Comprehensive Man: Become the owner of the group from today

Complex: From today's group owner 129

Race is airteen, he wants people to see, is the score he just played! .

Chapter 86 Born Love Operators [6]

Do they want to selectively ignore themselves?

Deliberately bypassed the score you play?

Cyro suddenly thinks that human heart is great!

In this group, there is no simple guy!

Putian Silver: "Hey, although I thought in my mind, but I really think it is a bit shocking when I have seen the bare."

Conan: "If there is something wrong, it is not natural. After all, the Altman family is a battle nation. If there is no coat protection, do you not be very unsuitable?"

Tony Stark: "Conan, you gave me a good idea. If you put on clothes to Ottman, I mean to put on the steel battle, isn't that cool?"

Chutian: "Steak please listen: Iron Man's height is 1 meter 75, resulting in a steel coat cost of 1.9 billion, Cyro Altman's height is 70 meters high, how much is the cost of the garment cost? ? "

Tony Stark: "When I didn't say ..."

Gray original: "Since Ottman has no dominant value, it should be reproduced by other methods, honestly, I am a bit interested ....."

Operators: "Hey, gray sister, don't take the word words in the mouth, or you will be annoying by boy ..."

: "Hey, I am scientist, I am holding a rigorous attitude to say this 177 words, there is no strange idea ..."

Rio: "Can you change a topic, always discuss our life, life, life ... Is it interesting!"

The three characters said not to export!

Chutian: "Okay, don't be teaseless again, he is still a child, let him!"

Conan: "The group owner, you also have exported ..."

Chutian: "Cough, wait until the time of Sarao take us to go to the country living in a few days, now let us return to the topic of the more excited / excited: the Hungarian Hungaro is so big ? "

Putian Silver Time: thorns, stimulation! [Thumb] [Thumb] [Thumb]

Naz: Stimulating! [Thumb] [Thumb]

Haibara Ai:"......"

Conan: "..."

The program is helplessly placed, and then touched a bottle of wine from the bed, tonne tonne tonne ..

"You have a born, it is really shameless ... Hungarium, what is the use of the Hungarium? This thing is natural, sometimes I still feel very inconvenient ..."

Ton ton tons .....

The program is said, and it is filled with half a bottle. After half a minute, the cheeks of the program have appeared slightly.

But now the apeer is a little different from the prime sheet.

When Putian Silver: "Hello, how is the end of the end, drink the wine? Don't you know that the wine is going to share with people?"

Naz: "I thought that only our fairy tail will drink in the daytime. I didn't expect that you have this habit."

The card smiled and didn't speak.

With alcohol and gambling paralyzed life, she has been more than ten years.

Older seems that she is alcoholism, is practicing himself, but only she knows that she is actually escaping.

The prior boyfriend and your brother of the program were died on the battlefield, and the agency believed that their death has a big relationship.

In the past, the endurance war, the lack of the soldiers, and the ninja was arranged on the battlefield with three or four people.

The agency is a wooden three tolerance, and the doctor's medical sanctuary has seen countless deaths.

In order to reduce the loss, she put forward suggestions, and to join a medical ninja in the Ninja team to make a supplement and first aid at any time.

In order to reduce the loss, she put forward suggestions, and to join a medical ninja in the Ninja team to make a supplement and first aid at any time.

But later due to the layers of the wooden leaf, it is recommended not to adopt in time.

This directly leads to the death of the younger brother.

Moreover, because the thousands of hand rope trees have a series of bloodlines in the initial generation of thousands of hand, very research value, his body is coveted with countless rim.

When the operator found her brother, there was only one hand shell that was hollowed out, and she was also suffering from probularity.

With the hate of the village, the aperator left the village in ten years ago, and she has been with (CBFH) small mute.

Drinking big day, this is normal operation.

The daily life daily life is: getting up, drink, play cards, drink, play cards, drink ...

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