Codex Pirates

Chapter 127 Killing Bureau

Chapter 125 Killing Bureau

In the city of Kalmar, the night was already deep. Looking at the city from above, the slums were almost completely shrouded in darkness, with only dots of lights emitting faint light.

In contrast, the civilian area separated by only one step is much better, and the aristocratic area surrounded by the civilian area and guarded in the center is bright, and the streets are full of street lamps. Residents, illuminate every inch of the road under their feet.

Accompanied by three trusted subordinates, Andre walked on the small road in the civilian area. Unlike the street lights in the noble area, they walked slowly.

Although domestic laws and prohibitions are often just a dead letter for the nobles, the prohibition of alcohol does not have no effect on the nobles like Andre. Although they really want to drink, they have a lot of ways, but it is a bit inconvenient to drink anytime and anywhere After all, the aristocratic district is under the nose of the royal palace, and buying and selling alcohol can't be as blatant as the poor district or even the civilian district.

So because Andre made a fool of himself today, he suddenly wanted to drink to vent his depression, so he could only go to the dirty and messy civilian areas in his eyes. As for the poor areas, in his eyes, they were just rubbish dumps. He would never drink there.

"If you want me to say, there is no more ridiculous law than the Prohibition of Alcohol," a soldier of the guards complained after he almost tripped while walking on the uneven path, "Prohibition of alcohol, prohibition of alcohol, It’s not banned, it’s just a little more difficult for us to drink and a little more expensive.”

Andre kept silent, his complexion was not very good-looking, so it was not because of his subordinates' words, but because of his injuries.

William's claw was not only powerful, but also released five streams of scalding high-temperature steam from five fingers, which made Andre's stomach not only uncomfortable, but also had five bloody wounds on the surface of the skin. It has been dealt with, but I still feel a dull pain when I walk.

This made Andre hate William even more.

Andre was thinking about how to trouble William in the future, but found that a confidant who was walking in the front suddenly stopped.

Andre was wondering, but after seeing it before, he knew the reason.

In front of this path, there was a short and strong man standing. Because of the dark sky, Andre couldn't see his face clearly, but the knife he was holding in both hands shone faintly under the moonlight.

The path was very remote, and there was no one else passing by except Andre and his three trusted subordinates. In addition, the short and strong man was holding a weapon. No matter how he looked at it, he could feel the other party's malicious intentions.

"Who are you!" The leading guard soldier held his sword hilt, stepped forward, and asked vigilantly.

But as soon as he finished speaking, he saw the short and strong man move his hands suddenly, and the cold light flashed in the air, and then it sank into the neck of the leading guard soldier, and the huge force even caused the soldier's body to stagger. step, and then fell directly to the ground.

As early as the moment the short and strong man raised his hand, Andre subconsciously raised his arm to protect the vitals of his head. As a result, the next moment, he felt a sharp pain in his arm. He lowered his arm and found that there was a A heavy throwing knife was inserted deeply.

At this moment, Andre regretted not wearing his armor because he was going to drink.

At the same time, the short and strong man rushed over quickly. While he was walking, he kept waving his hands, and in the blink of an eye, he threw several throwing knives to break through the air.

Andre directly grabbed a guard soldier who was closer to him, and blocked him, and then heard a few muffled popping sounds, and the struggling soldier snorted. There was no life left, and the chest and forehead of the last guard soldier were also hit by the flying knife and fell to the ground.

Andre was sweating coldly. He carried the body and wanted to retreat back to the noble district, but he heard footsteps suddenly coming from behind the path.

Andre looked back, a strong man with a terrible scar on his throat was holding a machete, looking at him coldly, beside him, there was a young man with slightly curly black hair, also holding a machete With a slender knife, the two blocked Andre's retreat at some point.

The cold light reflected from the weapons and knives held by the two was a bit dazzling, and Andre's eyes turned slightly, just in time to meet the boy's eyes full of desire and excitement.

These two people are Harden, the vice-captain of the Morgan Pirates, and Oliver, who was brought aboard by William from the Yixin Dojo not long ago.

And the stocky man who threw the throwing knife before was naturally Diego, the helmsman of the Morgan Pirates.

Oliver, who was blocking the way back, felt a little nervous about killing people for the first time, but his desire for merit far surpassed everything else. He suppressed the negative thoughts in his heart, and was the first to rush to Andre. After he rushed out, Harden followed closely behind.

There were chasing soldiers in the front and interceptions in the back. Andre's thoughts changed, and he threw the body of the guard soldier in his hand at the terrifying short man with a throwing knife in front of him, intending to stop him, then turned and rushed to the rear.

His right hand was injured, so he could only use his left hand to pull out the long sword around his waist awkwardly. However, Andre is nearly three meters tall. The weapon he carries is a long sword to him, but it may be a two-handed giant sword to others .

Andre slashed vigorously, the long sword slashed through the air, and made a whining sound. Although it was his left hand that was not used often, but with Andre's own terrifying brute force, it was enough to cut Harden and Oliver together in half. .

Seeing this, Harden let out a smirk. He arrived first and leaped over Oliver quickly. The heavy scimitar in his hand swung horizontally, and his muscles bulged, and he had firmly blocked Andre's sword.

At the same time, while Harden was blocking Andre's attack, Oliver rolled over with the force of the forward rush, and slid past under the long sword. His originally clean clothes instantly became messy, but he did not Thinking about it, he rolled directly to Andre's leg, and cut off Andre's calf neatly with the knife.

Andre screamed and lost his balance immediately. How could Harden, an old pirate who is used to fighting at sea and has incomparably rich experience in actual combat, miss this opportunity?

Harden's scimitar in his hand had already pushed away Andre's long sword, and then he took advantage of the situation and made a slash, directly slashing at Andre's lower abdomen.

His calf was broken, and he was stabbed again in the lower abdomen. With a miserable howl, Andre knelt down on the ground with a plop.

At this time, Digo, who put down the throwing knife and picked up a scimitar at his waist, had already rushed up. Even if Andre was half kneeling, he was still much taller than him, so he immediately accelerated, and then jumped lightly , Holding the scimitar upside down, using the momentum, directly stab the tip of the knife into the vital point of Andre's chest.

Andre's screams stopped abruptly, and he was directly driven by this force to fly to the ground, with blood foaming from his mouth, and his consciousness gradually became blurred. Up to now, he still doesn't know who is going to kill him.

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