Morgan fell heavily to the ground, his black robe covered with dust, and his gloomy face looked extremely pale at the moment.

Aoba and Robin’s swords were stuck in his chest, and blood slowly seeped out, staining the altar red.

“You…you will…regret…” Morgan struggled to say these words, his voice full of resentment.

Aoba and Robin did not respond, they just looked at the once arrogant Night Mage coldly..Robin drew out his sword, while Aoye knelt down and searched Morgan’s body.

“It seems that he has no backup plan.

“Aoba stood up and dusted his hands.

Suddenly, the entire temple began to shake

“what happened? Robin asked nervously

“Not sure, but this vibration… seems to be coming from underground

“Qingye looked around, frowning.

The vibrations became stronger and stronger, accompanied by a roar, as if something was rising from the ground

“careful!”Qingye shouted, pulling Robin and jumping to the side.

Where they originally stood, a huge stone statue broke out of the ground, holding a huge 337 stone sword in his hand.

The face of this stone statue was similar to Morgan’s Somewhat similar, it was obviously his last resort.

“Is this your trump card? Qingye sneered,”A stone statue wants to stop us?””

The stone statue seemed to have heard Qingye’s words and rushed towards them brandishing its stone sword.

Although this stone statue did not move as fast as the demon corpse, its power was even greater. Every time it swung its sword, it could leave a deep mark on the ground. cracks.

Qingye and Robin once again joined forces and started a fierce battle with the stone statue.

They circled around the stone statue, looking for its weaknesses.

But the stone statue seemed to be integrated, and no matter how they attacked, they could not cause substantial damage to it.

“This is not the way to go,” Robin gasped,”We must find its weakness. A flash of light flashed in Qingye’s eyes:”Morgan controlled this stone statue, so its weakness must be related to Morgan.””

He rushed to Morgan’s body, searched carefully, and finally found a small magic crystal on his waist.

Qingye guessed that this might be the key to controlling the stone statue.

He held the magic crystal and shouted :”break!”Then he threw the crystal at the stone statue.

The crystal hit the chest of the stone statue and burst out with a strong light.

The movement of the stone statue stopped momentarily, then began to crack, and finally turned into a pile of rubble.

Aoba and Robin looked at each other and smiled. , they knew that this adventure was finally over.

But at this moment, a loud noise suddenly came from the depths of the temple, as if something was waking up

“What is this sound? Robin asked nervously.

Qingye shook his head:”I don’t know, but we’d better go and take a look.””

Qingye and Robin looked at each other and nodded, then cautiously explored the depths of the temple.

They passed through several dim corridors, taking every step carefully for fear of touching some unknown mechanism.

Finally, they came to the sound The source of the secret room – a secret room hidden in the deepest part of the temple.

The door of the secret room slowly opened, and a powerful magical aura rushed in.

“What’s this?”Robin looked at the huge magic array in the center of the secret room in surprise. It was emitting a faint light, and something seemed to be moving in the center of the array.

Qingye frowned:”If I guessed correctly, this should be Moore. The last magic circle left by Gen may be used to resurrect him or summon a more powerful monster.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the magic array suddenly erupted with intense light, and at the same time a huge figure rose from the center of the array.

It was a monster made of pure magic, with red eyes and an evil aura all over its body.

“Looks like we have to fight again.”Qingye smiled bitterly.

The monster roared and rushed towards the two of them.

Qingye and Robin quickly spread out and started a life-and-death struggle with the monster.

Although this monster is made of magic, its power is not weaker than that of physical creatures. Every time Each attack has a powerful magical effect.

Qingye and Robin work together tacitly, constantly avoiding the attacks of the monsters and looking for opportunities to counterattack.

However, the defense of the monsters is extremely strong, and their attacks often only cause weak damage.

The battle enters At the intense stage, the secret room was filled with the sound of the collision of magic and sword energy.

Qingye and Robin were sweating profusely, but they did not flinch because they knew that if they failed, the consequences would be disastrous.

Suddenly, Qingye discovered a flaw in Warcraft.

He shouted:”Robin, get ready!””Then, he rushed towards the monster and stabbed it in the chest with a sword.

The monster roared and slapped Qingye with a palm.

But Qingye dodged flexibly, and at the same time Robin launched a fierce attack from the other side. Attack.

Their sword energy intertwined to form a powerful attack wave, which hit the monster hard.

The monster roared in pain, and its body began to gradually dissipate.

Finally, it turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared into the secret room..

Aoba and Robin fell to the ground tired, but they both had a smile of victory on their faces.

“Finally… it’s over…” Qingye gasped.

Robin nodded:”Yes, we succeeded.”

They smiled at each other, and then began to check other parts of the secret room.

In a corner, they found an ancient treasure chest.

When they opened it, they found it was filled with gold coins and precious magic items.

“It seems like this is Morgan’s treasure,” Aoba said with a smile,”We found his weakness and also found his treasure.

This adventure was really rewarding.”

After the two divided the treasure equally, they left the temple.

On the way out of the temple, Aoba and Robin talked about the adventure they had just had. Both of them were very excited about successfully defeating the Warcraft and obtaining the treasure.

But just as they were about to When walking out of the temple gate, a powerful magical energy suddenly struck from behind.

“careful!”Qingye shouted, pulling Robin and jumping to the side quickly, and a blazing flame almost flew past their bodies.

The two looked back and saw a figure walking out of the shadow of the temple, holding a A staff that shines with magic light

“Hahaha, do you think you can easily take away Morgan’s treasure? How naive!”A mocking voice resounded in the empty temple.

Qingye and Robin immediately entered a fighting state, clenching the swords in their hands and staring at the sudden appearance of the enemy with vigilance.

“Who are you? Why stop us?”Qingye asked loudly

“I am Morgan’s personal disciple, and I am here to protect my master’s treasure.

If you want to take away the treasure, you have to pass my level first!”As he spoke, he waved his staff, and another burst of flames hit the two of them.

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