Comprehensive Man: Become the owner of the group from today

Complex: From today, the group owner is 346

Only by winning the ice emperor, I have qualified to advance the country, I have the opportunity to sprint the champion of the national contest!

Handcuffs: "I have already given a price for the mistake, so please you!"

It is said that he is deeply screaming, and it is also humble, bent down his body.


It is necessary to create a team, so that it is stood out in more than 5,000 middle schools throughout the island country, what conditions do you need to win the country?

The answer is the heritage.

With a strong community, attracting talents with no 990, after several years, or even more than ten years, finally have a year, the player is all the monster level, the lineup reaches unprecedented, they can step The body of countless seniors, waving the championship banner.

This situation is particularly versatile this year.

In addition to the Qing Dynasty, the East of the East, the four days of Osaka, Okinawa's Bimi .... And two consecutive years agolished 8 monsters.

This year's middle school network, as if it is a new era, countless good hands stand out this year, even for many years, the rookie who can't break through the regional contest, it is broken into the general meeting, and Give the Ice Emperor Second Tier.

The Emperor's Academy after the resurrection of the defeat, sent all the first lines.

Their lineup can be said that the direct security to the national competition is not too.

Also is the school of Dongdu, Ice Di and Qingxue have always been handed over, but it is always easy to learn, as for the reason .... or the problem.

Attracting talent is a phenomenon of rolling snowballs, the better the team's results, the more people come over, and the results will be better.

vice versa.

Therefore, in addition to the oranges of the immutous peaks, almost no one will think, join a team that has nothing, starting from 0.

Because from 0-1, it is difficult.

But from 3-5, from 5-8, from 8-10, it will be much easier. .

Chapter 204 of the wicked lineup [2 more]

Dongdu Forest Park, the 52nd Middle School Tennis Conference.

Today is the first day of the Kantong Conference, many viewers have already come in advance, stand well.

The level of the Kuandong Competition is not a level.

Basically, the winners of the two contests of Kansai, are the final competition for the team.

Today, this game is more eye-catching, Qingxue and Ice Emperor have the strongest lineup in history, and the captain of both sides is, even the coach of countless colleges and university, and even the coaches of the professional network.

This match, they will color a few good seedlings, the end of the game, immediately issue olive branches!

At 10:30 in the morning, a group of middle school students in sportswear in gray appearance appeared in the newspaper.

The people of the Ice Tennis appeared, and immediately caused the audience to exclaim.

"Take a quick look! It's an ice!"

"Good momentum!"

"Is this the first line of the ice emperor! It feels good!"

"Is the person who took the lead

"The emperor is temperament, the show is no longer!"

The personal charm of the distant uncle is unfoubted, the light is a fan group to get around the entire stadium, and there is even a special cheerleader to come over.

It can be said without exaggeration, all players of the Ice Di, including the selection, the fans of the trace!

"Do you have a group of guys?"

In the first game, Ice emperor was in place.

Two-thirds of the entire auditorium were filled with the tennis team of Ice Di.

The cheerleader took off the jacket, exposed the bikini and white bunxies, and the vocal group knocked the drum, playing the song, the momentum is very vast!

The light from the cheerleading configuration, you have lost it.

"Do you want to abstain it? It's still 20 minutes to start the game. Are they still reported?"

"This is really regrettable, I still want to teach them!"

"Yes, let younnly see the power of our ice!"

"All relax, you are not a fight against the opponent, only one opponent we have to be guarded, that is, the establishment of the sea!"

Although it is full, Ice emperor is still very respectful.

At 10:40, double-playing No. 2 - tolerance and to the Japanese, take off the coat, and let go.

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