Aoba and Robin stopped from time to time to study these patterns carefully, trying to find clues.

Finally, they came to a huge stone door.

The stone door was inlaid with various strange gems, shining with charming light.

Qingye stretched out his hand and gently touched the gem. He could feel the powerful power contained in it.

“Robin, what do you think is hidden behind this door?”Qingye turned to ask Robin.

Robin frowned, her magic compass turning gently in her hand.

“I can’t say for sure, but I can feel that there is a powerful force behind this door.”

The two looked at each other and understood each other’s determination.

They decided to open the door together and explore the secrets inside.

Qingye began to study the mechanism on the stone door, his fingers gently sliding over the complex patterns, trying to Find a way to open the stone door.

Robin used a magic compass to sense the energy fluctuations behind the stone door and provide clues to Qingye.

After 03’s hard work for a period of time, they finally found a way to open the stone door.

Qingye gently pressed A hidden mechanism was discovered, and the stone door slowly opened, revealing a dark passage.

The two took a deep breath and stepped into the passage.

Qingye and Robin stepped into the passage behind the stone door, as if they had entered another world.

Passage The light inside was dim, with only the gems inlaid on the walls emitting a faint light, illuminating the way forward for the two of them. There was an ancient and mysterious atmosphere in the air, as if time had stopped here. They moved forward cautiously.

, although the stone steps underfoot are a little slippery, they are extremely strong.

The walls of the passage are covered with ancient runes and patterns, which seem to tell a period of dusty history.

Qingye and Robin stopped from time to time , studied these runes carefully, trying to find clues.

Suddenly, a gust of cold wind blew through, and a low roar came from the darkness deep in the passage.

The two looked at each other, and both understood that there might be unknown dangers ahead.

They They clenched the weapons and magic props in their hands and were ready to deal with it.

As they went deeper, the roar of the passage became more and more frequent, and it seemed that there was some huge power surging secretly.

They found that at the end of the passage, there was a door The huge stone door slowly opened, revealing a darker space.

The two stepped into this space cautiously, only to see that the surroundings were full of complex mechanisms and traps.

They carefully bypassed each mechanism and avoided one. This is a trap.

Whenever they successfully unlock a mechanism, they will feel a sense of excitement and accomplishment.

Deep in this space, they found a huge altar.

There are some strange items and runes placed on the altar. They emitted a strong light, illuminating the entire space.

Qingye and Robin stood in front of the altar, and they could feel the powerful power surging.

They began to study the items and runes on the altar, trying to find the opening The method of power.

After a period of hard work, they finally discovered the mystery.

Qingye followed the instructions of the runes and gently touched the items on the altar.

Suddenly, the altar gave off a dazzling light, and a powerful force came from surged out from the altar, surrounding them.

The two felt a strong energy pouring into their bodies, and their bodies seemed to have been baptized by this power, becoming lighter and stronger.

They knew that they had obtained this ruins Deeper power.

They continued to explore this space, looking for more secrets about the ancient trees and this land.

In the process, they encountered more institutions and traps, but with wisdom and courage, they Overcoming these difficulties one by one.

Finally, they found a portal to the outside world deep in this space.

Qingye and Robin stood in front of the door to the outside world, with determination and expectation shining in each other’s eyes.

“Are you ready?”Qingye asked in a deep voice, his fingers gently gliding over the sword body, as if feeling its pulse.

Robin nodded, her eyes were like a torch, the magic compass in her hand had been quietly put away, and instead she was looking at the surrounding elements. The two stepped out of the ruins, and a strong wind blew up, making their clothes flutter.

They knew that the real challenge had just begun.

They walked along the path and soon entered a dense forest.

In the dense forest, The ancient trees were towering, with lush branches and leaves, as if they were hiding endless secrets.

Suddenly, a deep roar came from deep in the forest, which made the eardrums of the two people buzz.

Then, a black shadow came out of the forest, It rushed towards the two of them.

It was a huge black leopard, its eyes flashed with a cold light, and it exuded a heart-stopping aura.

It was extremely fast, like a black lightning, and it instantly Came in front of the two of them.

Qingye reacted quickly. He swung his sword to meet the attack, and a sharp sword light pierced the leopard.

However, the leopard nimbly dodged the sword light and bit Qingye’s arm.

When Robin saw this, Immediately mobilize the elemental energy in the air.

She clasped her hands together and closed her eyes tightly, as if she was feeling the flow of the elements.

Suddenly, her hands suddenly parted, and a dazzling light shot out from her palms and rushed towards the leopard.

It was a pure ray of light. The energy attack does not contain any magic components and is completely formed by the concentration of elemental energy in the air.

Although the leopard escaped Qing 360 Ye’s sword light, it had to retreat continuously under this energy attack.

Qing Ye Taking the opportunity to launch a fierce attack, his sword skills were like flowing clouds and water, and the sword light was flickering.

Although the leopard was ferocious, it had to retreat continuously under Qingye’s fierce attack.

However, the leopard did not seem to intend to give up.

It suddenly made a shaking sound. With a roar that shook the heavens and the earth, the whole body began to emit a black light.

Its figure quickly grew larger, becoming more ferocious and terrifying.

“Be careful, it’s about to transform!”Robin exclaimed. She continued to mobilize the elemental energy in the air to prepare for the next battle.

The leopard’s transformation was completed. Its body seemed to be made of black iron, exuding a cold and hard aura.

Its eyes became It was even colder, as if it could swallow up all life.

It rushed towards Qingye, the speed was staggering.

Qingye waved his sword to resist, but the leopard’s power was beyond imagination, and he was shocked back again and again.

Robin saw She immediately launched an energy attack.

Her hands drew complex trajectories in the air, as if weaving a web of energy.

The web condensed into shape in an instant and enveloped the leopard.

However, the leopard’s body seemed to be covered by a layer of energy. Protected by a black light shield, the energy net could not cause any harm to it.

The two were shocked, knowing that they had encountered a powerful opponent.

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