Chapter 270

Song State, outside the city of Liangliang.

The first four major arrests, the current marshal Qinglong of the Song Dynasty soldiers, gathered 80,000 soldiers outside the city of Liangliang, and the sword refers to the palace.

On the left phase, Cai Jing, Qin Yue, the right, and the two courtiers with Hanlin kneeling outside the palace door, forcing the emperor to make the throne.

The books were hung at the door of the palace, and the palace was boiling. Countless eunuch palaces wanted to escape from the palace, but they were intercepted by the guards in the palace.

Inside the palace, a young emperor wearing a golden crown and a simple dressed, holding a brush with a light hand, completing a painting he thought he was very good.

He nodded with satisfaction, listening to the noise outside, and frowned.

The Great Songjiang Mountain has been inherited for hundreds of years, but I did not expect that it had come to an end at this moment.

He acknowledged that he was not a good emperor. The domestic bandits were suffering from four.

But he has tried his best. Although he has not done the best, it is really not his strength to be an emperor.

But there was no way to be born in the emperor’s house.

There are many capable ministers and many traitors in the DPRK.

Thinking about Qin Yue Cai Jing, and the dead Tong Guan, although he was corrupt and accepted bribes on weekdays, and murdered different ministers from their political opinions, he opened his eyes and closed his eyes.

It wasn’t that he didn’t see it, nor was he determined to deal with these people.

But although these people are treacherous, they have their own way to deal with state affairs.

But he never expected that when he was in the dynasty yesterday, the two ministers he was most trustworthy on weekdays even took the lead in impeaching him.

What the country is chaotic and the people are not talking about life. They are all incompetence of the emperor and cannot benefit from the people. Now let him meditate!


Just the country, he didn’t think so much at all, but was disappointed with the two most believed ministers on weekdays.

The young emperor slowly walked out of the palace, a tall man behind him.

“Wu Song, presumably you sent them to me, right?”

The emperor looked back at the tall guard and asked.

Wu Song took off his helmet and touched his light and bright head and laughed: “Your Majesty, you guess it, but there is no maliciousness, Xiaowu just said that letting you look at you, after you let you give up the position, after you let you let your position, after you let the position, 伱 伱 free, do what you want to do if you want to change your name. ”

“That girl really says that?”

The young emperor froze for a moment, doing what he liked seemed to be really good.

Born in the royal family, there is no chance of fate to decide, but now the opportunity is here, and the young emperor chose to catch him.

Carelessly, do something you like, not self -prison in the cage of the palace.

“I promised, to inform her, I immediately gave up, and told the world!”

After hearing the emperor’s words, Wu Song stunned.

Although the layout has been for many days, Wu Song naturally believes that the Great Song Dynasty will inevitably change the dynasty, but I did not expect to be so fast!

“Chen, Leading!”

Wu Song trotted and ran towards the outside of the palace.

Outside the palace, Lao Xing wore two knives and wore a yellow robe in Wu Mei Niang behind him. The white tiger Suzaku Xuanwu stood on the left and right, and was about to walk inside the palace.

“Agree! He said to give up immediately, and he would tell the world.”

Wu Song ran a few steps and came to Lao Xing and said.


Lao Xing nodded. This was unwilling to disagree. The military power was holding. Almost 90 % of the ministers in the North Korea had already done it.

As for those two phases, it is still useful now. After Wu Mei Niang ascended the throne, it would be too late.

80,000 soldiers gathered outside the city, not forced to force the palace, but to clear the country after Wu Mei Niang ascended the throne!

In the 448th year of the Song Dynasty, in mid -August, the Emperor Song of the Song Dynasty told the world and had issued sins. It was said that since he ascended the throne, he was ashamed of the people of the world and let the martial arts.

Before the palace hall, Wu Mei Niang wore a yellow robe, wearing a golden crown, and stepped on the tall step by step.

On the same day, the Great Song Kingdom was overthrown.

The former four major names were arrested. Now the Song of the Song Dynasty soldiers, the Marshal of the Great Marshal, was registered as the Duke, led 80,000 soldiers, and set off to destroy the bandits in the south three days later.

Feng Xingtian is a national division, and he is temporarily in the middle of the country.

The former four names catch the white tiger and sit in Kaifeng Mansion!

The news of the new emperor’s ascension will soon spread throughout the world. The former Song Dynasty was now the Xinghua Town of Yun State. At this moment, the government posted a lot of news.

Everyone was onlookers.

As the town people in Xinghua Town, they couldn’t believe that Lao Xing, who originally worked in the government, suddenly turned into a national teacher.

This made Lao Xing’s little widow who was seduced on weekdays, and suddenly I felt that Lao Xing was high.

In the past, in order to see Lao Xing’s side, he also lied to say that his family had lost his things. Even if he lost it, Lao Xing probably wouldn’t look at it.

The status is too fast, but everyone is very happy. After all, they are familiar with Lao Xing and know that they are a trustworthy person.

Whoever is an emperor does not care, after all, the original emperor was not good. If they changed the dynasty, they did not care, that is, when they went to other countries in the future, they always felt a little around when they were Yunni people.

Wu Zhi was happy today. The list posted in the government was clearly written on the list. Wu Song, Xinghua Town, now has become a Vonentian.

Although Wu Zhi didn’t know what the Viscount meant, it sounded very imposing anyway.

He didn’t work happily for a day, made a lot of cakes, and sent it to the people in Xinghua Town, saying what he was happy.

Let Shang Guan San Niang ridicule, Su Yun also looked down on his face, a villain, but he couldn’t say anything.

His apprentice changed his national name to Yun, which made Su Yun very useful, but he doubted that the apprentice would have to be an emperor in the future!

This is not possible. How can the emperor be free in the inn!

Now that Song Guo is finished, it is estimated that Lao Xing can come back some time. After all, the woman in the ice coffin has been putting at home. It is not a matter.

Su Yun is quite happy today. His apprentice is the emperor. This is a thing worthy of happiness.

In the future, like Baixiao Pavilion, then provoking himself, then Su Yun went to the army of the Yun Kingdom and took them to Ma Tabes once, and it felt like it was cool!

However, Su Yun hasn’t thought about this now. The matter of Baixiao Pavilion has not been finished. According to Shi Guanyin, there is a powerful old Pavilion.

Although Su Yun is not very scared now, it is always right to prevent some of them. For example, Su Yun is currently engaged in elixir and is going to kidnap Di Shitian to draw a phoenix.

(This chapter is finished)

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