Comprehensive Freedom

Vol 7 Chapter 76: 『Drive Night』


Stroke the air, creeping out of the shadow.

It can only describe the appearance of a huge body, let people feel the huge body of the roots of terror, and ruminate the memories of life that was once threatened.

Following the steps was to listen to Ku Er Xiu issued orders, and then everyone attacked.

However, in those moments, even Kuerxiu would hold his breath, the pressure of the beluga whale.

That is a fear of combat that can easily become a fatal mistake and is on the verge of being at its limit.

Therefore, Noel made this decision.

"Do it!"


Kuer's anger was only halfway through, and Noel shouted, kicking off the battle.

In response to Noel's shouting, the condensed giant Mana was given directionality by Emilia, and the ferocious ice gun spawned mercilessly inserted/entered into the midsection of the beluga floating in the air with a sharp tip.

It struck violently like rocky skin, and the sound of ice fragments shattered.

However, before the fragmentation extended to the whole ice gun, the power of penetration broke through the thick skin defense of the beluga and blood was sprayed on the plain.

The screams of beluga whistled through the plains.

Frankly speaking, this is by no means Noor they stole away.

The moment the beluga appeared, there was a momentary gap in the crusade.

If you cannot act at that moment, this first attack may not be established.

That gap is the watershed.

Moreover, a little hesitation will divide life and death. Despite knowing this, even heroes like Kuerxiu hold their breath in front of the beluga's power.

Even with half confidence in the appearance of the beluga whale, I have witnessed that the real thing still raises ripples in people's hearts. Ripples will produce a slight deflection in thinking, deflection will produce stagnation, and stagnation will lead to defeat.

If that were the case, the battle would begin under our disadvantage.

For being one step ahead, this behavior of robbing power shakes the crusade.

Looking at the four people who ran away, Ku Erxiu couldn't suppress his mouth/mouth from being greatly distorted.

However, this is not angry, but because she is laughing.

That's right, Kuer Xiu knew that he missed the best time to launch an offensive, and the four men saved the best time, so how could they be angry with the four.

The second stage after the start of the attack.

"All army! Follow the four idiots!!"

Behind them is the haggling team, which is a little slower than the Noel, who has followed the order of Kuerxiu.

They ignited the cannon barrels one after another, and filled the cannon-like barrels with magic ores as cannonballs, and fired the magic stone cannons after firing.

The unified shelling made a loud bang, and the shells ravaged/ravaged the beluga body with destructive power.

At the moment of hit, the mana filled with magic ore will be converted into the corresponding attributes magic, fire, ice, light, widening the wound made by Rem, and letting the street drop the dark blood rain.

During the drizzle of blood like blood, Noel and they ran a large circle around the beluga with agile movements, preparing to launch another round of attack to attract the beluga's attention.

"Sky! The night is coming! Please close your eyes!!"

Ram and Rem, who entered the battle with white horns on their foreheads, watched their heads yelling.

Following the instructions of the sisters, Noel quickly closed his eyes, and even Emilia was no exception.

Immediately afterwards, white light exploded in the air, and the night world was burned by white light in an instant.

The light is so strong that it can even penetrate the closed eyelids, and then it takes a few seconds to wince and open the eyelids.

The breath of night has completely left Rufas street.

Something happened during these few seconds, causing the world to turn around day and night, and the daylight shining on the plain.

Instead of the sun shining from the sun that has sunk on the head, it is a special magic stone launched separately, which is called the night flood because of its effect.

The effect was originally to transform the infused mana into a light body, shining dimly.

"Taking full advantage of that guy's financial resources to buy it as high as a hill, the result is a mimic sun."

"After all, it is difficult to catch beluga diving into the night. Come on, let's start next!"

Two of the greatest businessmen in Wangdu worked together, and the magic stones collected around them showed their skills.

The scope is around the big tree, and the time limit is almost one hour. It is very sufficient to end the decisive battle.

A giant body clearly visible on the plain sky that lost the night.

"Then... is that a beluga..."

Amelia opened her mouth slightly in surprise and looked at the monster in the sky incredulously.

Beluga whales, which have never been clearly identified so far, are exposed to sunlight.

"Oh roar!"

Seemingly excited by being pulled out of the night sky, the beluga whipped the giant body and roared.

The loud noise is no longer the level of noise, but rather an act of sabotage. The ferocious cry made the atmosphere sing, and even the ground dragons trained were intimidated by instinct.

The blood was dripping all over the body, but the swimming posture was not affected by the injury. The white whale turned his neck in the air in the plain and looked down at the tiny human who challenged himself.

"It's really big enough."

"It's really big. I just estimated that the beluga is about 50 meters in length."

Hearing Noel’s words, Emilia nodded in agreement, and said her observations.

Beluga will be called such a name, because this Warcraft is completely white.

It looks like a rock disk with swollen skin, covered with countless white body hairs. The shape of the fierce fins extending from the lower abdomen is like a sickle of death, and the shape of the dorsal and caudal fins is smaller.

There are countless pits on the head and flanks, and the pits will repeat opening and closing like breathing.

Except for these ugly differences, the beluga's posture resembles the whale in Noel's impression.

However, its size betrayed its imagination, and it was twice as large as expected.


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