Chapter 351

Hanging the stars on the moon, the earth is full of red.

The 500,000 iron ride is like a huge wave, and he can’t see the border at a glance.

The soldiers who closed the tiger prison could never forget this day.

Three miles of the city walls, the military array opened, and strictly guarded the death.

In the distance, there was the fierce iron riding. The horseshoe seemed to step on the entire land, shouting the killing sound like the evil spirits, rolling the residual limbs, and blood splattered.

The general Qin Guo was blindfolded and his face was very pale. Although Qin Guo’s step was brave, in this place of Ma Pingchuan, he wanted to stop the impact of the 500,000 cavalry, which was simply a dream.

“Withdraw troops, withdraw the troops at the fastest speed!”

Mongolian’s quickly issued orders, although he was deeply siege at this time, he still hoped that Qin Guo’s footmaking could escape some!

“General Mongolia, Mo must withdraw the troops, as long as you can defeat the tiger’s jurisdiction to the Zhuge Liang’s army and release the cavalry in the tiger prison, we may still win!”

Yuan Tianzhang’s fists were tightly fists, and the smoke swept across, blowing his bucket, revealing his seepage face.

He was unwilling, and his anger appeared in front of Mongolian.

Meng He sighed and said, “Yuan Guo, the general trend has gone, Yun Guo is far stronger than you and I think. If His Majesty Tang Emperor can hand in your hands in your hands, it may not be so miserable!

But now there is no room for recovery. I shouldn’t have a trip to muddy water! ”

Looking at Yuan Tianzhang’s face, he was in a ritual, and he admired Yuan Tianzhang’s spirit of bowing for the Tang Dynasty, but after all, he was General Qin, and everything had to be considered for the interests of Qin Kingdom!

“Yuan Guo, it’s going to be withdrawn, how much you take care of!”

After Meng He finished speaking, he hugged his fist, and turned the horse’s head quickly with the collapsed Qin Army, and quickly broke through the road when he came.

The military power of Yun Guo this time allowed the generals of Mongolia to have no mentality. If this time it was not a pace led by Menghe, but the soldiers and horses led by Qin Guo Wu, maybe war.

But now the pace is in front of the cavalry, and it is tantamount to sending death, that is, a living target for being killed.

The shouting and killing sounds are getting closer, and the moonlight is getting brighter and brighter. It is like a layer of light gauze covered with the ground gently, but a layer of red mud water begins to flow above the earth.

Qin Jun has completely abandoned the battle, turning the direction, and followed by Menghe. The 600,000 Qin Army when he came, only 400,000 left, and only less than thirty who had been going out of the dead and broke out. Thousands of people!

This battle was not miserable. It was just a night that Qin Guo soldiers were damaged for more than half, and the prestigious appearance was completely gone.

With the gradual reduction of the surrounding circle, the 200,000 Tang soldiers brought out by Yuan Tianzhang were less than 20,000 people, and they were surrounded by a circle to surround Yuan Tianzheng in the middle.

“Master Yuan Guo, my family said, I would like to invite you to the account!”

Wu Song held two giant axes, sitting on the horse, shouting at Yuan Tianzhang in the circle.

He was still dripping blood on his body. The few rounds of rushing, Wu Song was indeed a general of Yun Guo’s forward. He moved forward. In the first round, Qin Tang’s combined soldiers were rushed out of a bloody road.

“The generals of the defeat, Her Majesty’s remembers, how to send it out, the handsome obedience is, please let these soldiers go!

They are all good men of Datang! ”

On this night, Yuan Tianzhang seemed to be much older, her hair was white, and her face was still her face.

Under the tiger prison, Su Yun was sitting on Zhuge Liang’s chariot, frowned and asked Zhuge Liang: “Yuan Tianzhang is a talented talent. Yun Kingdom needs such people. ? ”

Zhuge Liang shook his head slightly: “After hearing the loyalty of Yuan Guo’s master, it is almost impossible for Datang to make him return to the cloud. It is a pity that it is a pity!”

Yuan Tianzhang’s black clothes were stained with blood and fought overnight with the master of Yunmeng.

At this moment, he was in his hand with a disconnected spear of the unknown Tang general, his look was dismissal, but his eyes were determined.

Wu Song drove forward, his eyes rose coldly.

Since I can’t play for my Yun Kingdom, it is the enemy of the Yun Kingdom!

He joined the army for so long, and it wasn’t until a few days ago that His Majesty’s “evil comes” to wake up his essential character!

Since it is an enemy, there is no reason to kill.

He once didn’t know how much he had slaughtered and didn’t care about this state teacher.

Tang Guo’s residue soldiers held the weapons tightly in his hands, watching the person gradually walk in, and everyone’s face revealed fear and unwillingness.

The general of Yun Guo fell like a evil god last night, and two giant axes in his hands kept harvesting Tang Bing’s life.

Within a hundred feet in front of you, there was no complete body.

On the battlefield, only he could bring the enemy’s unparalleled oppression.

The circles of 20,000 people broke up for a moment, and no one dared to stop his footsteps.

“Wu Song, wait a minute.”

In the distance, Su Yun came slowly and shouted softly at Wu Yin.

After hearing the words, Wu Song was a little puzzled, but he stopped immediately.

Yuan Tianzhang looked at the familiar figure, and smiled helplessly: “His Majesty the Emperor Yunhuang, Xinghua Town, I did not expect to be in this situation when you see you.”


Su Yun tightened his tights, and Zhuge Liang followed tightly.

“As the Emperor Yun Kingdom, I appreciate it. As far as the country, I don’t want to kill you, but today some personal grievances may need you to knot it privately!”

After Su Yun said, a beautiful figure behind him slowly walked out.

She was wearing a plain, her eyes were bland and cold.

After Yuan Tianzhang saw the figure, the whole person smiled slightly, and then smiled bitterly: “I didn’t expect everything to be you!”

It was Wu Mei Niang. At the beginning, Tang Huang had just entered the throne. Because of the rumors of the people, he ordered Yuan Tianzhang to kill the Wu family.

It can be said that the Wu family was completely destroyed, and Yuan Tianzhang was the sharp ax in the hand of the sister -in -law.

“It’s also life. I will die today, but there is one thing that is unknown. Jin Yuanguo has been fighting the Ming Dynasty. Why can I still send 100,000 wolves to help?

Wu Sangui is the old man of Manchu and Qing. Why does not leave you to help you? ”

Yuan Tianzhang looked at Su Yun quietly and wanted to know a answer.

When Su Yun heard his words, he smiled slightly: “The matter is simple and the position is different. What you want is just to expand the territory, and what I want is the whole world. Now the Tang Dynasty soldiers are defeated. Naturally, there is no need to hide it!

The territory of the three thousand miles of Manchu has been owned by the Yun Kingdom, and Nanchu is in my planning.

Wu Sangui knows that he will help me, and in the future, he must be a high position, as for the Wolf Cavalry.

Haha, this is from the face and cannot explain it to you. ”

(This chapter is finished)

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