Code Zero Nine

Chapter 95: The best candidate!

Tianfeng City.

The Urban Construction Bureau, the Sand Table Masters Association, all the professions that are closely related to the sand table masters, those big guys, are now urgently communicating and discussing plans to deal with the water table masters.


Gained nothing.

Everyone is not a fool.

They have seen the evaluation data, the same design drawing, the various parameters of the Water Pan Master far surpass the Sha Pan Master!

"Damn it!"

"This group of water energy superpowers can obviously fight and heal, why do they have to come down to grab food with us, the power of sand and dust!"

Someone scolded.

Others are more silent, because anger is meaningless.

"Did their ads go out?"

"Well, all construction companies have received their advertisements, and now everyone is on the sidelines, even our previous orders..."

He didn't finish.

But others also know what it means.


All units have stopped work.


The only way now is to prove yourself!

Their sandpan masters have to prove that they are far better than the waterpan masters! Only then will people be willing to continue to work with you to make sand tables!

How to prove it?




At this moment, everyone knows very well that the result of this battle is likely to affect the super order that has never been seen before, Tianfeng Paradise!

The sandboxer needs to prove himself.

The water pan division needs a lot of fame.


This battle is imperative!



Can they really win?

They have no idea.

After all, the parameters sent by the Drip Master...

And this time.

The old leader who wanted to accept Han Feng as his apprentice suddenly said, "Is the challenge project determined?"

"Well, because it's a professional challenge, this challenge is handled by the Super Power Association. Since the strongest player on the water pan division is now at the E-level peak level, this professional challenge has been fixed at the creation level. !"

Said the assistant.

"Creation Grade?"

The old leader was moved.

Good thing!

The creation level covers three realms.

The first level of creation is F level, the middle level of creation is E level, and the high level of creation is D level.

The water table master they sent was E-level, which was only an intermediate level of creators, but the creator-level sand table masters of the Sand Table Masters Association are not limited to this!

So, if you let the D-class creator-level sandbox master go, wouldn't it be a sure win?

"Which of you is more skilled, fight him!"

The old leader is excited.


Those people looked at each other but smiled bitterly.

At that stage...


They think they are half a genius, and they are good, but they have been studying sand table technology related to work in the past few decades!

How to solve the problem of sand table compatibility?

How to integrate into the deduction level as soon as possible?

How to solve the practical application problems in construction?

These are their daily routines.


They haven't touched for decades! ! !

At this time, go to the professional duel and test the basic parameters such as cohesion speed, stability, sandbox ratio...

how to say?

It's like ten years after graduating, and you are suddenly asked to go back to the college entrance examination. Who can stand it?


They have read the parameters of the water pan division.

The parameters of that level are absolutely comparable!

Even if they were the best of the year, they might not be able to play.


Under the expectant and eager gaze of the old leader, a group of leaders who used to be proud of their strengths bowed their heads one by one in shame.

"I... I can't."

"Neither can I."

"Me too."

The leaders are very ashamed.


They didn't expect that in their lifetime, they would say this sentence outside of home.


The old leader was disappointed.

I'm getting older and I can't do it anymore. Are you guys at forty or fifty?

"It seems."

"It depends on the young man."

"Class E..."

"Creation level..."

"In this way, you call all the qualified sand table masters in the headquarters and do an assessment."

The old leader made a decisive decision.


Everyone will make arrangements right away.

for a long time.

The test is complete.

The big guys looked at the evaluation results and fell into contemplation.

This data...

Even the most genius and best person is only half way from the data released by the Water Pan Master! ! ! It's not a little bit bad!

"Shuipan Master..."

"Is this profession so good?!"

Everyone trembled.

"It's also possible that the so-called geniuses in our headquarters are too useless."

One person suddenly said, "In the past two years, there have been some geniuses in the division. Both level and talent are very good. Maybe they can come and help."


Everyone's eyes lit up.

Speaking of the sand table master technique, they immediately thought of one person-Lin Fengyang!


The leaders personally went over to invite.


What caused them to collapse was that when all the leaders were killed, they saw only one door of the solitary cultivation room that had been completely locked.

Lin Fengyang is in retreat.

Only he can open the door from the inside...

? ? ?

The leaders were stunned.



You? It seems to be teasing me!

In their lifetime, they saw the Shaban Master retreating for the first time!

Can you retreat?


Rubbing sand sculptures?

Shaban masters are all promoted in practice!

"what happened?"

The old leader was puzzled.

At this time, the people in the third branch hurriedly walked and said, "Big Brother Lin is fighting with others in a sand table, and it seems that he has a sense of understanding, so he retreats."


The old leader's mind moved slightly.


Comprehension is a good thing.

No matter what you understand, as long as you follow that path, you will definitely gain something.


What the old leader didn’t know was that although comprehension generally represents the path of cultivation, if the guide is someone like Han Feng who is comparable to Gaode navigation to lead the way...

That road may be a broken road.

"Can't you call it out?"


"Where is the emergency doorbell?"

"Press, there is no movement, it is probably silent inside."


Everyone was silent.


