Chapter 250

250 episodes. One plus one (3).

10 Royal Sector.

“The pouring hail!”

“You must run away!”

“right. An aggressor who could not be caught even with two people!”

sound from afar.

Of course, those around me couldn’t even utter such a desperate sound.

Clearly, the 7th level skill, Ice Storm, is a skill comparable to that of Blizzard or Ice Tornado, but now my intellect is twice my usual level, that is, it has reached 200,000.

That is to say.




Thousands of people fell that way just because they were in close proximity to the great bow, the owner of the 5th Royal Sector.

But it was ignored.

After all, my top priority right now is a huge bow.

“Ice Lane! Ice Wave!”

puck. puck. bubbly bubbly. puck.

First of all, all my attacks went into him.

Of course, as before, it was possible to use Blink with a zero cooldown or attack using the 8-reinforced Ice Emperor’s Guardian Sword.

But it didn’t.

Right now, ‘extraordinary’ is being maintained, and because of that, even the Ice Ball and Ice Bolt will be more powerful than the attack using the 8-reinforced Ice Emperor’s Guardian Sword.

The moment when Blink with zero cooldown moved was wasted.


puck. puck. bang. bang.

Even the huge bow kept attacking me to see if there was no intention of retreating, and an ignorant battle ensued in the same place as if competing for who was stronger.


After a while.

The attack of the giant bow was obviously not flashy.

The pattern was also simple.

However, the power of that simple and ignorant attack was more powerful than Fashant, who was the owner of the 7th Royal District.

It’s definitely a normal attack that can be called a flat hit, but it feels like it’s an attack with agility alone, not hundreds of thousands, but almost a million?

Moreover, his body didn’t look too bad either.




It wasn’t because I thought I’d never be pushed.

Because I fought with control as much as I could, I still had a lot of vitality.

But I thought there was no need to fight ignorantly.

Obviously, the owner of the 10th Royal District and the 5th Royal District owner were the primary goals, but there were still many enemies everywhere.

In other words, an opportunity like this is rare.

This battlefield is equipped with delicious main dishes and perfect desserts.

So, for the proper distribution, the battle started again in a disgusting way.

of course.

easy profit. bang!

easy profit. bang!

“Is it a missile?”

His arrow turned like a missile with guidance technology and pierced into me, changing its position to Blink.

But it was late.

To write, I had to write right away.

Of course, I don’t know if there are restrictions that I’m not aware of.

Anyway, I ignored it and continued to attack.

“Retribution Ice!”


Using the powerful attacks that come back during the cooldown, sparingly and sparingly.

And about 10 minutes to keep the battle going like that?

I could hear a message.[You have achieved a ‘great achievement’ as a member of the squad.

-You dealt with powerful beings in their bedroom.

– Acquire 1000 remaining stat points.

-Irrespective of the current reality realization rate, the reality realization rate will increase by 1% immediately.][You have defeated up to 3 powerful beings.

-Compensation will not be provided in the future.]


I had no choice but to savor the message.

However, a reward that came out of an unexpected situation.

In other words, it was a bonus, so I did not take that regret for long.

To take the disappointment for a long time, in the end, a total of 9% realization rate and a whopping 6000 remaining stat points were obtained.


After that, he turned his attention to the countless remaining major, regular, and rookie areas and those who do not belong to those rookie areas.

It’s like they’re all together as if they want to eat themselves.

So I ran right away.

Because I am now an aggressor without blood or tears, no, a predator.

A predator who is obsessed with such things, no matter how much he eats and eats, he does not feel full.


next day.

The majority of those who participated in the ‘Planning Party’ event did not leave the domain of Fashant, who was still the owner of the 7th Royal Sector and was called the incarnation of the Elemental King.

Hong Jooyoung did a good job of tidying things up, but there were still a lot of enemies left, so there was no shortage of things to fill the daily quota.

No, rather than the quota, everyone was satisfied because it was an optimal environment where they could safely take additional points and settled in the area of ​​the past bankruptcy.

And the Australian Carnabon Guild was located near the 107th Regular District, which was under the 7th Royal Division.

“Chief! We just got some great information!”


“Hong Jooyoung fell into the trap set by the rulers of the 5th and 10th Royal Districts…”

“what? Did I tell you to die? No! Without Hong Jooyoung, in the end we’re done!”

Captain Taylor spoke out as if screaming at Suha’s words.

Taylor didn’t know that he had to stay here for more than a week, and that it was all thanks to Hong Jooyoung that he was so safe.

Furthermore, by staying here for more than 10 days, the cry was inevitable because they did not know that Kuhana and the Earth would eventually eat one place in battle.


“no! I fell into a trap, and it is said that I killed all the rulers of the 5th and 10th royal areas.”


For a moment, Taylor was stunned.

So he asked the question again.

“So, right now, in Kuhana, you played 2-1 against those who were in the top ten, and you said you won?”



When he realized he hadn’t heard it wrong, Taylor was speechless for a moment.

Then he spoke softly.

“If I return to Earth, I would have to offer a present to Hong Jooyoung and Myeong-jin… I don’t know if there’s anything I’d like.”

Taylor had come here and dealt with the enemies himself, so he knew for sure how strong they were.

Even on average, it is incomparable to Earth.

In other words, with the exception of some who are called the real powerhouses on Earth, about 3% belonged to regulars, 20% were rookies, and the rest were all at the level of those who didn’t even belong to the rookie area. Tyler came here to see.

And the ten rulers they praised were literally the sun in the sky.

However, when Hong Jooyoung smashed their sun 2 to 1, not 1 to 1, Tails had no choice but to be embarrassed.

Even though the difference was too great to be considered as being on the same planet, it was too much.

Of course, Taylor also felt lucky to be on the same planet.

In any case, the participants of the ‘selection group’ event who heard information about Hong Jooyoung one after another had the same concerns.

What should I do about Hong Jooyoung and furthermore, how can I fart at Myungjin?

Moreover, some of the people who have come here have had a slightly bad relationship with Myeong-jin, so they begged and begged.

In the future, I hope you will never lose to Myungjin and Chuck.

Because the result was obvious.

First of all, those who participated in the ‘selection squad’ continued to fill their quota and proceed with the event.


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