Comprehensive Freedom

Vol 8 Chapter 50: Come out! My Sinister Witch!

Ghost country.

The destroyed palace is now restored as before.

In the past, the guards responsible for protecting the palace have been replaced by the beautiful army of 100 people, who will protect the security of the palace.

In the dormitory, except for the only male, the rest are all female.

More than that.

In the residential area outside the palace, there are only young and beautiful women, and the soft and cute little loli, who have not met the standards have been evicted.

Some people started to protest, but Esdes suppressed easily.

How to suppress?

The easiest and fastest way is to brutally kill a few people in front of the protesters, and the rest will be honest.

In just one day, all males and substandard women were expelled from the kingdom of ghosts, and the rebels were all killed on the spot.

The women who were forced to stay or voluntarily, after two days of adaptation, were not as scared as they were at first.

Over the course of two days, they discovered that the people who occupied the kingdom of ghosts did not force themselves to wait for others to do something.

Apart from not being able to leave, it can be said that everything is business as usual.

Because of this, they began a new life under the new rule.

In the palace.

Repair the original hall.

At this time, Estes was sitting on Noel's lap, and the two were discussing something.

In addition to the two, Ziyuan captured by Noel is also here, but in a state of fainting.

Now her face is flush/red, and the witch costume she is wearing is also messy. The whole person is leaning on the throne with her eyes closed, not knowing what happened.

It didn't take long for Noel, who had been discussing with Estes, to seem to decide something.

Now that all decisions have been made, he immediately began to act.

"Come out! My Sinister Witch!"

As the words sounded, a large magic formation quickly formed in the center of the hall.

Soon after the large magic array was completely completed, a dazzling red light erupted.

The next second, a beautiful figure, slowly walked out of the magic array, came to this world.

"Welcome to this world, my witches."

The magic circle dispersed, looking at the witches in the center of the hall, Noel welcomed.

The witch who was summoned out was still looking around curiously. After hearing the familiar voice of Noel, they looked at them one after another.

"My demon lord, you will not want to drink my Donna tea, so just pick me and call me at this time."

Holding the teapot in one hand and the ecstatic witch Archdonna holding the teacup in the other, she smiled at Noel on the throne.

Suddenly, a figure rushed out of the Sin Witch.

He came to Noel in the blink of an eye, and then kissed it boldly, so that his mouth was closed.

The coming person is a silver-haired purple pupil half-elf, and a long skirt woven from the shadows rising under his feet surrounds the body, and seems to maintain the same rhythm as the heart beat.

Although the sleeve of the skirt is very long, you can see the unusually white fingertips on the front of the hand.

When she parted, she sat directly on Noel's other leg, leaning happily in his arms, with no intention of leaving.

"love you."

With a slight smile, Noel reached out and stroked her long silver hair without saying anything.

"Hey hello, don't patronize the love with Shati Laxiu first, you haven't said why call us."

As Archdonna asked questions, the remaining five Sinister Witches nodded in coordination.

As Archidona said, in Noel's arms is the jealous witch Shatila.

However, now that she is the perfect fusion of the two personalities, the resurrected new jealous witch Shatila, who is cruel to the enemy and obedient to Noel, still deeply loves him.

After the introduction, it is back to the truth.

Interrupted by Archidona, Noel did not care too much.

"Remember the contract with me?"

"Is this a different world?"

Both eyes flashed, but Archidona felt she had to make sure first, lest Bai be happy.

"As you thought, I kept my promise."

Noel nodded.

It was determined that, in addition to the sloth witch Sekhmet, the other five sinister witches were full of expectations and could not wait to see the outside world.

After the Sinister Witches calmed down a bit, Noel began to introduce them to the world.

"This is a world dominated by ninjas. The power they use is called Chakra. It is a kind of energy produced by the perfect fusion of the various components of the human body's control. Bind the opponent or cut off the energy source of the substance that is also composed of Chakra.

The composition of this energy is as follows: 1. From the 130 trillion cells in the human body, the body energy absorbed by each cell one by one. 2. The spiritual energy that has been experienced through many cultivations and accumulated experience. 3. If you practice immortality, one part is natural energy.

The chakra can only be used after the extraction of chakra.

There are two changes in Chakra: changes in form and changes in nature”

After a detailed introduction, the Sinister Witches also have a general understanding of the world.

From their expressions, Noel could see that they wished to see them immediately, but they dared not leave without their permission.

"Daphne stays, I need you to do something for me. Others..."

After a pause, Noel looked at the witch outside Daphne and continued to speak.

"There are teleport crystals here, you will start if you are crushed by a crisis, and you will be teleported back here."


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