
I grabbed the arm of the Great Sage.

Thin arms.

And the cold body temperature came through.

"No, you can't! Please let me go, Master Makoto!

"Mr. Makoto, it's dangerous! She's already a member of the Demon King's family!

Momo and Abel scream.

"Danger...... is it?

"Yes, I am now able to act of my own free will, but there is always a voice in my head from Lord Bifronce, the Demon King. Once you are commanded to assault Master Makoto, I will surely not be able to defy you..."

"Mr. Makoto... Vampire parents and children are connected by a powerful 'thread of cause and effect'. A child can't go against his parents. She (Momo) was turned into a vampire by Demon King Bifronce..."

Dear Great Sage (Momo) and Abel the Brave leaned down and spoke sadly.

Causal yarn...... I've heard of it.

It's definitely Mr. Friae.

Friae, the user of fate magic, thinks she can see the thread of cause and effect?

Demon King Bifronce uses the thread of causation to manipulate the vampire of his child...?

"Momo, you're okay now, aren't you?

"Yes...... I can hear the Demon King, but my body is free to move. But I don't think we can get far from Demon King Castle..."

I see.

You're in trouble.

I can't get away with this, then, with Momo.

At that time, flutters and letters float in the air.

"Do you abandon the Great Sage?"

Yes, sir.


Bad character choices were displayed.

"No," you know what I'm asking.

But what to do.

What the hell am I supposed to do with the thread of causation?

I can't see in the first place and... you sure you can't see?

I gave destiny magic to the goddess of destiny.

I still treat it like an amateur, but can't I use this?

Um, and I was just a little worried, and I watched Momo in "Switching Perspectives" for my "RPG Player" skills.

- Destiny Magic/Elementary

Put your magic on your eyes and stare at Momo.

I couldn't see anything at first... but gradually, I could see a thread-like line stretching out of the momomo.

Oh, I think I should.

Among them, a red thread, as if it were a wretched, glowing blood.

That's him...

This is tying Momo up.

Because of this thread, I cannot resist the Demon King Bifronce.

If I could cut this......

I pulled my Goddess (Noah) dagger out of my sheath.

"Mr. Makoto!?"

"Master Makoto!? What!?"

Brave Abel and Momo raise their surprised voices.

If you suddenly pull through the dagger, then so be it.

"Momo, trust me, will you stay still?

"... Yes. I believe you."

When I asked, Momo nodded like he was ready.


I wrapped my Goddess (Noah) dagger around the magic of destiny.

And the red thread, like blood extending from the momomo, was cut gently.


Bikun, and Momo cramps.


I hugged him in a hurry.

... Ha... Ha... Ha... Ha... Ha

From Momo's little mouth, I hear a rough breath.

I waited for her to calm down.

"Momo, are you okay?!?"

Did Abel get worried too, he came close.

"Dear Makoto..."

"Momo, can you still hear the demon king?

"Mr. Makoto, what the hell?

Momo breathed and looked up at me with clear red eyes.

"Hear (...) ko (...) eh (...) ma (...) n (...)! I can no longer hear the demon king. Plus, the kind of compression that's tying your heart to something has disappeared!


All right, it worked.

That's the dagger of the goddess (Noah).

I can slash (...) with anything (...).

"Mr. Makoto, what did you do?

"I cut the thread of cause and effect"

"... what? No, no... no way"

"Momo, are you free?

"Yes...... not at all like just now. I was free of the things that were tying me up. Dear Makoto... Awesome"

With a lukewarm eye, Momo grabs my sleeve.

When you look like that in the face of the Great Sage, you feel funny.

"That's... that's... God's business"

Brave Abel is still stunned.


Because it's Noah's artifact.

That much, you can do it.

"Bye, Momo, Mr. Abel. Hurry and run..."

"I didn't know you'd show up."

A mocking voice sounded and a gust of wind broke out.

The 'fog' I was generating with water magic clears up.

Beyond the fog cleared, the eyes of the demons and demons stared at us as surrounding us.

360 degrees, surrounded.

It's a trap.

Among the demons and demons that surround us, there are demons that catch the eye.

A magnificent demon clan, wrapped in red armor.

He was more than two metres in length, and the magic that wrapped his body around him was more powerful than any demon clan.

"Balum of the Hauser Demon......"

I heard the brave Abel breathing.

The name sounds familiar.

Momo and the earth brave taught me.

He is one of the top executives of the Demon King Bifronce.

"But the brave men of the earth and the brave men of the trees are absent... Only thunderous braves are there. The other one is... vulnerable or off the hook."

Balaam, a Demon King executive, said boringly as he stroked his beard.

"Except for the brave men of light and the doings, it is the arrival of the demon king to capture. But next time, cut off your legs so you can't get away with it."

"" "" "Ha!

To Baram's command, the demons under his command respond, barking as the demons respond.

(Doing it with the light brave...)

Didn't the Demon King recognize Abel as the brave man of light?

I saw Chirali and the person next door.

Brave Abel has a nervous look and is alert around.

I wasn't responding to the word brave of light.

I have a lot to worry about, but I need to get through this first.

I held my shoulder to protect Momo.

Momo grabs my clothes.

I'm trembling.

But that's not fear,... another emotion.

He is staring at the executives of the Demon King's Army with an eye for hatred.

That was the first Momo's eye I've seen since we met.

"Momo... did he do something to you?

"He... ate and killed my mother..."


When Momo and I met, I said my mother died three days ago.

A few days have passed since then, but it will still be a brand new memory for Momo.

I remember my mother being killed.

It's used for parental vendettas, I don't know that carelessness.

"Mr. Makoto, we are under siege, but not so many. Break through for one point and get away. Before reinforcements arrive."

Brave Abel slapped me in the ear.

Momo, who heard it, nodded hatefully.

"... General Hautdemon Baram is one of the most ancient demonic tribes of Demon King Bifronce. Very strong......"

"Right, you mustn't fight him. Let's run."

Abel nodded at Momo's words.

The two voices, nervous and stiff.

"Mr. Makoto?

"Master Makoto?


I didn't respond to Abel and Momo's call.

I looked around.

Hundreds of demons and monsters surrounding us.

All of them feel mighty magical about whether they are under the protection of the Great Demon King.

It would be a much stronger demon than a thousand years after I was there.

It's an absolutely deadly crisis (pinch).

Yet - my heart was calm.

Even in this situation, the word that came to my mind was "not enough to take".

... because of your skills?

(Clear Mirror Water Stop Skill…… Disarm)

but it doesn't change.

My heart doesn't make a scene.

Quiet as a cloud.

This is already you.

Thousands of years ago (here) there was no Master Noah, so unfortunately we can't have a conversation, but I'm sure he would have said this.

- Makoto, let's bust the fish.

"Right, goddess"

When I whined, I looked back to Abel and Momo, the brave men.

"Momo, to apologize for the late pick-up, I'll take revenge."

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