"Thousand years ago, the 'mad hero Cain, who killed many braves. That man worshiped an evil god who hoped for the destruction of the world."

(... this is bad.) Cold sweat ran down my cheeks.

The goddess of fate (Uh, um, I'm in trouble. I wonder if I didn't talk to Eile's guy.) Noah's seriously confused voice inspires anxiety.

(Yes! What happened to Ayl-sama?) (It didn't show his face recently.)

"And the end of the world, the Great Demon King is coming back. The apostle of the evil god is again chaos in the world, and that apostle is in the middle of us." "What a horrible thing! It's not like that! "The grinning expression is followed by the first Prince of Highland. I do not remember the name.

"Can you tell me who it is? Esther," the pope of the Church of the Goddess asks the last question in a calm voice.

The goddess of water is absent. The other request is Princess Sophia ... Is Princess Noel in front of me? However, Princess Noel is expressionless and cannot read what she is thinking.

Makoto Takatsuki, the brave hero of the land of water. Please say the name of the god you worship.

(Well, what do you do?) Do you lie? Do you keep silence? But the shrine maiden of the goddess of fate seems convinced that I am Noah's apostle. Above all, there was resistance to saying a name that was not Noah-sama.

(That's okay?) That's not the problem. (But you can survive this place ...?) That's right ...

I looked over the faces of the people looking at me. Sakurai is looking uneasy at this. Not to mention Lucy, Sae, Princess Sofia. Juliae's expression is hard. Others are nervously waiting for my answer.

"Huh ..." The shrine maiden of the goddess of fate I sighed and looked straight at me.

"The name of the goddess I worship is Noah," I told quietly and dignifiedly. The surroundings are noisy.

Public ... At last, he was barred from being an apostle of the evil god.

I heard that I was an evil apostle, and at least three faces were not surprised at all. Maiden of Goddess of Fate, First Prince of Highland, Pope of Goddess Church. The three are like guru. Just because you know it doesn't mean anything will turn around.

"Noah, the evil god ... An old god who lost to the World War .... horrible. You should hang him on a rope now." Hey, hey, say this thing, Pope. He glanced at me and stared at me with fanatical eyes. It's like a god, a god you never forgive. This old man is scared.

"Well, wait for the Pope. Someone originally wanted to put the apostle of the evil god there at the core of the" Northern Campaign. "He was the one with the heavy responsibility. Noel, Noel." He looked at Princess Noel with a grinning look.

(Hmm ... this is ...) Apparently the prince's target isn't me but Princess Noel. Will he point to Princess Noel's fault and drop it from the heir to the first throne?

Princess Noel, with everyone's gaze, was expressionless-no, she looked at me and smiled. And come here slowly.

"Okay, Makoto," Princess Noel came near me.

"What's okay! He worships the evil god!" Sun Goddess "Yes, that's right, and it's forgive you."

"" "" "" "" "" (Eh?) (Seriously?) Many surprises came from the people who were there. The voice of my heart was me and Noah. …… why is Noah surprised?

(No, I haven't heard of Altena for about a thousand years.) (It's a long story) It's since the last time the Great Demon King was defeated.

The goddess of the sun, "Fool! You can't say that!" The Pope is making a noise.

Goddess of the Sun "So, do you listen directly to yourself? You can also" advent "me on this occasion. In that case, you ask" Is Artena's word true? Will be asked by the Pope. "

"... I can't say that," said the Pope with a bitter look.

"Oh brother, do you have any opinion?" "I don't have any idea."

"That's right, Makoto and Sofia," Princess Noel smiled with a smile. Ha-oh, Princess Sofia is about to fall and is supported by a nearby knight.


Can the words of the sun goddess just push through everything? This is invincible.

Now what do you do? He turned his gaze to the shrine maiden of the goddess of fate. The shrine maiden was a generous expression. As if foreseeing this situation.

"In the words of Artena, there is no help for it," he withdrew. "So next, there's one more thing I need to say." forgive me.

