Chapter 261

261. Clearly a bleak future.

Although not together from the beginning, the beginning with the roots was never short.

So, I was proud to say that I knew a little about the roots.

For example, the roots are not greedy, more precisely, eaters.

Most likely, he grabbed the giant bow that was the owner of the 5th Royal Sector most recently and ate the roots with good taste.

as soon as.

[Denayan’s Wood Sculpture (Unrated)

-It is a part of the Denayan tree, so-called ‘the oldest tree’ because no one knows when it existed.]

And before that, he caught a black liquid human who was the owner of the 4th royal section out of 1, 2, 3, and 4 called “Royal of Royals” and ate “Piece of Origin III” as well.

Of course, if that’s all, I wouldn’t call it a glutton.

Of course there were more.

“Ancient energy to deal with monsters” that constantly summoned monsters to Myongjin Shelter, and “parasites” that I unintentionally and indirectly absorbed, even though the roots didn’t eat them directly.

In addition, there is also a black marker indicating 100% realization rate achievement.

So much of the roots were eaten.

Of course, is it that bad?

you’re welcome.

It was very good.

Because the root has a mark that means that the realization rate has been achieved 100%, there is no need to attach a black tattoo to the body, and as well as other things, especially the ancient energy dealing with monsters eaten by the roots is a formidable ability for me. has presented

That’s the monster engraving.

In addition, ‘Fragment of the Origin III’ upgraded the monster engraving to a better enhanced monster engraving that could not even be compared with before.

So, he was currently receiving a buff rather than a huge buff of 6000 intellect, 3000 mental power, and a 7.5% increase in the damage of all ice-type skills.

Of course, it was beneficial just to have strong roots without having to give me that kind of help.

Obviously, I will continue to have my back in the future, and being on the same side is never a bad thing.

Just like protecting over 10,000 ordinary people for over two months during the Borneche expedition, or protecting Myongjin Shelter from the Lucia Guild when I was in Kuhana.

In any case, the root, which is now my most powerful helper, has emerged through the land of despair that was not even damaged by my attack.

Hanging from the tip of its root, an enemy who had not stopped taunting me until recently.

dream wiggle.

In that state, the roots wriggle their body as usual.

There was nothing different from his usual appearance.

But now I know roughly what that squirm means.

Obviously, the squirm you do when you are in a good mood, the wiggle that you do when you have something you want, and the wiggle that you do when you are upset are different.

However, I could intuitively know that this twitch was exactly the third, that is, it was done in an upset state.

And as if my intuition wasn’t wrong.



The white roots flew high into the sky and dug into the ground again.



exactly behind me.

So the land of despair appeared again from the bare ground that had not yet been stretched out.

And he snatched the enemy from the air again, which had been blown high in the sky.

dream wiggle.It’s definitely the same wriggling as before.

But this time, I could tell at a glance that it wasn’t a wiggle wiggle that was a sign of displeasure.

If I had to pick it up, it’s the kind of dream I usually do.

First of all, I got my attention.

The important thing is not now.

That is to say.


He turned his head and looked behind me.

Then it came into my sight that the land of despair, which did not affect me at all, but did not affect me, continued to expand its territory.

And not long after, the red and black land of despair expanded to the bare ground where the roots appeared again.

Of course, what log is that?

It had to be a large number.

In any case, it was possible for the root to break through the land of despair and reveal itself, but with a sign of displeasure and discomfort, it was revealed that by putting the body back directly into the ground, it eventually fell behind the land of despair.

That is, the first defeat of the roots.

As much as that, defeat is taken for granted this time, but unlike before, there is a difference in that the starting point for the first appearance of the roots is bare ground.

He couldn’t help but wonder.

So, I carefully looked at the land of despair that was expanding the realm to the root and the place where it sprang up.

And even the bare ground, where the roots reappeared soon, was completely covered with the land of despair.


dream wiggle.

Obviously, the whole area around where the new roots sprouted turned into a land of red and black despair, but unlike before, the roots did not show any signs of discomfort or resentment.

Unlike the first time, he did not dig directly into the ground and maintained his body.


I couldn’t help but spit out a little exclamation without knowing it.

The taste was bitter when the first root was defeated in the land of despair, but as a result of this time, it has been revealed that if the root is established first, it will not lose to the land of despair.

And then.

[This is… Impossible! The land of despair is obviously mixed with the power of the source…]

A cry filled with self-confidence and the despair of the person who had been ridiculing me up until the last minute.

But the enemy’s desperate cry finally made it known.

Obviously, the roots have eaten something called ‘Fragment of the Origin III’.

also secretly from me.

But there’s no need to tell you that.

So, unlike before, he opened his mouth to the enemy with a slightly dignified, nonchalant appearance.

“Isn’t it always so easy to change your attitude when you’re flirting? where do you go on good job though It really pisses me off.”



Exactly 36 days in Kuhana.

Among them, the six days following the 30 days when they were forced to stay were quiet to induce the enemy’s vigilance.

Before returning, you can catch at least one more ruler of the Royal District, but it was a waste of time to just return like everyone else.

And being quiet doesn’t mean that you were covering your eyes and ears, so you could hear quite a few stories on your own.

The ruthless invaders, the predators, the demons, the destroyers and so on.

