Colossus Hunter

Chapter 149


Kim Min-sik. He was looking for a man after a race in the sinkhole.


“Arken. Where are you hiding? ”


sat in a spacious office and fidgeted with the collar of domination. I want to get it anyway. Mankind’s strongest, the only one who dared not have opponents.
I tried to find all my strength, but it was not enough. It was a long time to find the one who evaporated like smoke.
If we could get it, we could double the speed of human integration if we could keep him under his control.


“Like like rats to eat.”


The world’s first guild. For the first time in the world, he searched for “moons,” and even attracted elves from other worlds.
Hypocritic hit the plate. For the individual, not the country, black politicians who want to attach themselves to other countries and take advantage of themselves somehow!
It was not enough for those he had in hand.
Far from the United States, near Japan and China.
Almost every country was determined to somehow eat the Apocalypse Guild. And the elves are trying to get their hands on. The proof of this world was revolutionary in the world.
Strengthen. I needed stronger power.
Arkene. If he had the same power …
He needed the courage to drive the white dragon and sweep the goblins.
Then the door was opened.
Kim was frowned.


“No one would tell you not to go inside?”


Ignil and Kim Min-sik’s eyes met.


The two looked at each other for a while.
Igne finally looked up.


“The security is so poor that a kid can get in.”


Kim Min-si sighed.
The Apocalypse Guild was suffering from manpower shortages.
Too much manpower was invested in maintaining security, escorting elves, exploring dungeons, and so on. Guild resident in the guild was less than 10 people.


Ignil sent his eyes slightly alert.
Kim put a necklace of dominion in a drawer and shook his head.


“This is not where the kid is. Follow me. ”


“I’m not a kid.”


“Everyone says so.”


He forced his hands around Igner’s side.
Ignil shook his feet.


“Okay. Where is your mother? ”


Ignil, who was struggling, was drooping.
I have already tried many times, but this is also wrong.
Apparently I was chasing after my father’s smell, only arrives in strange places.


“Daddy. Where are you? ”


“Are you asking me that? I’m a kid since then. ”


Kim Min-sik kicked his tongue.


“Is it a mixed race? It’s very white for that kind of thing. If you have golden eyes and golden hair, you will find it. ”


Muttering his own words, he carried Ignil in his side and moved down to the lobby.
A male receptionist who discovered Kim Min-sik, nodded, shook his back when he discovered Kim Min-sik.


“It looks like I’m sleeping well.”


“Sin, sorry.”


“Be patient. When the elves return, they will have time to rest. ”


“No. I will keep my mind up! ”


Kim Min-sik nodded his head and heard Ignil in his side.


“I need to find this child’s parents. The child came into my office. ”


“Yes? Oh, no matter how many people can get there. ”


“That’s a bit strange. It would be a coincidence. ”


Kim Min-sik put Ignil on the desk.
The attendant who saw Ignil was briefly stunned.
This cute girl has never seen it on TV.


“That’s it… haha. It’s so cute. ”


“Is this cute?”


“Yes? Oh, no, is it not a cute girl who sees the world? ”


Kim Min-sik shook his head.
He came back with something missing. No, maybe it was missing before I came back.


“Daddy …”


Ignil drooped on the desk and stretched out her mouth.
It’s a little child who’s gone crazy.
It seemed like a boneless mollusk as I stretched my hands and feet.


“i. I need to find you before we cry. ”


“You still find me.”


“Oh, no, sometimes when guilds get together, there are people who say that the Master is too cold to look like a person. Of course I never thought so! ”


Honest. So it was a face at the entrance of the lobby.


“Find your child’s parents, not crap. I soon have a press conference, so I have no time. ”


“Then ….”


Kim was about to turn his back.
The door opened fiercely with sound, and a man breathed in.
Ignil lifted his head without power. As soon as I saw the man coming in, I jumped out of my seat.


At that moment, small wings rose from Ignil’s back.
Ignil was fluttering and shot at a man, and Kim Min-sik, who was staring at a man who had received Ignil, crumpled his eyebrows.




”28. Ignil (3)” End
”28. Ignil (4)”
The man who opened the door violently was Oh Sung-seong.
For Kim Min-sik, he is an old friend and a past fool.
That kind of thing came in without hesitation and it is called the girl’s ‘dad’.


“I had an accident without my knowledge …”


A vain delusion came to mind for a while, but then I shook my head.
That girl. Not human
There can’t be humans with wings on the back.
Wings are also unusual. Feeling the smell of magic was very thick. The strong golden wings of leather were enough to enchant the viewer.


If not wrong, it is definitely a dragon.
There was no mistake.


As for ‘dragon’, the knowledge was more detailed than those who had quite a bit of knowledge. Never could have been wrong.
Oh Han and Kim Min-sik’s eyes intertwined in the air.


“What happened?”


Looking at chilling eyes with suspicious eyes. Oh Han-sung was not handsome, but he was an owner of appearances that were sufficiently “compliant”. My height was close to 180, and there were a lot of girls who liked their unique smile.
But now there is no distinctive grin.
Somewhat nervous.
Obviously, I thought I would live a normal life, but I had no doubts about the cause of having an extraordinary life.


“Walking for a while and lost. Haha, I’m sorry. ”


“Was a walk?”


Chills scratched his head.


Either or not, Ignil was rubbing her face and rubbing her cheeks in the chest of Oh-seong.
Oh Seong-seong, who had tried Ignil’s face, continued.


“Do you know I’m a tamer?”


“So is the girl the result of taming?”


“Yes. How surprised she was to be like a man. ”


“Isn’t it possible to tamper?”


Kim Min-sik’s voice was colder than usual.
The girl’s wings are far from ordinary life.
Honestly, I have never heard of such a race in the past.
If there had been a race with a dragon’s wings, 99.9% similar to humans, it would have become a speaker.
A human with the wings of a dragon!
Chills shook his head.


“Not exactly. Did you say I had a talent for Tamer? ”


“Do you know what kind of race it is? If you really did, I would like to know where you got it. ”


If you had tamed, you would have naturally learned information about the subject you have tamed.
According to this reply many things could be inferred.
Oh Sung did not answer easily.
Such feelings further amplified doubt.
After a while chills swallowed saliva.


“Once it happened, what happened…”


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