Jiang Ting was stunned by the other party's sudden questioning.

    I saw that Xu Jiayin's face became gloomy, and then left the stage, it seemed that the recording was no longer.

    Jiang Ting was confused by the other party's inexplicable behavior, turned his head, and just wanted to ask the person around him what Xu Jiayin meant.

    I saw that Hong Shiyu looked at her with a look of 'you're awesome' and gave her a thumbs up, said.

    "Strong, captain." As one of the three licking dogs, Hong Shiyu still uses the previous title.

    Jiang Ting frowned and asked.

    "What do you mean?"

    Hong Shiyu winked at her and said with a smile, "Xu Jiayin was in front of so many people just now, and asked you if you could cooperate with him in front of the camera, and you asked directly what is ok? It's too hard to get off the stage."

    Jiang Ting: "..." Suddenly, she understood what happened just now, and her expression became strange.

    Now the beam is getting bigger.

    No wonder Xu Jiayin left in a rage just now, wouldn't he think that her question was looking down on him?


    Jiang Ting was completely stunned.

     Wouldn't she be dazed just a little? I didn't pay attention to what the people on stage were saying.

    How did this happen?

    After thinking for a few seconds, she sighed, not knowing what to do next.

     Xu Jiayin's departure will be handled by her own program team, and the remaining trainees have to stay in place to continue recording the program.

    Instructor Zhang Ning saw this, first rectified the order, and said sharply: "Quiet, continue to announce the ranking of the next trainee."

    The audience was silent.

    "The national producer voted 66w, accounting for 5.5% of the total vote pool, and the public review vote of the PK competition totaled 413 votes, accounting for 10.53% of the total score and 16% of the overall score..." Zhang Ning announced here , Everyone in the audience knew who she was talking about.

    Luo Tianning pursed her lips, only to feel her throat dry.

    Until he heard a sound of heaven, he was completely saved.

     "Congratulations, trainee, Luo Tianning, you have successfully advanced."

    Luo Tianning's legs softened and he almost fell to the ground, but Liu Zhongming next to him helped him.

    After Luo Tianning, Zhang Ning continued to announce.

    “The national producer voted 53w, accounting for 4.4% of the total vote pool, and the public review vote of the PK competition totaled 380 votes, accounting for 9.6% of the total score, and the overall ratio was 14%…”

    Yin Ziyu's palms were sweaty and he looked nervous. When it came to him, would he be promoted or eliminated?

    I saw a pity on Zhang Ning's face.

    "...Unfortunately, trainee, Yin Ziyu, your schedule will stop here."

    With a 'bang', Yin Ziyu only felt that the big stone in his heart seemed to be completely put down.

    He let out a long sigh of relief, and with a smile on his face, strode forward and walked towards the stage.

    Take the microphone and give a departure speech.

    "Since I didn't perform well in the pk game, I expected such a day, but I didn't expect it to come so quickly. I'm very happy to be able to participate in the game with everyone, and I also gained something from this show. I've done a lot, and I'm satisfied. I look forward to a better performance from everyone in the future, come on. Please remember me, remember my name, Yin Ziyu."

    Yin Ziyu left with a smile on his face, he was not an idol at all, and the company sent him just to make a name for himself, and he will be good at acting in the future. It's just that in the previous qualifying competition, he only had one song since he was a child, which made him pass the test, but the PK competition was not so easy. In the end, he still showed his original shape, exposing his shortcomings of insufficiency.

    After Yin Ziyu left, there were only two people left in the boy group, one was Lin Yu and the other was Shi Yi.

    In the rankings, one ranks third and one ranks ninth. Obviously two different people, but at this moment they are fighting for the last promotion spot.

    Teacher Zhang Ning spoke again.

    “The national producer voted 48w, accounting for 4% of the total vote pool, and the public review vote of the pk competition totaled 247 votes, accounting for 6.2% of the total score, and the overall ratio was 10.2%…”

    Shi Yi was very calm, he knew that this moment had finally come.

    "...Unfortunately, trainee, Shiyi, your schedule will stop here."

    Lin Yu who was standing in the middle was like crazy, trying her best to restrain herself not to let his joy leak out, but God knows how scared, nervous, and scared he was at that moment.

    Fortunately, fortunately, he won.

    He was left behind.

    Tutor Zhang Ning also announced Lin Yu's results.

    "Lin Yu trainee, won 78w of the national producer's vote, accounting for 6.5% of the total vote pool, and the public review vote of the pk competition totaled 409 votes, accounting for 10.4% of the total score and 16.9% of the overall score, Currently seventh, congratulations, you have successfully advanced."

    "Both please."

    After the two came to power, Lin Yu insisted that everyone was leaving soon, so she could give in. Just as she wanted to humbly let the other party express her departure speech first, she heard the coldness of her mentor Zhang Ning. the magic sound.

    "Trainee, Lin Yu, speak first."

    Lin Yu: "…"

    Well, Lin Yu glanced at Zhang Ning, her eyes became sad.

    But in the blink of an eye, he was overjoyed again, as long as he can advance, it doesn't matter who comes first.

    "Thank you to my parents for raising me, thank the company for nurturing me, thank the program team for giving me the opportunity, thank the national producers who voted for me, thank you..."

