“What a happy feeling, I have really lived on dogs for the past thirty years.” That kind of unforgettable happiness, Kurono Shangye will never forget.

“If you can’t taste that feeling in the future, you will really die, you will die of emptiness and loneliness. No, Nie-san must be the man of our mother and daughter!” She looked shyly Nie Kong whipping his daughter, Kurono Shangye’s eyes flashed firm.

She really never thought that Nie-san would be so good. She felt a little bit crisp when she was touched by Nie-san. After a few times of going in and out, she couldn’t care about anything. What made Kurono Shangye ecstatic, she felt that her strength had risen a bit after doing it with Nie Kong!

“No wonder little Kurumu will do whatever it takes to get Nie-san. Compared with Nie-san, his husband is so weak. It’s a failure. I actually fell in love with my daughter’s husband.” She couldn’t calm down anymore. If Kuro Shangye were to continue her ordinary life, she would not be able to stand it for many days.

Kurumu let out a loud cry and fell directly to the ground, panting weakly. But Nie Kong is still so lively dragon and animated tiger, I dont even know the tired Tyrannosaurus rex!

“It’s really my enemy, are you still not satisfied that many times, you want to kill our mother and daughter!” Kurono Ueba looked at Nie Kong lovingly and hatefully, biting The lips just wanted to serve the unsatisfied Nie Kong instead of her daughter.

“ka-cha!” At this time, the door of the club activity classroom was pushed open, and then ka-cha was closed again! But it is strange that people who come in will not turn on the lights. Who will it be?

When Nie Kong felt strange, two charming voices came out!

“Hey, it’s weird! Where did Nie-san go, he can’t find his silhouette everywhere!” Shirayuki’s voice reached Nie Kong’s ears, making Nie Kong move Stopped.

“Daughter, you are so bad, the realm of peeking is still not perfect! How can such a good husband candidate let him leave his sight?” A familiar voice spread into Kurono. An irritation flashed across Heina’s face in Ye’s ears.

“Shirayuki Icicle, that bastard old woman, I really want to have a bad idea about my Nie Kong. I used to rob men when I was studying, but now your daughter is the same.”

“Fortunately, I hid in the warming table, otherwise I would not persuade them to watch. Shirayuki’s mother Shirayuki Icicle is not as easy to talk as Kurono Kameha.” Nie Kong exclaimed and praised Kurumu in his heart. There was a cry.

Just as Shirayuki and mother just wanted to leave the club classroom to find Nie Kong elsewhere, two more brisk footsteps came outside. The two Shirayuki mothers and daughters, who went crazy in secret, were so scared that they looked for a place to hide.

“Mother, let’s hide under the warm table, there will be a good place to peek!” Suddenly Shirayuki pointed to the dark warm table, with a sense of relief on his face.

“Oops, the old woman of Shirayuki Icicle is going to come in!” Kurono Kameba wailed in his heart, but couldn’t stop this scene from appearing.

Hey, how come you two hobby, mother and daughter, are so weird? You haven’t done anything shameful, why you should hide.

“Very well, it really deserves to be my daughter!” Shirayuki Icicle was overjoyed and pulled her daughter gu lu into the huge warming table!

When Shirayuki and Icicle mother and daughter entered the warming table, they were pressed fiercely on the ground with six hands, their mouths were blocked, and their bodies were impossible to move even a little bit! !

But Shirayuki Icicle felt a warm top between his legs. Because she is wearing a kimono, she clearly feels that very masculine spirit.

“wu wu…” Shirayuki Icicle wants to struggle, but the more struggling she only feels the weaker the body! It was filled with emptiness, slowly melting the power of her within the body, melting her cold body.

“Asshole, asshole! Who is it that dares to do this to me.” Although Shirayuki Icicle scolded very difficult to deal with, his ass was uncontrollable. Twisting, wanting to touch Nie Kong deeper.

“Hey, it’s so strange that I heard the voice coming from here. Why is there no one now!” After opening the door, Yukari-chan’s doubtful voice reached Nie Kong and their ears .

“It’s all Yukari-chan’s fault. You have to introduce me to your parents. Now I can’t find Nie-san where he is running.” Although Moka is not visible Face, but Nie-san knew her face must be puffy at this time.

“Hehe, Moka, don’t worry, let’s go look for it again. Nie-san can’t escape from the small place of Yokai Academy. Isn’t it easy to find Nie-san?” Yukari-chan Holding Moka’s arm, he coquettishly walked out of the club room.

As Moka and Yukari-chan’s footsteps drifted away, the table warmer was suddenly opened with a violent snap, revealing the five silhouettes hiding inside! Nie Kong and Kurumu’s mother and daughter are not wearing clothes, while Shirayuki Icicle’s face is blush, and her cold eyes are 30% embarrassed and 70% sad.

“Nie-san…Nie-san, why are you hiding in the warming table? Who is the girl next to Kurumu? Why would the three of you hide in without clothes?” Shirayuki continued to spit out A few questions show the panic in her heart.

“Xiaoxue, you don’t need to ask, needless to say, I know what’s going on!” The moment Shirayuki Icicle saw Kurono’s upper leaf, all the doubts in his heart were finally resolved.

“It’s your Kuro Shangye again, didn’t expect that you are so shameless that you will seduce my daughter’s son-in-law. You still want to have no shame!” Shirayuki Icicle pointed at Kuro Shangye Scolded.

“Yeah, I am to have no shame, what’s the matter! As long as I can get a man who can let my daughter get what she likes, so can to have no shame!” Kurono Ueha wants to stand up and force back Shirayuki overbearing the icicle, but due to a few rounds of war with Nie Kong just now, his feet were a little soft and didn’t stand up.

“This kind of thing is only high-sounding that you can say, how can Nie-san be seduced by your old woman.” Shirayuki Icicle looked towards Nie Kong, who has not put on his clothes, cold A reddish cheek: “You say yes, Nie-san!”

“hmph hum, because of my love for Nie-san and my mother, Nie-san will definitely follow Kurumu is married! I see you, Mizore Shirayuki, what are you fighting with me?” Kurumu proudly took Nie Kong’s arm and pressed it on his two white balls.

“For Nie-san, my mother and I can pay any price! You are far from Kurumu.”

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