The black wolf let out a shrill scream, then fell heavily to the ground. After a few twitches of his limbs, he became completely motionless.

Qingye also jumped off the black wolf’s back. He sat on the ground tiredly, breathing heavily.

This battle consumed too much of his physical strength and energy, making him feel weak and powerless.

Robin also walked over. She looked at the black wolf lying on the ground, with a hint of fear in her eyes:”The strength of this black wolf is so terrifying, we almost died in its hands.”

Qing Ye nodded and said with deep feeling:”Yeah, I didn’t expect that there are such powerful creatures in this doomsday scene.

It seems that we have to be more careful.”.

The two rested for a while and then began to continue exploring the city.

They hope to find some useful clues or resources to help them”760″ better understand this strange world.

However, they walked for a long time but still found nothing of value.

The city seemed to have been completely abandoned, and there were no other living creatures except them.

The sky was getting dark, and the two of them felt tired and hungry.

They found a relatively intact house and planned to rest here for a night before continuing to explore tomorrow.

The city seemed even quieter and weirder at night, with only the occasional sound of wind adding a bit of life to this dead land.

The two of them hugged each other and slept.

The moon was three poles high and the night was as dark as ink.

Qingye and Robin slept in each other’s arms, and in this silent night, their breathing seemed particularly clear.

Suddenly, a rustling sound broke the silence, as if something was dragging something heavy.

Aoba and Robin are both masters, and their alertness is extremely high.

This slight movement immediately woke them up, and they both opened their eyes suddenly and sat up at the same time.

They looked around and saw a figure under the moonlight stealing the body of the black wolf they had killed.

“Who’s there?”Qingye shouted coldly, and at the same time, he flashed and arrived in front of the figure.

Robin followed closely behind, and the two of them formed a flanking attack, surrounding the figure.

They thought it was The enemy was attacking, so they struck very decisively and sharply.

However, when the moonlight shone on the face of the figure, they discovered that it was actually a child wearing animal skin.

The child looked about 15 years old, and his face His clothes were covered with mud and dirt, and his hair was messy, like a mud boy.

His eyes were full of fear and anger, as if he was startled by the sudden appearance of Qingye and Robin.

“Monsters, monsters die!”The child yelled angrily, and then tried to escape.

However, Qingye had already grabbed his arm, making it impossible for him to break free.

“Wait, we are not monsters

“Qingye said,”We are just people passing by.

Why are you here? And why do you want to steal our things?”

The child was stunned. He obviously did not expect Qingye to speak.

He stared at Aoba with wide eyes, as if to confirm whether he was really not a monster.

“Can you speak? Are you not a demon corpse?”he asked in surprise

“Demon corpse? what is that?”Qingye frowned,

“We are human beings, not the demonic corpses you mentioned

“what is going on? Can you tell us?”

The fear in the child’s eyes subsided slightly. He looked at Qingye and Robin, then bit his lip and said,”Okay, I’ll tell you.

This world was extremely peaceful hundreds of years ago. The Daqian Dynasty was at its peak and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment.

But suddenly one day, it got dark, and countless people saw a huge shadow appearing outside the world.

It was a corpse, lying across the starry sky, seemingly endless.”

When the child said this, there was deep fear in his eyes.

He seemed to have seen that terrible scene again, and the huge corpse lingered in his mind like a nightmare.

“A drop of blood suddenly appeared from that corpse and dripped into our world.

From that moment on, the entire world began to change dramatically.

Countless people turned into demon corpses. They lost their minds and became crazy and bloodthirsty.

Human life is devastated, with death and destruction everywhere.”

Qingye and Robin couldn’t help but feel shocked as they listened to the child’s narration.

They couldn’t imagine how terrifying and cruel that scene was.

They looked at the child’s frightened and helpless eyes, and a wave of excitement surged in their hearts. Feelings of Sympathy and Compassion0…

“What happened next?”Qingye asked,”Is this world always like this? The child shook his head and said,”No, there are still some humans who survived.”

They hid in some hidden places, trying to resist the invasion of those demon corpses.

But as time goes by, fewer and fewer humans survive.

The world has changed beyond recognition.”

Qingye and Robin were silent for a moment. They didn’t know how to comfort this poor child.

They looked at his thin body and slovenly appearance, and they couldn’t help feeling sad in their hearts.

“May I have your name? Robin asked gently,”Have you always lived here alone?”

The child nodded and said,”My name is Xiaohu.”

“My name is Xiaohu,” the child’s voice echoed in the night, with a sense of loneliness and strength.

“I can take you to our gathering place, but you have to promise not to hurt the people there.

Qingye and Robin looked at each other and saw the determination in each other’s eyes.

“We promise,” Qingye said solemnly,”We just want to know more about this world, and we will do our best to help you.”

Xiaohu nodded, turned around and took them deeper.

In the night, their figures gradually disappeared into the darkness, leaving only the rustling footsteps echoing in the silent night.

0.1 Walking through the ruins, They came to the entrance of a hidden underground cave.

Xiaohu led them into the cave with ease. In the dim and humid environment, an unspeakable smell filled the air.

Qingye and Robin couldn’t help but frowned, but They knew that this was the living conditions of the survivors.

When they walked into the depths of the cave, there was a sudden noise.

Then, a group of people in ragged clothes and armed with crude weapons rushed out and took Qingye and Robin away. surrounded

“who are you?”A middle-aged man who looked like a leader shouted loudly,”Why are you here?”

“Don’t be nervous,” Qingye raised his hands to show that he was not hostile,”We are friends brought by Xiaohu, we just want to understand the situation here.”.

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