The owner of the Royal District is also the owner, but the fact that he dealt with about 2 million enemies in 30 days is certainly not something to be overlooked.

That is, interest will know me.

That’s why it’s trembling like that.

First of all, you can deal with the enemy with one gesture, but before that, I have a question to ask, so I opened my mouth quietly.

“okay. Say you’re the owner of the Royal Quarter or whatever. What’s next? So, it’s called the squad. Moreover, Hanara Ku has brought over the seeds of despair obtained by sacrificing her hometown. So what more do you want to know?”

Before, I didn’t know what the purpose of ‘Forgotten Legend’ and ‘Revival Legend’ was, but now I know that the purpose is to fight the people belonging to Kuhana in front of me.

So I couldn’t help but wonder.

What awaits the winner of that battle?

Of course you didn’t know me.

No, no one on Earth knew.

However, in conversation with the rulers of the Royal District, they seemed to know something.

At the center of it, there seems to be a person named ‘Lee Ji-won,’ who seems to belong to the earth, which I still cannot even guess.


[…why are you curious about that? Anyway, Hong Jooyoung, you must be a loser you don’t need to know or don’t care about. self-destruct.]



To be honest, it wasn’t a question I was expecting.

So there was no regret.

No, there was a bit of regret.

It’s a pity that I’d rather kill him before he self-destructs.

However, his body was already shattered and scattered all over the place.

I turned back to see it.

Because I’ve already checked everything.

of course.

“Excellent use.”

[Currently, among the strength, agility, stamina, mental power, and intellect possessed by lumen and Ashirante, the most outstanding stat is intelligence.

-Currently possessed intelligence: 164,751

-Intellect value is changed to 329,502 for 30 minutes.

– 10 days cooldown will occur when the duration of Exceptional Age ends.]

it won’t work

But even knowing that, he used ‘extraordinary’.

Even considering that this land of despair increases the speed at which it expands, it covers the entire earth, but there is no choice in 10 days.

This means that the cooldown of ‘extraordinary’ returns until they show up, including the owners of the Royal District.

In other words, it was a pity to just go, even though I knew it would not work.

Lastly, I wanted to check.

So, after using ‘Excellent’, I used ice field and thin ice, and used the same 5 stacks of ice breath on my most powerful combo that I used just before.



“okay. I wasn’t expecting it anyway. I just didn’t want to leave the slightest possibility behind.”

After saying that, he turned back.

Leaving behind the drones floating in the air, as well as the countless people who have been watching me for a long time.


next day.

He immediately returned to the Myeongjin Shelter.Because in the end, it was confirmed yesterday that it is impossible to stop the land of despair no matter how hard you try.

And knowing that one show is better than a hundred words, he pulled out the memory beads he had used since the beginning of his attack on the land of despair.

Naturally, there was also the person who mocked me that the earth of despair would completely envelop this earth and make it the second Kuhana.

After that the video is over.




There was silence in the conference room.

Even after using ‘Excellent’ at the very end, it was unable to inflict even a dusty blow to the land of despair, so it went beyond silence and became gloomy.

Of course, that had to be the case.

In the end, the only way to avoid the land of despair is to stay in the air for the rest of your life using a fly, or to live in the sea using something like a boat.

And the former was absolutely impossible except for me.

As with vitality, mana is never infinite.

Then all that remains is the latter.

So I quietly opened my mouth.

“These are said to have flowed from the Carnabon Guild in Australia, and it is said that a man from Kuhana said this as he watched the dying in the land of despair. ‘Do you want to live? Then it wouldn’t be a bad choice to be a bird or a fish at this point.’ Of course, it’s impossible to become a bird and a fish, so there are roughly airplanes and ships left…”

I didn’t end up spewing out the backstory.

It is impossible for an airplane to remain in the sky for the rest of its life, and then it is a ship.

rest of it?

Of course he will die.

immediately from the public.

And those who raised the realization rate of reality were not able to demonstrate even 10% of their usual combat power due to the land of despair, leaving them in vain in the hands of the enemy.

No, even if there was no land of despair, compared to the average power, Kuhana had an absolute advantage.

That’s because the global average is not even a rookie level, even the bottom 20% of the rookie level, because the average of the royals, majors, and regulars can’t even dream.

In such a situation, it was obvious that if he received the debuff called Land of Despair, he would be swept away by autumn leaves.

“The boat… I will ask you about the largest boat possible. If it’s impossible…”

Director Seok In-soo was the fastest.

However, even Seok In-soo, the head of the department, looked at me without saying a word until the end.

Of course, I didn’t know what that meant.

Because Australia’s situation has already been known to the entire planet, and that I can’t stop it, all the giant guilds and groups have confirmed in their own way.

I did not deliberately prevent spies and drones from watching.

That is, they would know unless they were idiots.


It also requires a big boat.

Saving a ship in such a situation means giving up your lifeline in the end.

Of course I won’t give it.

Director Seok In-soo looking at me now means that I need my strength in that situation.

Of course, I had no intention of blaming Chief In-soo Seok like that.

After all, I do not know that the starting point of that thought is loyalty.

So, I opened my mouth softly, looking at everyone, including Director Seok In-soo, who could not hide their rigid expressions.

Surely others may point at me and Myungjin as selfish, saying they want to live on their own, but there was a way to overcome it anyway.

It took me a day to return to Myongjin Shelter to check it out.


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