Codex Pirates

Work related: too many words, the chapters can't fit

1. According to the setting of the original book, Brook has not boarded a three-sailing boat at the current time period in the book, nor has his shadow been taken away. The book says that because of the failure of the rudder, he had no choice but to drift in the fog of the Magic Triangle Sea for decades. It is the statement in his own memory in the original book. A few years later, he will be lured to this terrifying three-masted sailing ship, and landed on the island in order to find parts to repair the rudder. Some readers mentioned that Brook met other people looking for parts. Judging from the information that Granny Kokoro told Sanji and others in the original book, and Brooke’s words, regarding the Magic Triangle, the original plot was full of skeletons in those years. People's horror legends, obviously not everyone who has been to or passed the Magic Triangle Sea Area is Luffy, even Zoro Sanji and others in the Straw Hats seemed very repulsed when they saw Brook for the first time. Brook had no intention of actively communicating with Luffy and the others at the beginning. Apparently, the fleet that Brook encountered by chance over the years basically regarded this skeleton as a monster living in this fog.

2. Princess Mononoke Perona joined Moria's banner very early. In my outline, I originally remembered that she was already in the three sailboats at this time, but because the time listed at that time was too long from now, I recently reviewed the outline. At that time, I was not even sure if I made a mistake, so I read the original Sansail again. In Chapter 468 of Hobak’s memories, when Perona and the invisible pervert were invited by Moria, they Already following around Moria.

3. I once said that this book is a monk’s article, because I occasionally read this chapter on Qidian’s mobile client and said, listen to opinions. There is a chapter of comments saying that this book is a monk’s article. I think it’s very interesting. By the way, it doesn't mean that William is a monk. Everyone should be able to see that he is an old driver and very social. However, on the one hand, I don't like writing emotional dramas very much, and on the other hand, I have been cracking down on the starting point recently (now the backstage chapter is released interface, it says a warning), so neither I nor William can drive a car, and even because this thing has almost no standard, I don’t want to touch the steering wheel, what kind of body description, paragraphs with physical contact, etc., I don’t Dare to touch it, anyway, this is not the selling point of this book, and I don’t need to rely on this to advance the plot, so I don’t take risks. I just want to finish William’s story safely, so William is not actually a monk, but in this environment Next, he must be a monk (¬_¬), at least he must act like a monk. I just don’t show the detailed process of his incarnation of an old driver’s night tour of Qiuming Mountain. If you want, you can imagine him using the drain for five years. The heroic style of hairpin bends.

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