Comprehensive Freedom

Vol 7 Chapter 82: "despair"


The team that walked side by side with Noel almost collapsed, and only a few people were safe.

The status is the same in other areas, and only a few people survived.

"Moving people transported the wounded to the big tree! Be a little violent if you have to!"

Kuerxiu's voice came again from the opposite side of the fog.

It seems that Ku Erxiu was not affected by the fog, but also conveyed a method to deal with the same threat.

With so many victims, Phyllis is simply too busy, and the manpower is divided to recover the wounded. This alone is not enough combat power.

And more importantly...

"There is not enough time. You can't be unguarded until Phyllis finishes everyone."

"The worst case is that the beluga may use fog to engulf the gathered crusades. Although they do not want it to have such wisdom, they have created such a situation, which is really not optimistic."

"It's also possible to do this instinctively... No, no matter what, you can't underestimate the wildness."

Realizing the danger, Kuerxiu handed over the injured crusade to Phyllis.

Of course, in order to prevent beluga from approaching the injured, time must be bought.

Rather than killing the enemy collectively, it is more necessary to lay down attractive bait.

Hearing Kuerxiu and Wilhelm discussing, intending to personally lure the enemy for some time, but Noel interrupted their discussions.

"Don't bother, even if you go out and lure the enemy successfully, it will be attacked by beluga whales here."

"Even if the enemy is successful, it will be attacked by beluga whales here? What does this mean?"

"Mr. Noel, what you said is incomprehensible."

Kuerxiu and Wilhelm, both frowning at the words, looked at Noel in puzzlement.

"I just found out the bad news, but what is said now will make the rest completely desperate. Are you sure you want to know?"

Noel did not directly solve the puzzle, but first asked the two whether they were sure to listen, and then shut up and waited for them to choose.

Desperate bad news...

Determined by his own talents, Kuer Xiu immediately knew that this was not a joke, and understood that the bad news Noel said was really hopeless.

In Wilheim, next to Chur, the old man looked at the cavalry who was receiving medical treatment.

"Mr. Noel, since it is bad news, sooner or later, you have to face it. Please tell me directly."

"Wilheim is right, anyway, he will have to face it sooner or later. It's better to know earlier, so I can still think about whether there is a countermeasure."

Seeing the two men make a decision, Noel spoke directly.

"It's useless to say that it's useless to lure the enemy because.........the number of beluga has increased to three."


"Are you sure?!!!"

Unbelievably wide eyes, can't believe what I heard. And it was at this time...

High and far away, it sounds like the whispering sounds of overlapping each other resound through the plain.

In a world where white mist spreads, there are three fish shadows shaking a huge body swimming in total.

From the countless small mouths that are distorted throughout the body, the alien shape that continuously emits a sound like scraping glass, eats many travelers, and returns countless lives to the malicious monsters.

The call attracted everyone's attention.

Looking up at the beluga wandering above the head, some people made the sound of kneeling on their knees, the sounds were repeated one after another, and then the sound of a larger weapon fell to form a chain.

That's right, Beluga's very good proof of Noel's words.

One alone has enough power to make people despair, and now the number has increased to three, which is simply mocking the humans who are trying to resist.

Looking over, a knight participating in the crusade hung his shoulders and looked down at the ground with his face squatting.

No one can control the tremor/shake of the shoulders, sobbing in the throat.

The companions around the knight had no way to speak.

After gathering the number of people, bringing all the equipment, and seizing the opportunity to launch a fire attack, they all launched such an offensive, but they still encountered this unreasonable situation.

The situation that mental pollution has halved the strength of the troops has been very serious.

Even if the remaining strength is gathered, it is not half of the initial combat strength, but the number of warcraft that has to be regarded as the opponent has tripled, which has no chance at all.

Everyone has an epiphany in an instant and is forced to understand everyone's life and purpose.

The horror and absurdity of Warcraft, as well as the weight of the important **** taken by that Warcraft.

I can't repay this bondage. Take this helpless and helpless.

When the things that have accumulated so far are disintegrating, and the heart that continues to support is frustrated, who can condemn those who kneel on the spot?

In the face of arrogant and unreasonable reality, who can deny giving up?

These people are completely shrouded in despair.

Now let alone fighting, these people can't even withdraw, they are all sitting and waiting to die.

Kuer Xiu breathed out, and she calmed down a little.

"At first glance, the situation is serious to the worst."

"Master Kuerxiu, the situation is really bad today. The number of beluga whales makes them desperate and loses the courage to fight again."

Observing that everyone was shrouded in despair, Wilhelm could only sigh besides sighing.

Ku Erxiu did not give up, still looking at the three beluga wandering in the air, looking for a glimmer of hope.

"The increase in the number of beluga whales to three is purely a desperate situation. But if the beluga whales are in groups of warcraft, how could this information not escape?"

"Master Kuerxiu, what do you mean?"

"There must be some tricks."

After making a clear assertion, Kuer Xiu faced Noel with awe-inspiring face.

Shot with that strong eye, he noticed Noel who was in sight and turned his head to stare at Kuer Xiu.


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