Chapter 244

244 episodes. instantaneous.

A ‘startup’ event with huge rewards.

In particular, like other events or quests, rewards are not only given to those who finish first or are in the rankings, but if they stay there for 30 days, all of them will be rewarded with the highest level of rewards. Everyone had no choice but to freak out.

Moreover, a certain amount of compensation was given even if he chose to accept the question asking to participate without clearing the event, whether he thought that alone was not enough.

But no one knew how dangerous it was.

As if as a warning, in the message about the ‘selection group’ event, there was a text saying that if you die, you will die in the ㅇㅇㅇ that you moved to.

There, ㅇㅇㅇ was where the black liquid human came from, an almost catastrophic existence that no one could have stopped if it wasn’t for Hong Jooyoung.

Moreover, if it is long, it is long, if it is short, it is short 30 days.

But apparently 30 days was a long time.

In the end, the huge reward that made you open your mouth could not be more precious than your life.

So, in their own way, large guilds and groups gave up the ‘selection group’ event.

Because I didn’t intend to gamble with my life as collateral.

However, without the ability, greedy people were everywhere.

Even those who lean on luck and aim for a fortune.

And some of them considered this event to be a rope from heaven for them.

‘Is it okay? i’ll be fine There are so many, I will be able to live.’

However, ‘Revival Legend’ was not easy enough to accept that complacency, and in the end, they were killed close to annihilation in just one day.

The problem is that the death didn’t happen in the middle of a fierce battle with the enemy, but it was a death that was wasted time slicing and gathering in the yard in a hurry to meet today’s quota?

Realizing that they didn’t have enough time, they moved to find the enemy, but by then it was already too late.

In other words, dog death is inevitable.

Of course, this was not the case with all of the approximately 14,000 participants.

There were certainly those who made up their own minds and slept with a plan, formed a team appropriately, and took on the challenge.

For example, a place like the Carnabon Guild in Australia.

“Did you hear me? That Hong Jooyoung completely erased one major area that was neither a regular nor a rookie.”

“Huh. I heard Wow… that’s crazy. It almost wiped out a country by itself.”

“right. Because Hong Jooyoung took care of not only the major district, but also the Fashant, the king who ruled there.”

“By the way, how strong are you? If you are the owner of the 7th Royal District, it means that you are one of the strongest in Kuhana here, right? But such a strong man…”

“Hey. what a surprise Hong Jooyoung has already killed a black liquid human that is stronger than Fashant, the owner of District 7 on Earth.”

“Did you not hear them? The black liquid man who used to be the owner of Sector 4 passed through a tiny hole leading to the Earth and lost his full power.”

“What does it matter? Anyway, Hong Jooyoung caught them all. So that’s how we are guaranteed to be safe. To be honest, even if the rookie area is our skill, do you think it will be possible to invade the regular area without much damage?”




All those who were exchanging opinions on one word kept their mouths shut.

Surely, this place was crowded with strong people than I thought, and if Hong Jooyoung hadn’t jumped on me, he would have died instantly.“But certainly, starting with the 7th Royal Sector, all Major, Regular and Rookie Sectors under Fashant’s control have been quiet. There were fewer enemies that way.”

“Well… not really.”

“But even if it’s me, I’ll run away. Their king is already dead, who will be there? There is no one who can stop Hong Jooyoung.”

“This puts us at a disadvantage in getting points…”

No matter how much preparation they made, they risked their lives in the end, so they had no choice but to worry about the compensation.

But Taylor, the leader of the group, who was sitting quietly at that time, spoke softly.

“Abandon excessive greed. After all, our ultimate goal was survival. And for the remaining 21 days, we only look at the goal of survival. In that respect, thank Hong Jooyoung. Because he got all the attention and eventually smashed an area close to a country, so we lost interest. Moreover, enemies

Even if a lot of this is gone, there are still plenty of numbers to fill your quota for the day. Rather, things are better now. The more enemies there are, the more damage will inevitably occur within us.”




The members of the Carnabon Guild, who had been talking about the current situation, did not refute the words of leader Taylor.

Indeed, if Hong Jooyoung hadn’t rushed like that, it would have been unreasonable to survive without any damage.

And as the enemies decreased, it became easier to fill the daily quota without taking any damage.

Anyway, the Carnabon Guild moved very wisely.

Most of the others who remain.


It’s been 9 days since I came to Kuhana here.

In the meantime, he has completely destroyed the 7th Royal District under Fashant as well as several major and regular divisions.

Just as the victor gets the loser’s loot.

But now, the rumors of mine have spread so widely that several major and regular areas that I have not yet visited have turned into a very desolate state.

“Hmm… I think that’s enough to get things sorted out.”

Of course, the remaining ones all give extra points.

But now, moving to deal with that small number of people one by one is less time-efficient.

Moreover, it seemed that the seeds would dry out if they moved further here.

If that happens, it will be difficult for those who are currently participating in the ‘selection group’ event like me to meet their daily quota.

