Collection Of Stories

Chapter 6 - The MILF next door ch.4 (3)

Helen's legs wrapped around the blonde's waist with almost a third of the shaft still exposed. "That's... no more... I can't..." Understanding, Samantha stopped pressing in, and began to slowly rock back and forth, her thumb finding the other woman's c.l.i.t.o.r.i.s. She felt Stephen begin to match her thrusts, a slow steady rhythm that she knew would drive Helen wild. One hand was about Helen's throat, pulling her back against his c.h.e.s.t. The other mauled her heavy b.r.e.a.s.ts, twisting and tormenting her large swollen

"You like that, bitch, you like two big c.o.c.ks in your f.u.c.k holes." Stephen's voice hissed in Helen's ear. The sensations were incredible, the woman so tight, the feel of Samantha's toy through the thin membrane that separated them. He was so close to losing control, but he wanted her to come again.

"Yes... please... yes..." Helen's m.o.a.ns enthralled her lovers as they violated her unresisting flesh. Suddenly she froze, even her frenzied breathing appearing to halt as her body took control from her rational mind. Intimately connected as he was, Stephen could feel the spasm of her muscles as she That knowledge, that sensation, drove him over the edge too, and he gasped as he emptied himself deep within her.

Her lovers exhausted, Samantha unbuckled her harness, a low groan accompanying the withdrawal of the inner dildo from her body. The blonde slid the shorter toy into her mouth, swallowing it to the hilt as she cleaned her juices from it, her fingers toying her c.l.i.t as she put on a show for the other two. For herself too, as she watched her performance in the mirror. The size of the second dildo defied even her oral skills, so she contented herself with lapping Helen's juices from the black rod as she brought herself ever closer to o.r.g.a.s.m. Knowing her body, Samantha timed her o.r.g.a.s.m to coincide with the last stroke of her tongue on the shaft.

As the dreamy languor overtook her, she sank onto the platform beside the others, and was drawn into their arms. They were all wearied, but not unpleasantly so, and their group embrace allowed time for pulses to slow, breathing to steady, and turgid flesh to relax.

At length Stephen mustered enough energy to speak. "Did someone mention a hot tub?"


Showered clean of their exertions, the trio slipped gladly into the gently steaming water, Helen on Stephen's right, with Samantha on his left. Each of the women rested comfortably in his embrace, heads, blonde haired and black, resting on his shoulders.

"Thank you for coming over." Helen's words brought a soft laugh from her guests. It seemed so normal after their afternoon activities.

"It was our p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e." Samantha's reply, with its multiple layers of meaning, brought another low chuckle.

"Multiple times." Stephen's dry drawl triggered giggles from the women.

They sat, enjoying each other's closeness, for some time until Helen asked, "Will we do this again?"

"Already?" Stephen sounded incredulous.

"No, silly." She playfully slapped his c.h.e.s.t. "Getting together like this. I've missed you, Sammie, being with you I mean. You were always my favourite, you know." Samantha flashed her a fond smile. "And you too, Handsome Steve. You're a great f.u.c.k, and you seem like a great guy as well. Would you two want to play with me again?"

Samantha nodded slowly. "The girls will be back home in a couple of days time, and after that we're going to have to find places to, well, f.u.c.k, without them underfoot." She looked around. "This is perfect really. You, Stephen?" The boy hesitated.

"What's wrong, Stevie?" Helen asked.

"I met Esther when I was upstairs."

"Esther? When you were n.a.k.e.d? I bet that was a surprise." Helen seemed far more sanguine than she had earlier when her daughter was mentioned.

"No, I was wearing a towel." Stephen protested, Helen laughed again. "We sat and talked a little. I like her, or think I could like her, if I got to know her, but..." His voice trailed off as he waved a hand vaguely.

"But you don't want to do that while you're f.u.c.k.i.n.g her mother?" Helen finished for him. "I'm guessing that you wouldn't want to be f.u.c.k.i.n.g Sammie at the same time either?" Her broad smile returned. "That's very principled, Stevie." The boy looked dejected. She tapped her forefinger under his chin, and when he looked up she kissed him. "A hard man is good to find, but pretty easy. A good man is much harder to find. Accept the word of one who knows." She turned her green eyes to Samantha. The blonde's face expressed regret, but also acceptance. "How about it, Sammie. Would you settle for just the two of us? Well, us and some friends, of course." Now it was Samantha's turn to hesitate. Faced with the possibility of losing Stephen, she had to face the intensity of the feelings she'd developed for him.

"I... I might have to think about that for a while." Helen nodded soberly. She knew her friend well, and could read the signs. Leaning across she kissed the blonde also.

"I know, sweetie."


Night had fallen when the three finally left the house, Helen donning a robe to see them off. She kissed them both deeply, hands exploring freely, a compliment they returned in kind.

"Damn, I'm going to miss you two." Her smile was contemplative. "Whatever happens, don't be strangers."

"No way." Stephen responded with enthusiasm, Samantha's nod only a second behind him. The two slipped into their comfortable seats.

"Take the front entrance. The gate opens automatically from this side." Helen patted the roof of the car. "Beautiful car."

Samantha smiled, then turned the engine over. A stab of the accelerator and the motor thundered through its exhausts.


The drive home was quiet, both spending most of their time thinking about the day's events. As they slid into Samantha's garage she turned and asked. "Do you still want to spend the night?"

"Absolutely." He leaned over and kissed her once more. Her smile answered his.

"Good. Did you bring any sleepwear?"

"I'm afraid I didn't." The boy looked rueful.

"Oh well, I guess you're going to have to sleep n.a.k.e.d." She sighed in mock resignation. "I guess I'll have to do the same then."

"I am... okay with that." His tone was playful once more.

"I'll bet you are." Her fingers stroked the already hardening rod that tented his slacks. "How did you want to be woken?"

"I recall someone saying something about a 'sloppy blowjob'? That sounds good to me."

"It sounds perfect to me too." The blonde purred, kissing him again. "Do you want to?"

"Right now?" Stephen shook his head. "Right now the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. Tomorrow though... your mouth, p.u.s.s.y, and a.s.s, are mine." Samantha giggled.

"Tomorrow it is. Right now, dinner, a shower, and some sleep."

The two entered the house arm in arm.


An hour passed, and another. The house lights were out, and the night was still.

The passenger door of the Trans Am eased open, and a small circle of light appeared. A figure, dressed all in black, wriggled out from under the black blanket that had been covering the black upholstery of the car's rear seat.

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