The leader thought of the sandbox duel just mentioned.

"You just said that there was a duel in the sand table, right? You lost or won?"


"Who did you lose to?"

"Han Feng."




Urban Construction Bureau of Anping District.

Just when Han Feng reassures his colleagues not to be anxious, all paper tigers will be self-defeating, a swarm of leaders rushed in...

Uncle Zhang and others were terrified.

This amount...

Those who didn't know thought that the headquarters had moved over.

"Where is Han Feng?"

A leader spoke.

"Yes, which little brother is Han Feng?"

Leaders look forward to it.


Zhang Yang was shocked.

Good guy, it's a group spot this time, can Han Feng handle it?

"We meet again."

The old leader saw Han Feng at first sight.

"Hello, senior."

Han Feng said respectfully.

"You should know why I came?"

The old leader smiled.


Han Feng scratched his head and said truthfully: "Actually, my sand table master is not good at it."

He is serious.

It doesn't matter if he pits Lin Fengyang, but this kind of professional confrontation, if the profession of Sand Table Master is pitted, the trouble will be big.

"Then what do you mean..."

"I recommend Lin Fengyang!"

Han Feng did not hesitate.


The leaders all glanced over, with a little bit of resentment in their eyes, "Lin Fengyang... is closed to death..."

Han Feng:? ? ?

Fog grass.

The kind that is built under the ground, unless the funds are spent, the energy is exhausted, and the world is out of the end, the kind of retreat that can only be walked out by yourself?

Han Feng was shocked.

Lao Lin is a ruthless man!

"So, it can only be you now."

The leaders smiled bitterly.

"My sand dust power level is really low."

Han Feng smiled bitterly.

Old leader: "But you eventually defeated Lin Fengyang."

"No, it was just an accident."

Han Feng explained, "At that time, Lin Fengyang was mostly careless, and I stole his home from a wave of heights..."

Old leader: "But you eventually defeated Lin Fengyang."

"As you know, I love to fight, and my energy is all here. The sand table technique is naturally too low."

Han Feng explained.

Old leader: "But you eventually defeated Lin Fengyang."

"I still know the weather and dyeing."

Han Feng explained.

Old leader: "But you eventually defeated Lin Fengyang."

Han Feng: "..."

Lin Fengyang of Dog Day! ! !

(╬ ̄vessel ̄)

for a long time.

Both sides persisted.

The old leader sighed, "Han Feng, we really can't help it."


Han Feng was silent.

The old leader is actually very good to him.

He gave him design drawings and instructed him, and even in various awards competitions, there should be old leaders behind the fact that the law enforcers value Han Feng so much.

He is very grateful to the old leader.


Because of this, he dare not go!

His level is really not good.

He hopes to truly represent the elite of the sand table master to participate in the competition.


At the moment...


In the eyes of everyone's expectations, Han Feng slowly got up and left, "It's not that there is no way."

for a long time.

With the expectations of the leaders, Han Feng rushed to the third branch, borrowed an excavator from the construction site next door, and rushed to Lin Fengyang's retreat.



There was a loud noise.

Han Feng smoothly dug out the room where Lin Fengyang was closed.

Uncle Zhang:? ? ?

Uncle Wang:? ? ?

leaders:? ? ?

Is this the way you think?


Han Feng got down from the excavator, and looked disappointed at the tightly closed ochre sphere room.

The retreat mechanism actually protects so well!

"Or, try cutting off his resources?"

Han Feng made suggestions.

? ? ?

The leaders couldn't laugh or cry, only then told Han Feng.

First of all, the money is prepaid.

Secondly, the so-called closed gates are generally at the level of rock system super powers above D level, unless they are stronger, it is impossible to break open!

Tianfeng City, there is no way.

"All right."

Han Feng can only regretfully stuff Lin Fengyang back.

He raised his head.

He looked at the expectant eyes of the leaders, but smiled bitterly.

"I'm really worried about embarrassing you."

Han Feng was helpless.

And at this time.

The old leader also saw Han Feng's thoughts, and he waved his hand and asked the assistant to take out the test data tables of all the sand table masters in the headquarters just now.

Han Feng glanced, his heart jumped.

This data...

"So much difference?!"

Han Feng was shocked.




With the same standard sand table, these people are a thousand miles away from the water pan master!


"Do you know why I am looking for you?"

The old leader smiled bitterly.

"I see."

Han Feng took a deep breath.

Water pan division...

This profession is far more powerful than I thought!

Although he knew very well that the water table master might overturn one day in the future, before that, if the sand table master performed poorly...

Shui Pan Shi Liang before Sha Pan Shi can't hold it anymore! ! !


Han Feng pondered for a moment, then suddenly said, "Is there any information about the master of the water pan?"


The leaders were suddenly overjoyed.


Han Feng opened the information and read it for a long time.

The entire unit, all the seniors, all the leaders, and the Urban Construction Bureau at the same time, looked at Han Feng eagerly at this moment, and no one said anything.

for a long time.

Han Feng closed the information silently, a flash of light flashed in his eyes.


"Let me meet them."

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