“Well… you don’t have to take care of them, but you don’t have to drive them into a dead end.”

Anyway, I got all the loot I needed to take, and I saw everything I had to do here.

So I decided to move on to another place.

Of course, the next goal has already been set.

No, the moment Fashant died and one message rang, the next target had to be there.

The 10th Royal District.

More precisely, the ruler of the 10th Royal Sector.

Because, after dealing with Fashant, the ruler of District 7, a whopping 3000 remaining stat points were obtained, and the realization rate of reality increased by 5%.

First of all, the remaining 3,000 stat points were a huge amount, but the reality implementation rate of 5% had to be turned over.

At my current level, the real implementation rate of 5% was not even possible with 10,000 to 20,000 coins.

So, I thought about running straight to the rulers of the 8th, 9th, and 10th Royal Districts, which are relatively weaker than loot acquisition.

But no matter how fast I was, I couldn’t be faster than the rumors that spread from mouth to mouth.

In other words, the moment I meet them, they will already know about me.

Maybe they dig a trap and wait.

Of course, some traps are almost useless in front of me.

However, the traps dug together by the rulers of two or more royal districts, except for the 4 and 7 Royal Districts that died to me, were obviously threatening.

Especially the rulers of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd areas called Royal of Royals.

Because if you are strong at that level, simply 1 plus 1 is not 2.

So I turned to pick up the loot.

I also know that eating hastily rice is the way to pretend.

“great. then. Where would you like to go?”

First of all, the goal was to capture at least one more ruler in any royal area for the rest of the time.

Because I’ve already done all that I have to do to come here.

Of course, if the opportunity arises, even if I use everything, I’m going to bite the bullet.

Anyway, he immediately jumped high in the air using a fly and a blink of a zero cooldown to keep moving westward.

There is no need to catch the strong, so go to the weakest Royal District 10.


It is the 9th day since the ‘Selection Team’ event started.

Myeongjin Shelter located in Gangwon-do.

Today, Myungjin Shelter was peaceful.

But it had to be.

Because Myeongjin Shelter was a place where a formidable monster, or even a monster, could not explain, because it was a place of enormous strength.

Of course, now the monster has been away for a while.

But there was no one to argue with Myeongjin.

Because no one had any doubts that the monster would return safely to Myongjin Shelter sooner or later.

Even if everyone I went with died.

However, no one knew that a group of people was appearing about 30 kilometers away from the peaceful Myeongjin shelter.

Because they moved very secretly, and they made a large underground cavity deep in the ground beforehand.

And one person was sitting on a high-end chair that was not suited to one side of the basement cavity.

That’s Umberto, the guild leader of the Lucia Guild.

First of all, Umberto opened his mouth softly to the person standing next to him.

“Are you all gathered?”

“The 17 people haven’t come yet.”

“I don’t like it very much.”“……”

Suha, who was standing next to Umberto’s words, didn’t say anything.

He honestly didn’t like him either.

He was also afraid of being behind it.

However, in the yard where the guild leader, Umbetro, is already holding his lifeline, he has no choice but to follow every single thing, whether from death to death.

So Suha quietly opened his mouth.

“…I will not come after all. Just like me.”


At Suha’s words, Umberto let out a low laugh.

Then he stopped laughing and opened his mouth.

“Don’t worry. When this job is over, I will release that lifeline.”

“But wouldn’t it be a dead life for Hong Jooyoung, who returned later?”

“I beg you. do you know Will Hong Jooyoung save you? Or he lives in hiding. Wouldn’t that be better than living with a leash on me for the rest of my life? I’ve always wanted it.”


This time, Suha did not open her mouth.

And then, suddenly, someone broke through the space between them and appeared.

Guild leader Umberto just gave him a slight glance as if he already knew and knew.

Then the person who appeared immediately opened his mouth.

“There was no one who would give me a million dollars.”

“Ttttttttt. You’re too scared of the mercenary subject.”

“Because your opponent is your opponent. Instead, he was strict about his entry and exit. Let’s be quiet like rats until we move.”

“I get it. Wait. When the 17 cowards show up, they immediately hit Myungjin Shelter.”


Umbetro was convinced that the 17 thugs would soon show up.

If you don’t show up within the remaining time, you won’t know that you’re dead, and in the end, if you die here and there, you’re the person who puts weight on the side that has a 1% chance to live more.

He promised to release his lifeline if he did an excellent job in hitting Myungjin Shelter this time.

Of course, Umberto had no intention of protecting it.

Once a dog, forever a dog.

And then Umberto could see a group of hordes coming into the underground cavity.

He went with him and he opened his mouth wide right away.

“Everyone moves!”

He did not know that the mouths of the managers of the mercenary market would soon be opened, no matter how much he tried to crack down on them.

So, I made a request 10 minutes before the attack on Myungjin Shelter.

In any case, 117 people, including Umberto, the guild leader of the Lucia Guild, moved directly to the Myongjin Shelter.

Except for Umberto, the rest had a stiff or slightly frown.


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