"After chanting the magic incantation twice, did you use the second magic at the bottom of the box at the beginning!?"

  Even at a distance, everyone's hair was blown, and the flying sand even forced them to raise their arms to block in front of them.

  "Good guy, Loki is really lucky to have such a child! It's really enviable."

  Hermes looked at the figure of Floen confronting the monster, and his eyes gradually brightened, no... or he was happy.

  "See, Artemis! Why sacrifice yourself to save the lower world? The hero you want is here to complete your redemption? No...all wrong!"

  "Having the power to break through all difficulties and obstacles and enemies is the real hero!"

  "What conspiracy and tricks, in front of this power, hahahaha... ridiculous!"


  It was too late to speak, and Frohn's body creaked under the influence of the maximum output magic.

  All the muscles and bones were oppressed by the powerful magic.

  As Flonn grew up, his magic became stronger and stronger invisibly.

  No, it should be said that because of Fron's weakness, his magic can only exert such power.

  In the same way, as he becomes stronger and stronger, the [Surter] that comes from his personal possibility is gradually liberating his own power until he traces the origin and becomes a complete form.

  Frohn frowned slightly, and subconsciously clenched the stick gun in his hand.

  "Magic is strong, but... it's too strong."

  "However, before the body collapses, it is enough to solve the opponent!"

  Towards, Frohn's teasing and fighting eyes intertwined in the depths of his pupils, staring at Andaris who roared "weyyyyyyyyyyy".

  ——With a click, one foot smashed the floor, and the flame thunder cannon exploded instantly!

  In the eyes of everyone, the black and red flash of Floen moved to the sky above Andaris in the blink of an eye!

  Holding the cane and spear in both hands, a ring of magic circles and pitch-black flame thunder were instantly wrapped around, and by directly hitting the huge one-eyed in the middle of the enemy!


  There is no suspense at all, the absolute attribute suppression plus the innate crushing of rationality and wisdom, Andaris was easily hanged by Floen like a stake.

  With ease, Andaris, who was caught off guard, was abolished by Frohn's only visual sense!


  The pain caused his body to twitch, swaying wildly and attacking indiscriminately, and even the pipes connecting his body were broken.


  Andaris's riot made the whole big hole vibrate, and the huge size makes the whole body have a huge natural destructive power!

  However, under the extreme dexterity and agility of Floen, and the use of large-scale tactics, its cumbersome body has become a burden to drag itself down, and it can only be hanged by Floen unilaterally.

  Everyone looked down at the battlefield below, and saw that Floen blurred his own figure, with dark flame thunder and tyrannical thunder, superimposed with high-speed phantoms and dexterous turns, allowing him to perform alone The killing map composed of countless lines is shocking.

  "Ding ding ding ding..."

  The storm's attack hit Andaris' armor that was comparable to the highest-grade fine metal, and the wand spear sent out intense sparks.


  Thorn, sweep, point, pick, Floen used his powerful skills to keep wandering in all directions, constantly testing the weak points of the opponent's armor, intending to find an opportunity to make a killing blow.


  The enemy's unpredictable tossing and turning and unexpected tactics made Andaris angry (incompetent fury), and it frantically waved its double pliers and tail, attacking its surroundings indiscriminately, and wanted to use this method to persecute Frohn's. Take a position.

  But it miscalculated again!

  In the face of the monster's counterattack, Floen's figure flashed, he retreated to 10 meters away, played a spear, and sighed.

  After that, he looked up at the enemy's bleeding one eye with contempt and disdain, and sneered:

  "Isn't it just driven by primitive desires? There is even a fighting instinct. In this case, in order not to waste time, let's send you to heaven as soon as possible."

  After that, the more violent flame thunder rose up from Floen's feet. Not only that, but the flame thunder began to permeate and spread on the surface, completely wrapping Floen's whole body in it.

  As he exerted the greatest power of magic, the brilliance above the "Learner Algorn" became more restrained and profound.


Chapter 241

  Before the words fell, Floen had already lost his presence.

  "... That wasn't his full strength just now? Actually, he can actually become stronger!?"

  Goddess Artemis's brain is not enough, she came to the lower realm and has a long family to be restrained, but she has never heard that there is such a powerful, no... an adventurer who surpasses herself!

  Her divine sense clearly told her that the level of Fron Algorn was lv.5, but... the combat power he has raised to the present has surpassed this level at all!

  "Artemis, how did you think the title of invincible at the same level came from? Is it only invincible in lv.5? No, even if Floen is in lv.6, with his full combat power, he is still invincible. Can - get a seat."

