The mutant creatures were a little unwilling to scream at Qi Lin, but they didn't dare to set foot in the main building for half a step. Qi Lin didn't bother to care about them, kicking them, shut the main building with beautiful reliefs.

   Qi Lin turned around and looked at the situation inside the main building.

   This is a Gothic mixed Baroque style building. In that era, despite the shortage of materials, the Li warlord who liked luxury built the main building magnificently.

The floor of the hall is made of finely polished marble. The dome is also painted with faded murals, but the content of the murals is a bit strange-in such a Western-style house, the content of the murals turned out to be Chinese palace decoration paintings. Qi Lin's style, the more he looked at it, the more he felt that the auspicious red peony and golden dragon and phoenix were incompatible with the main theme of the castle.

   However, considering that the warlord's cultural level was generally not high at that time, and only pursuing gorgeousness, it would be excusable to make such a nondescript thing.

The exterior stained glass of the main building is covered with a thick layer of dust, which makes it difficult for the sun to shine in. This brings a gloomy feeling to the building, while the corners, stairs and other places are placed with broken plaster. Like it creates a thriller atmosphere.

But when Qi Lin saw a statue of "Guan Erye" in the hall on one side, he instantly felt that the atmosphere that was not easy to create before was gone-as if watching a European and American horror movie. , The protagonist is walking in the cemetery in the middle of the night, with a cloudy wind blowing around him from time to time. At this time, a monkey suddenly appeared and roared: "Hey, the monster eats my grandson a stick!"

Song Xiaodie also stood up at this time. Qi Lin found that the girl’s knees and elbows had some redness and swelling. Obviously, she fell when she was thrown in just now, but this girl is not the kind of delicate eldest lady. It didn't say a word.

   "Stay vigilant and run as soon as you find something wrong."

   Since knowing that the castle owner who likes to **** human blood is likely to be in this main building, Qi Lin must be very careful and be ready to apply oil on the soles of his feet at any time.

   This time, he is not here to challenge this guy who has at least the strength of a Level 4 evolutionary. Without that grey card, he would definitely not risk such a huge risk to break in.

   Wealth and wealth are sought in insurance, huge opportunities will inevitably be accompanied by risks of the same level, but if Qi Lin can get any benefits from this gray card, it will not be impossible to fly into the sky!

Putting away the Gauss sniper rifle, Qi Lin thought for a while, he found a small fork from his backpack and put it in his handy pocket. This is the only silver tool on his body, although silver can restrain vampires. The saying comes from legends, but it is better to prepare with one more hand than nothing.

The lobby of the main building is very empty. There is no shelter except for a few large vases. You can basically see everything at a glance. On both sides of the lobby, there is a corridor that does not know where it leads, and behind the lobby, There is a spiral staircase leading to the second floor of the main building.

   It is obviously a stupid idea to divide the forces now. Qi Lin glanced at Song Xiaodie and said, "Which way do you want to choose?"

   Song Xiaodie looked around, stretched out a slender white finger, and pointed to the corridor on the left.

   This idea coincides with Qi Lin. In fact, the reason why both of them chose this road is entirely because the previous statue of Guan Erye, which destroyed the atmosphere, was placed in the hallway connected to the left corridor.

   Although this method of selection is a bit metaphysical, it saves the entanglement.

When passing the statue of Guan Erye, Qi Lin also paid his respects. In the traditional Chinese culture, Guan Yu is called the "God of Wealth" by the people. Although Qi Lin is an atheist, he is He still respects the famous generals in history.

The corridor is very long, at least 100 meters or more, presenting an arc. Combined with the external shape and structure of the main building, the two corridors are like two arms extending from the lobby, embracing the entire main building from the front. .

   In this corridor, the two people found several more dry bodies. Without exception, they were all killed by sucking their whole body blood.

   "It seems that a vampire really lives here..."

   Qi Lin said back, but found that Song Xiaodie had folded a chopstick into two pieces, folded them crosswise, and then tied them with a hair rope. He couldn't help but asked curiously: "What are you doing?"

   "Being a cross, doesn't it mean that vampires are afraid of crosses?" Song Xiaodie said abruptly.

"...The fellow Guan Erye can't control, do you still expect those birdmen on the other half of the earth to show up? Besides, this thing that can barely be called a "cross" has not been consecrated by those gods. ."

   "Then what if we encounter it..."

"Give it a shot first. It's best to kill it. If you can't kill it, run away. Anyway, I'm just here to find something valuable. It's better not to encounter it." Qi Lin touched the Gauss sniper rifle behind him, triple Powerful overload shooting can't be resisted even by level four evolutionary, unless the blood sucking thing is really immortal as written in the novel, and it is invincible except for holy water and silver bullets-at least outside During the day, if you want to run, you can still run.

  The deeper the corridor, the more such corpses appeared. If you add up all the corpses you saw along the way, there are probably thirty or forty.

"This thing has a pretty good appetite, but the hygiene habits are not very good." At least Qi Lin will not throw away the synthetic food packaging bags that he has eaten up everywhere in his residence ~ ~ the end of the corridor, It was a small living room. As soon as the two of them stepped into it, a group of dark shadows passed over their heads and flew out one after another.

   "What is that?" Song Xiaodie was startled, and an arrow had already been placed on the compound bow.


Qi Lin has enhanced dynamic vision. Although the speed of the dark shadows is very fast, his naked eye still captures clear images. It is a group of black bats with mouse-like heads with a pig nose and between the limbs. Also attached to the thin fleshy wing membrane.

   This is a typical vampire bat. This kind of thing originally lived in the central and southern parts of the Americas, but I don’t know why, in the wasteland era, it appeared in China, which is separated from the America by the ocean.

   The tooth marks on the neck of the mummy, the hordes of vampire bats... Qi Lin suddenly discovered that the symbols related to the vampire legend were all matched up.

   This living room is not as clean as the hall. The floor is full of bat dung, and these acid dung corroded the originally flat granite floor into potholes.

Qi Lin used his toes to open a pile of bat dung. These dung had accumulated a thick layer. The thickest part was nearly ten centimeters long, and the bottom part had even clumped into blocks. Very hard.

   From the analysis of the thickness of the feces, this group of bats has lived here for a long time. If this group of bats really has something to do with vampires, then this vampire should have lived here for several years.

   Maps, castles, grey cards, vampires... Qi Lin feels that this situation seems to have become more complicated... If it is a hidden mission branch, would it be too "grand"?

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