Comprehensive Freedom

Vol 7 Chapter 106: Things are like this


This is the case.

At that time three days ago, a group of outsiders came from the village of Alam.

The leader is a white-haired young man who is quite talkative, often promotes selflessness, and often follows plausible theories.

In short, it is a serious nonsense.

In fact, all his actions prove that he established a habit of selfishness to others.

He had a dispute during the conversation with the villagers. He accused the villagers of Alam Village for infringing/violating his power, and this was the reason for his attack on Aram Village.

Later, the white-haired teenager led the women whom he called "brides" and began to destroy the village of Alam.

Not only to destroy, but also to kidnap a list of women with good looks.

The villagers in Alam Village were unable to resist, and the men left behind as long as possible, allowing the elderly, children, and women to flee the village first.

The old man, the child, and the woman escaped smoothly, and fled to the mansion to find Lord Lord Rosvall for help.

When Rozvalle learned of the situation, he rushed to the village of Alam to rescue him, but it was too late when he arrived.

The men who left behind for a long time were already killed by the people who attacked the village of Alam, and the village was destroyed in sevens and eights.

Most importantly, the attackers who attacked the village of Alam have disappeared.

After a search in the village of Alam, and repeatedly confirming that there were no assailants, Rozvall left and returned to the mansion.

After failing to return, Rozval returned to the villagers and told the villagers about the situation in Aram, and suddenly the villagers were crying.

The village of Alam was destroyed, and Rozval decided to let the villagers stay in the mansion temporarily to prevent the attackers from coming back.

Rozvall’s crow mouth was tested, and those who attacked the village of Alam that night really came.

Fortunately, Frederick at night, she vaguely saw the sneaky figure outside the mansion, rushed out immediately to try to capture someone.

Unfortunately, this is just an idea after all.

Although the opponent's strength is no match for Frederica, but there are many families.

The attackers couldn't catch it, but the fighting was awakened, and everyone in the house was sleeping.

With the addition of reinforcements, the attackers were successfully repelled and two captives were captured.

When looking at the captured appearance, everyone's face became bad.

Because, the capture turned out to be two of the villagers who were taken away, and the two committed suicide without being asked by everyone.

It was only half a day, and since the villagers who were abducted could be tamed to become dead, they even had good military force.

From this alone, it can be seen that the enemy to be confronted is not easy to deal with.

The following time, everyone in the mansion was tense, but the enemy did not come back this night.

After staying up at night, Rozvall went out and patrolled a wide area in person, but it was still the result of no return.

The enemy is secretly aware that it is not a way to keep this way.

So, Rozval decided to take the village of Alam village away from the territory and **** them to the sanctuary.

Regarding the decision of Rozval, Fredrika, the identity maid, and the villagers of the village of Alam had no opinions, but the three girls who signed the contract with Noel decided to stay.

Beatrix couldn't leave the mansion, so she also became a member.

In this way, Rozval led the people in the village of Alam away, and the remaining four became decoys to deceive the enemy.

"Fortunately, no enemies have been here since that night. Well, this is how things went."

After talking, Elsa picked up the teacup on the table and took a sip to quench her thirst.

After hearing Elsa's description, Noel and others felt a sense of acquaintance with the white-haired boy, as if they had seen it somewhere.

It's just that I can't think of it for a while.

At this time, Ku Erxiu interrupted everyone's thinking.

"The gray-haired boy, wouldn't he be the same person who attacked us at that time?"

"Strong desire to commit crimes!"

Noel, Emilia, Ram and Reim, after hearing Kuer Xiu's words, said the same title in unison.

Yes, after the reminder of Ku Erxiu, it reminds me of the strong sin master.

If you think about it carefully, I found Elsa's description of the white-haired boy. The two people have too much in common. It is really possible that they are the same person.

"Could it be that the strong sinner who escaped that day was the direction of his escape?"

"Admiral Noel, Reim thinks that this is the revenge of the strong sin master against us."

"Ram also felt very likely."

Ram nodded.

After all, Reim made a very reasonable point. The possibility of violent reprisals by a violent crime teacher is not a big deal.

After listening to the analysis, Emilia directly believes that it was done by the teacher of strong desire.

"How can he do this!"

Amelia's eyes widened, her teeth clenched, and she almost shouted out her words.

She would be so angry, this was the first time Noel saw her.

"It's not surprising that those witch religions are a group of neuropathy, and anything can be done."

Reaching out to embrace Amelia into her arms, she continued softly to her.

"Liya, anger cannot solve any problems."

After being caught in Noel's arms, Emilia also knew that it was no use to be angry, so she closed her eyes and tried to calm down.

Elsa suddenly remembered something.

"Oh! Rozvar mentioned before leaving, let you go back to the sanctuary, but he did not say the specific reason."

"It should be about trial."

"Trial? What trial?"

"Actually, I don't know what the trial is, I just heard Rozvall mention it."

After calming down a little, Amelia shook her head, saying she didn't know what to try.


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