  Hermes said that on the surface, but... he still had a word to say.

  That is: Even in lv.6, the current [Nightweaver] Frohn Algon is the top existence!


  Time passed quickly in tension.

  As Frohn's advantage became more and more obvious, the outcome of this battle had gradually become clear.

  "Ding ding ding..."

  On the battlefield, the wand gun Floren wielded, the sharp point of the spear enchanted by the speciality of magic could easily pierce the enemy's seemingly thick armor with every attack and blow.

  A blow is heavier than a blow, a blow is faster than a blow, Frohn's attack is like a monstrous wave, constantly increasing the pressure.

  The continuous attack was like a storm, and a passionate and surging symphony was played in this big hole. The dancing posture and the roar of the monster formed an epic picture, which kept impacting the minds of everyone!

  Artemis, who was seeing such a special adventurer for the first time, gradually became addicted to the charming performance of this supreme palace.

  The 'Learn' Algonne, who was flashing a restrained purple streamer, was waved out by Frohn, and his blurry figure was flickering like a shooting star.

  And the monster that kept roaring in pain completely became the backdrop for Frohn.

  Feeling the enemy's increasingly rigid body, Floen narrowed his eyes in the high-speed battle, and the blue aperture shone invisibly.

  "Is it the limit?"

  "Pfft" - another stab, the sharp point of the spear penetrated the closed gap of the armor, causing huge damage to Andaris in an instant!

  Against monsters, especially when the opponent is a giant species, Frohn doesn't need to think about accuracy and hits at all. What he needs to do is to drive the attack into the opponent's body, look for the gaps closed by the armor, and then cause damage to the opponent. Lots of damage.

  like this!

  The huge body has become a burden at this moment.

  The super high attribute advantage makes Floen feel as relaxed as an adult beating a child.

  The figure quickly blurred, and the enemy's counterattack could not touch his corner at all.

  Continuing to deliver devastating attacks around the lower plate, Andaris was overturned to the ground very soon!


  Agility and dexterity entered the blind spot of the opponent's realm, and Flonn took the opportunity to make a counter-charge, avoiding the giant pincers and tail sweeping swung by the enemy, and then his right arm was injected with terrifying power.

  ——The next moment, his figure flickered from left to right, and the black light that caught his eye cut off Andaris' pair of giant pincers without any suspense, directly causing him to lose his ability to counterattack.


  The weapon was disarmed, and Andaris was even more mad!


  With a flick of the stick and spear, Floen opened the distance from the enemy and stood on the boulder, his golden hair scattered and his cloak screeching.

  Standing directly in front of Andaris, his expression remained unchanged and his eyes were calm.

  With the strength at this time, an opponent like Andaris couldn't make any waves in his heart at all, and some were just ruthless crushing.


  "Boom boom boom-"

  The magical flames and flames from the inside out quickly rose up on the surface of Floen's body, and in an instant they expanded to three steps outside the body, forming a pitch-black field.

  If you observe carefully, you will notice... in the flame thunder formed with Floen at the center, a dark energy is brewing.

  Obscure and chaotic, they were constantly compressed, constricted, condensed, and transformed out by the jet-black flame thunder, which was amplified into the 『Learner Algorn』.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????

  "The magical nature of [Surter] has finally revealed the tip of the iceberg after I reached lv.5!"

  Feeling the power that made him unfamiliar, Frohn raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and then... he used his powerful mental power to subtly manipulate the flow of magic, pouring it all into the weapon.

  The changes in the battlefield, the confrontation between one person and one monster, the abnormality of Floen and the screams of the monsters, were all watched by everyone watching the battle.

  The blond youth who ruthlessly crushed the ancient monster Andaris, everyone's face is very different.

  There was no turbulence in Liu Kong's eyes.In her opinion, a man recognized by her should be so powerful.

  Asfi has made a cute and pouting image that is in great contrast to its heroic image, and has a sense of people's collapse.

...... 0

  It is different from the two girls who know the bottom line and have a close relationship.

  Even if Hermes raised his opinion of Floen again and again, what the other party showed at this time ruthlessly broke his inherent cognition again and again, causing his mind to be in chaos, all kinds of things. Plans are mixed together, completely confused.

  In the end, it was Artemis who had a strange change in attitude.

  The expression of the goddess is completely the expression of admiration, that is the attitude that a girl shows when she longs for a hero, she-maybe she has found her hero, and found the love called [Orion].

  Perhaps this sudden emotional transformation makes the man incomprehensible.

  But, which girl doesn't want to find her own hero?In this regard, the goddess in charge of pure authority is no exception!


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