Chapter 226

226. 1600, 1700 and 1800 (1).

A level 1600 hunting ground where archer-type monsters called Dark Elves are assimilated into darkness.

Maybe that’s why, rather than rushing towards me, who had dug between them, he attacked with a bow right there on the spot.

[Dark Arrow!][Multiple Dark Arrows!][Exploding arrows of darkness!]

with a smile on your lips

Inevitably, considering the experience and coins, the most efficient hunting ground just before had to be the 1500 level hunting ground Titan, so staying there for a long time had no choice but to kill the hunt.

In the meantime, the hunting grounds that give a small amount of experience as well as coins were not only fresh, but also a blessing from drought.

What’s more, there are still two more things to be happy about.

It’s a 1700, 1800 level hunting ground.


The time Hong Jooyoung hunts hard.

A huge building in the center of Buenos Aires, Argentina.


It used to be crowded with many people, but now it is empty.

Because it was the home of the Talagapa Guild, one of the top five guilds in Argentina, where all the people who played a pivotal role in the guild disappeared overnight.

Even the heir of the guild leader who will be in charge of the future.

First of all, the reward was very splendid.

Moreover, there was no mission to go to a place called ㅇㅇㅇ using the Judgment Key and do anything, just staying for 30 days when the cooldown was over.

Therefore, the Talagapa Guild loaded the 30 members of the expedition and filled it with not only the guild leader, but also very important people.

And all 30 of those important people did not return.

In other words, the moment they did not return, it was only natural that the Talagapa Guild, which once dominated an area, would disintegrate in the air.

like now.

However, there were still those who kept it.

Even if the rich go bankrupt, the third generation will make a living, because the Talagapa Guild was definitely on the rich side.

And they always kept a few people resident at the very center of the stronghold where the 30 most elite people, including the head of the Guild Rodrigo, used the Judgment Key.

I wondered if it would show up later.

If only they showed up again, everything could be turned back.

Moreover, in the Key of Judgment, it was said that you can do it after 30 days, but there was no mention that you must return after 30 days unconditionally.

But then.

So I rushed to the dark elves whose hearts were dyed in darkness again.


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