"Furiae, the curse shrine maiden there. She will bring disaster to this world. Don't be imprisoned right now in prison and show up until after the Great Demon King has been defeated."

(What?) What are you talking about?

"Hello !? Don't playfully!" Shouted Friae. "What are you talking about, Esther?" Even Princess Noel is puzzled.

I was surprised and said something outrageous.

"... Mr. Esther. Regarding the moon priestess, she has been working to cooperate in the future because she saved the crisis of the royal city of Sinfonia. It should have been communicated to other countries." Said slowly.

The Land of Water "Esther. The moon shrine maiden is in the possession, but we have never spared any cooperation with us until now." He has saved the people. I can't follow that statement. "Princess Noel is followed by Princess Sofia and Florna shrine maiden Florna. Good, everyone is on Friae's side.

"That's the case so far, what I'm talking about is the future," said the shrine maiden with a nasty smile.

Goddess of Destiny "There is nothing better than looking at the future. Even Artena is no exception, and Ira is saying. The cursed priest Juliae brings evil to the world Then, is the future inevitable, or do you know that disaster will happen, but leave it alone? I don't think it's sane. "" "" ... " Silences.

"Come on, take me with the moon shrine maiden there." "No," "... my knight?" I came out in front of Juliae. I was silent in the apostle turmoil of the evil god, but this time it is no good.

"Don't let the filthy evil god's apostle refrain from speaking." "Taking the princess can't be overlooked as a guardian knight."

"The apostle of the evil god and the priestess of the filthy curse. It really suits me."

(... this woman) My hobby is to eat the weak. He has a good personality.

(... I'm sorry) Noah-sama. (Is it similar to Ira? It's similar to how you talk) What is the goddess of fate like? I don't wanna see you ...

"If we go against it, why should we punish them together?" Miko Esther keeps her smile and continues her words.

"However, if you kill a curse shrine maiden, you will get a 'curse of death'. If you just cut off one arm, let me resuscitate." It's a shrine maiden.

Staring at us, the Knights of the Sun and the goddess brave. When I noticed, people started to surround me, Sassan, Lucy and Juliae. Princess Sofia and Prince Leonard are rushing over here, but the patron knight has stopped it. Uncle's eyes were interpreted as saying, "If there is something, we will fight together."

... Well, what do you do?

"Now, the brave goddess' blessings. Beat the two stray dogs there." Miko Esther pointed at me. There are all the heroes who were blessed by the six goddesses. There is no victory if they come together and attack to capture me and Juliae. However……

"I won't fight Takatsuki-kun, of course, Juliae," answered Sakurai-kun without hesitation. I believed, childhood friend.

"Ah? I can't do it." "I'm not passing." "I refuse." Gerald, the hero of lightning, Olga of the burning, and Maximilian of Fuki did not follow the words of the shrine maiden of fate. The heroes of the land of lands and the land of commerce are ...

(... Isn't anyone coming?) Esther-san, it looks like he's not so popular.

"Huh, you don't want it?" You don't have to be insane!

However, the expression of the shrine maiden does not change. With a thin smile. What's the face that looks through all this?

"It's stupid ... to give to the apostle of the evil god. Come on, Alexander." Suddenly, several magic circles floated next to the shrine maiden Esther, and a large man appeared with light. Height of more than two meters, muscular muscles. A man in white armor appears.

"..." Highland's new nation-certified hero Alex. His gaze was vague, with no idea where he was looking.

"Alexandr, the sun hero. Show me your strength." "..." The large man said nothing and nodded a little. A brave man who lacks ambition. The gaze of Alex, who is not sure where he is looking, turns around. And ...

――Alex's body shines in rainbow colors.

The next moment, a terrible rush comes.

The voice leaks unintentionally. Magical power blows like a storm. In fact, a storm hit the room. Even if it synchronizes with the magic power Lucy, there is no end.

