a brave cavalry team and an outstanding cavalry general.

Although they still have nearly one million pace, and there is the risk that is easy to defend and the difficulty.

But the mobility of the Yun Kingdom cavalry is not comparable to the four -nation alliance at all.

Zhuge Liang, a Yun Guo military division, did not surprise the His Majesty Cavalry, stepped into the Ming State Mountain River, burning the trend of Laguhara to conquer the country’s land.

The city is constantly falling, and the garrison is constantly surrendering.

There was no way to fight this war. Before shocking, Zhuge Liang only set up 600,000 steps to confront the four countries, but the cavalry of his Majesty had already broken the mountains and rivers of the Ming Dynasty.

Wu Anjun is now difficult to settle, and the defects of arms, even if he is the most outstanding military commander today, it is difficult to make corresponding countermeasures.

Leading for thousands of miles?

When they arrived at the place, there was a long time of the country.

This is the most commonly used combat method of the champion Hou. I did not expect to be transparent by Zhuge Liang.

This person is definitely a demon!

At present, the Ming Kingdom is no longer able to stick to it. Once the Yun Kingdom’s 600,000 iron riders conquer all the land in the Ming Dynasty, there is no need for the shock to leave.

At that time, once the Yun Kingdom surrounded the seal, Wu Anjun and all the soldiers of the other Three Kingdoms were only one dead end.

But if you do not stick to it, once the Ming Kingdom is swallowed, the remaining Three Kingdoms will be eaten one by one.

All the soldiers of the four kingdoms can’t beat the Yun Kingdom, and do you want to wait for the room to rotate in the future?

This is absolutely impossible, and Wu’an Hou’s heart has been known.

The best strategy at the moment is to retreat. Although it is easy to defend and attack, it is based on the back of the friendly army, and the supply must not be cut off.

And now the cavalry of the Yun State has conquered the land of most of the Ming Dynasty!

By then there are enemy forces, they will be defeated!


Wu’an Hou issued this order for the first time, so that the Ming Dynasty left enough soldiers, maybe there is still room for virginity!

Yun Kingdom is not indestructible. Once they annexate the Ming Dynasty, the territory is large, I am afraid it is difficult to do it for a while.

This gives them the best opportunities for breathing!

Leaving Aoyama is not worried about the firewood, and the failure may be a precursor to victory!

“Er and other unrighteous generations have abandoned our Ming Kingdom. Now my Ming Kingdom is bleeding, how can you bear it!”

The general of the Ming Dynasty, tears flowing, pointed at Wu Anjun’s nose and scolded.

Today, the land of the Ming Dynasty is falling inch. As the other three countries of the Allies, it has reached an agreement and agreed to retire.

Isn’t this equivalent to given the Ming Kingdom directly?

The emperor is still waiting for the victory in the Forbidden City, but it is the country’s death.

The general knew that once the news passed to their emperor’s ears, the emperor with always his eyes was always hanging directly in the palace.

“Don’t blame the general. The current battle is not that I can control it. In order to protect the remaining power, I can only choose this method!

Of course, although the Ming Dynasty was annexed for a while, it was not afraid of no firewood!

I can make a promise to my Qin Kingdom and let the Emperor Ming of the Ming Dynasty stay in my Daqin. When you wait for the victory to recover the lost land in the future, you will be still clear with you! ”

Wu Anjun helplessly arched his hand, and the defeat of the Han Dynasty champion Hou changed the entire battle.

The annihilation of 300,000 cavalry also disintegrated them.

The army retreated today, leaving only the empty shock.

Zhuge Liang stood on the wall of the shocking out of the city. Looking at the army that was connected to the world in the distance and the world, his face was not sad or happy, and he couldn’t see his expression at all.

“Military division, you seem to be a little unhappy.”

Wusong stood beside Zhuge Liang. Since he remembered his previous life, the whole person became a lot of silence.

Chatting with Zhuge Liang is his only hobby now.

Zhuge Liang smiled indifferently: “It is not unhappy, but the army who can Ji Fourth Kingdoms. I did not expect that the Wu Anjun’s retreat was so timely! It was a bit disappointed, but I had to admire the decision of Wu Anjun!”

After speaking, Zhuge Liang showed a rare smile.

“But withdrawal is not as good as the battle of the battlefield. After the withdrawal, it is even more terrible to wait for his flesh and blood on the sand field!”


Wu Song’s eyes narrowed, and then leaned his lips: “If the Emperor Qin Kingdom, even this kind of thing must be careless, the death of the Qin Kingdom is just a matter of time!”

Hearing the words, Zhuge Liang smiled.

“For the unification of the world, I am such a upright person in Zhuge Liang, shouldn’t you get a bad idea?

It goes on, since the Four Kingdoms soldiers have retreated, the remaining Ming defenders are like the lamb to be slaughtered!

Tell Istorland that within ten days, the mountains and rivers of the Ming Dynasty must be destroyed. ”

After hearing Zhuge Liang’s order, several commanders, “喏”, ran away quickly.

At the same time, Qin Guo Xianyang, within the main hall of the DPRK.

Jiang Li, wearing a black crown in black, holds a thick memorial with his hand, standing respectfully on the hall.

“Jiang Aiqing, you have been lurking for a long time. Is it really as the world said that the Emperor Yun Kingdom was the reincarnation of the emperor?”

Emperor Qin, sitting firmly above the throne, looked at him with a hint of doubt on his face.

Human emperor!

It was the masters of the human race. In their thousands of years of history, only the first emperor could be comparable to it!

When Jiang Li heard the emperor’s question, he quickly made a stingy: “Do not listen to the rumors. When the emperor Yun Kingdom was married, the minister once mixed in the crowd and watched it from a distance.

The Emperor Yun Kingdom is just an ordinary person. As for who emperor, it is just a folk rumor.

The most threatened among the Yun Kingdom is their right -hand Prime Minister Zhuge Liang, which is the military division of Yun Guojun.

Moreover, the minister got a very shocking news during the lurking of the Yun State!

It is because of this news that Wei Chen was afraid of delaying the overall situation of Qin. ”


After the Emperor Qin heard Jiang Li’s words, the Emperor Qin stunned slightly.

Today, the soldiers of the four kingdoms are confronted on the frontiers of the Ming Dynasty. As long as no one touchs the mold, confrontation will continue.

In this regard, Emperor Qin was not worried. After all, Wu Anjun was Qin Guozhu. After a war, his life was even more defeated.

Of course, the news of the defeat of the four nations at this moment has not been returned to the Qin Kingdom.

“Your Majesty, you don’t know!”

Jiang Li’s eyes turned, his face was disappointed.

(This chapter is finished)

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