    Lin Yu's words of thanks went on and on. Seeing that there was nothing he could do, Zhang Ning coughed again to force Lin Yu to end sooner.

    Lin Yu smashed his mouth and ended his thank you speech with a sigh of relief.

    Before leaving, he vaguely saw Zhang Ning glaring at him.

    Isn't it right, Shiyi is about to be eliminated soon, you say thank you words endlessly, what will the other party think?

    After Lin Yu finished speaking, she arrived at Shi Yi to give her elimination speech.

    Shi Yi's expression was very calm, as if it was not him who was eliminated, he took the microphone.

    "I have come to this step, I actually regret it."

    As soon as the voice fell, there was an uproar at the scene.

    Shi Yi's face showed a touch of regret, "As for my partner, I want to say, I'm sorry, I dragged you down." He bowed.

    Shi Yi's partner, Lei Yunyun was taken aback: "..."

     Immediately afterwards, Shi Yi continued to sigh, "I also owe Lin trainee an apology, I'm really sorry, at that time, because of your ranking in qualifying, I didn't agree to your invitation. Here, I I sincerely apologize to you, I'm sorry."

    After Shi Yi finished speaking, he bowed twice.

    Lin Xinxiang looked embarrassed, then scratched her head and muttered softly: "It's nothing, if you really choose me, maybe the person standing there and eliminated at this moment will become me ." Her voice was so small that the female trainees on both sides didn't hear her muttering, but Xu Zhengxuan, who was standing behind her, heard it clearly.

    Suddenly he coughed twice, reminding her: "Don't talk nonsense."

    Lin Xinxiang did not dare to speak.

     Immediately afterwards, Shi Yi turned his eyes to Chen Yi, his eyes were extremely complicated, his face showed a struggling look, and finally, said with difficulty.

    "I also want to say sorry to a person. During the game, I listened to people's incitement and did a lot of things that I'm sorry for him. I'm very sorry, I'm very sorry, if you give me another chance, I will definitely wouldn't do something like that..."

    His words once again aroused the shock of the trainees.

    Many people don't know who he was the last to apologize to, why? Especially if you do something that is very sorry to the other party? But what did you do?

    After Shi Yi finished speaking, he bowed deeply three times. It's just that he didn't say the name of the person he needed to apologize for in the end.

     Among the trainees present, only Jiang Ting and Chen Yi knew who the other was talking about. The two glanced at each other across the air, tacitly understanding, and did not dismantle each other.

    Whether it's Sheng Kai or Shi Yi, Chen Yi has ignored it. This is the last time.

    Shi Yi left very peacefully. After bowing three times, he handed the microphone to Zhang Ning and disappeared. Since then, he has never been seen in the entertainment circle again.

    The boys group was finally announced, and Lin Ershu, who was beside Zhang Ning, was gearing up and ready to go, waiting to announce the results of the girls group.

    At this time, the chief instructor Zhang Ning heard a sentence.

    "Pause the recording first, the girl group data needs to be slightly changed."

    Zhang Ning's eyes suddenly went wrong.


    Since instructor Zhang Ning announced the suspension of recording yesterday, the results of the girls group's knockout rounds are still far away.

    Jiang Ting stayed in the practice room wondering who her partner was? What song will you sing this time?

    The hot stage last time should be enough to attract fans, otherwise, it will be relatively peaceful this time.

    Until, at this time, someone knocked on the door.

    "Bang bang bang..."

    Jiang Ting stopped his movements, tore off the paper on which many playlists were recorded, and replied without looking up, "Please come in."

    I see, the director came in.

    Then, followed by a person, also came in.

    Jiang Ting raised his eyes.

    Xu Jiayin's face was slightly cold, standing behind the director.

    Jiang Ting: "What's the situation?" She asked the director back, looking puzzled.

    The director smiled and said almost, "This is your new partner in this round, Xu Jiayin."

    Jiang Ting hehe, looking at the director with a playful look: "Tsk, you don't even act this time, so you just arranged it for me, and it's directly shady?"

    The director waved his hand and denied it, said.


    Anyway, no matter whether fans choose or not, in the end this pair is definitely a couple. Zhang Ning reminded him inadvertently before, but the director took it to heart. Especially Jiang Ting, the golden doll, if he really has anything to do with Chen Yi, the whole show will be ruined. He will not let the two continue to work together.

    "The most anticipated couple selected by fans?"

    "That's right."

    "Are you sure?" Jiang Ting asked rhetorically.

    The director's eyes flashed for a second, and he said firmly: "I'm sure."

    The more Jiang Ting thought about it, the more strange he felt.

    How to make her partner with Xu Jiayin? Could it be that the fans in this world didn't like the stage she performed with Chen Yi last time? Do you want to see her partner with Xu Jiayin? It's really weird.

    She was lucky. People make a fuss, not to mention countless fans, male transmigrators are surrounded by all kinds of white rich beauty, black long straight, beautiful women like clouds, sitting and enjoying the blessing of all people, and widening the road of stallion.


    Why is it her turn, so miserable? This **** wants to find a good partner at ease?

    Especially when there was such a mess yesterday, Xu Jiayin looked at her as cold as an ice sword about to be unsheathed, as if it was about to stab into her chest in the next moment.

    Jiang Ting: "..." It seems a little scary for some reason!

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