Magical power This is ... I feel when Eile is transferred to one of the great gods and Princess Sofia. Magical power Of course, they are not as good as their gods ... but they were far from humans.

“Hi,” the Highland prince is pulling his hips. The same goes for other nobles who are unlikely to fight. Jella's father is standing with his blue arms but his arms folded. As expected, martial aristocrats.

Juliae has a blue face, but Lucy and Sae are standing in front to protect it. Other heroes, including Sakurai-kun, do not have a sword, but are ready for war. Everyone seems to be on his side. Thank you, thank you ...

(But you're going to fight seriously in such a place) Here's a room in Highland Castle. And they are all high-ranking people who can be called the national figures of the country. I don't think I'm sane.

"No, don't! Alex, the hero! What are you doing here?" Shouted the Pope. It's a pity that I'm pulling my back.

"Alex Alex! Stop it now!" Remarked Princess Noel. As expected, the liver is in place.

However, the state-certified hero of the Sun Country did not listen to the words of the Pope or Princess Noel. What happened? Turned around the shrine maiden Esther.

"I can't help. Alexander, don't do it." "..." Esther's voice said that the hero, Alex, suppressed the blew-through magic and became quiet.

(Don't follow the Highland Pope's or Princess's orders, despite the Highland brave ...) What's this guy? Uncomfortable air flows through the place.

"Let's reschedule today's meeting," Princess Noel declared. Certainly, it doesn't feel like we're talking after this.

"Ester, I have a story individually. Can you come?" "Yes, Noel." In contrast to Princess Noel, who has a slightly frustrated voice, Miko Esther was calm.

(What the hell ... what did you want to do after all?) I made public about the apostle of the evil god, but I wasn't particular about it. As if you were against the shrine maiden of the goddess of the moon, suddenly blamed the hero. It was simply down.

In the first place, if the priestess of the goddess of fate, should he know the future? Feeling incomprehensible, we left the room and left Highland Castle.

"What the hell is it!" Juliae screams. At the end of the meeting, we, one of the water nations, were in a room at the inn of the Royal Sinfonia. By the way, Princess Sofia was absent because she talked to Princess Noel and went out immediately.

"Hey, are we alright?" Lucy, always bullish, makes an anxious voice. "It's okay, Ru-chan. If it's time, I'll protect with Takatsuki-kun. Huh-chan." "Aya is strong." "Yes ... thank you. Thank you. Warrior." And Juliae returned a little smile.

(It's my fault ...) The position of the apostle of the evil god has been working negatively here. Should it be negotiated beforehand in the commercial countries? But that shrine maiden can't do negotiations ...

--knock Knock

And the door of the room was knocked. Tension runs for a moment.

Entering the room was Janet, a slender female knight in golden armor.

"What happened?" The promise must have been night time. The current time is just after noon.

"It was a disaster ..." Janet's expression was a bit dark. Perhaps he heard about the uproar.

The Country of Wood "I'll change the day again because it's going to be difficult today .... but I'm with you because I fought with you. That's all I came to say," said Janet. I tried.

"Wait a minute," I rushed and grabbed my arm.

"That ... what's going on?" A woman knight stares at you with a depressing face.

"I have a place I want to go. Can I get along?" Janet Ballantine is just the leader of the Knights of the Pegasus, a leader of the Knights of the Pegasus. However, the original position is the woman of the five holy nobles Ballantine family. Its status is higher than anyone in it (since Princess Sofia is absent).

"I don't mind ..." Janet approves, though puzzled.

"Makoto ... Where are you going?" "Takatsuki-kun, don't you think of anything weird again?" "My knight ...... Woman playing at such a time?" Lucy and Sae have somehow insight Wonder. Friae, I guess. But I have to explain it to my friends. I looked back and uttered my thoughts.

The shrine maiden of the goddess of fate

「「 「「 「Ha !?」 」」 」」

A surprise voice came out of everyone in the room.

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