Comprehensive Man: Become the owner of the group from today

Complex: From today, the group owner's group 296


Chu Tian was thinking about it. Xiaoyuan's big personality plus the IQ who didn't have high, and I didn't accept the group. So he first took him first, People, wait for the game!

Chutian Qingqing scorpion: "Don't happiness! There is still 3! Let's have the second person! Yue, the dragon horse debut!"

Integrate the world, East, Youth Academy, Qingxue Tennis Department.

"B word smoking!!!"

A quick golden light flashed, the short-awaited momentum made a trick of my skateboard, and took the short ball of Taocheng Wudang Shi!

"It's so powerful! It is a B word!"

"The appearance! The foot is intercepted!"

The three groups of the tail, winning, and the Shengxiong soy sauce also sent their excitement!

The dragon horse exclusive laughter around the soy sauce triple: Xiao Putian Pengxiang, Dragoni Sakura, but also full of spring, excited!

"Longma Longma! Come on Long Ma!"

"Peng, Pengxiang ... this will hinder other students ..."

"What is the relationship! My Longma is the best! Come on the dragon horse! Come on the dragon horse!"

At the Tao pilot, I looked at the tennis on the game, and I kneel my wrist. "If you are, the more you have, I have made 5% strength ....."

The more the more the pressure is pressed, the pupil is flashed, and the corner of the mouth has evoke the curvature of the winner: "Take out the ten-strength gorgeous A Pembao!"

"Ha! Before, this is you forced me!"


"It's far away ....."

It's still far away, I haven't finished, the dragon horse suddenly, and the brain immediately loaded a large number of chat group knowledge.

"Then I want to get on!"

"Wait a pealglass!"


Nothing, the dragon horse reacted, the high-speed tennis has fallen in their own.

"What's wrong? Is it scared by my bullet?"

Apes of Tao pilot brought the racket on his hand and exposed a proud expression.

"No! A Tao President! I seem to be selected!"

"What? Are you selected? What is you talking about stupid? Is it a bad stomach?"

Longma did not speak, put away the steps, holding a mentality of trying, open the screen.

"Is it really a chat group?"

The face of the dragon horse is posing in the screen.

Instant group activity soared to 5 million!

Aperator: "Oh! It's a cute little brother!"

Gray original: "Are you a junior high school student?"

Habi: "This guy is too handsome ..."

: "Little elf, is you taking tennis?"

Putian Silver: "Wait! This guy's clothes, there is a hat I seem to have seen there ...." Zhun New 8: "Is that .... Linen San Saha Ki."

Putian Silver: "That is the right to the old eight! Yamazaki also passes through this dress!"

Chapter 179, violent handcuffs, national light [3 more]

Conan: "How does this guy look so stupid? It feels more uncomfortable than the thief Kidd ..."

Tony Stark: "This is the primary school student who press me to rub it on the ground. Oh, middle school students? It seems that it is nothing to do?"

Lu Fei: "What are they doing? Will it take a shot? Is it?"

White beard: "Hey, hahaha, straw hat, have you endure it? That is tennis tennis ..."

Looking at more than a dozen groups is like a monster, I am trying to have myself, the dragon horse is immediately unhappy.

"Hey, what are you going to do?"

Chutian: "Find you to play, help you into the national contest."

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