Comprehensive Freedom

Vol 8 Chapter 319: Leave in a day


In the glorious hall.

Estes stepped into the hall, just stepped onto the ground of the hall, but suddenly stopped there motionless.

Noel sat on the throne of the main hall, and saw Esdez suddenly stopped at the entrance of the main hall. His eyes suddenly showed doubt.

"How come you suddenly stopped at the door and didn't come in. Did you forget something important?"

"Well, I really have something to forget."

Estes was awakened by Noel's words, and with a little headache she quickly admitted that she had forgotten something, and then took a step towards the throne.

It was quite curious, but Noel didn't open his mouth to ask Estes.

It is not that he does not want to satisfy curiosity, but he believes that Estes will take the initiative to say it himself, and it will take more and more inquiries, so just wait patiently.

He walked towards the throne without any hassle. When Esders came to Noel, he sat straight on his lap without any politeness, and then leaned back against his arms.

Without letting Noel wait for too long, Estes adjusted his posture to make him comfortable and opened his mouth slightly to explain the reason.

"I just forgot what you asked me to announce to the people."

"It turns out that you have forgotten this matter, why do I still think it is important?"

Noel shrugged, disappointed in his tone.

Of course, I'm not disappointed that Esdes did something bad.

I thought it would be interesting, but the answer was not like that, so I felt a little disappointed.

With a little disappointment in his words, Estes instantly heard it.

But according to the long-term understanding of Noel, it is certainly not because the matter is not done.

She knew very well that Noel would not be disappointed with this little thing at all, and she would not care whether the little thing was completed or not.

It is one thing to understand, and it should be made clear.

"I have a multiple-choice question for the nationals and let them spend a day thinking about whether they are willing to stay."

"It turns out that you plan to do this, it doesn't matter if you don't announce it to the people."

Estes is only a rough sketch, and Noel knows what her thoughts are, so she doesn’t have to wait for her to tell the whole story.

The intention to let Estes announce is to tell the citizens to take them out of this world.

Nowadays, the problem of Estes letting the citizens choose to stay is still without telling them the main reason.

This is enough to explain that people who do not have a sense of belonging to themselves and others, Esdes does not intend to take them away from this world together, so this method is used to exclude people without a sense of belonging.

Noel dares to be 100% sure, but nothing else is possible.

As for Estes's approach, not only did it not agree, but also quite agree.

However, this is limited to those nationals, whether they are willing to leave together, Noor really does not care about this, love to walk and stay.

The supporting beauties of Naruto World, those who Noel must take away. Even if they don’t want to, they will be taken away by force.

The beautiful supporting characters of the Naruto world, they were secretly captured by Esdes and others in the ghost country in the fourth ninja war.

That's right, the women who were summoned by him to stay in the kingdom of ghosts were not idle at the time when Noel was planning Dahuihui.

They successfully mixed into the coalition forces, taking advantage of the chaos of the war to grab the target people on the list.

After the Fourth Ninja War, the missing supporting beauties were all listed as sacrificed in the war. No one doubted whether they were killed in real life. No one would find them if they knew the truth.

Anyone on the list that Noel listed at the time can be said to have been secretly caught in the kingdom of ghosts without exception.

After two years of careful training, at first it was like the well I was captured in the beginning, and all of them were tuned to be obedient and obedient. Now no one guards and dares to leave half a step. Some even have fallen completely and do not want to leave.

Those supporting beauty who have fallen, they will also take the initiative to induce those who have not fallen.

I have to say that Esdes's training methods are getting better and better.

Many times Nor was also curious about how they would become like this. How did Esters do it, but she didn't want to say it every time she asked, and she didn't ask again if she didn't get an answer a few times.

It doesn't matter what the process is, as long as the results are satisfactory.

Closer to home.

Knowing Estes's plans, Noel did not intend to continue this topic, so he asked about other things.

"Esdes, we are leaving this world tomorrow. Are all your sisters back?"

"Most of the sisters are back, and only two of the witches have not returned yet, yes"

There were too many sisters, and Esdes recalled it a little. Before they could tell the names of the two, they were stopped by Noel raising his hand.

Idle is also idle, raising his hand to prevent Estell from telling the names of the two of them, and intending to guess for themselves.

"Let me guess and pass the time, if you wait for my guess, then you will kiss me as a reward."

"Okay, guess what."

Estes agreed without thinking.

Seeing Esdes promised, Noel began to analyze it.

"Shatilah is always with me, Camilla is coming back with me, so the two of them can rule out."

"Difeng has come here to find me before, and since she has already returned here, then Segemed, who has always taken care of her, must have come back together, so the two of them can also be ruled out."

"Now four people have been ruled out, leaving only Agidona, Minerova, and Daphne."

"Choose two out of three, I think Aegidona and Daphne didn't come back, right?"

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he saw Esdes shaking his head.

Before Noel asked who guessed the wrong, Estes offered the answer.

"Daphne came back two days ago. You didn't see her supposedly walking around the country of ghosts looking for game. The people who haven't come back are Ajdona and Minerova."

"Actually Daphne came back early, which is really a surprising result."

Noel was very surprised by this. It was really unexpected that Daphne, who was a gluttonous witch, came back earlier than the other two.


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