Basically, the classroom, the cafeteria, and the office are three points and one line. I occasionally participate in the Southern University team competition, or go shopping with my girlfriend.

Of course, he didn't go to the classroom to teach.

Compared to Lin Fan, the content of the university course was too simple. After the school started, he had already passed through all the textbooks.

Lin Fan went to the classroom mainly to revise the manuscript.

From the end of last semester until today, the tomb robbery notes in Lin Fan's hand have about [*] words.

Before it was put on the shelves, the rhythm of [*] words was updated every day, and when it was written on the shelves, it was directly opened with [*] words every day.

Anyway, there are a lot of manuscripts, Lin Fan logs in to the author's account every day, and uploads it to the background of the website regularly.

Such a move, called a ruthless codeword robot by countless industry peers, has also raised the industry update standard invisibly.

The author of the original Shenwen website has a conscience to update [*] words a day, but now updating [*] words can not satisfy the appetite of readers...

As a result, those authors also gritted their teeth and began to spell updates.

The editors of the entire Shenwen website were stunned.

Judging from the background statistics, the authors of the Shenwen website have increased from an average of about [*] daily updates to more than [*]...

The editors are calling the good guy!

Lin Fan single-handedly promoted the entire online novel industry of |

The benefits of more updates are also obvious. After the VIP chapters are put on the shelves, they all need to be unlocked by payment. With the explosive update, the subscription of Tomb Raiders has exceeded [*] just a few days after it was put on the shelves.

Moreover, the background data is still rising, and there is a faint trend of impacting the subscription records of ghost blowing lights!

The first month's manuscript fee was over [*] yuan, and Lin Fan was not very excited. After all, the copyright of the last book, such as physical, audio, and comics, sold for tens of millions.

Tomb robbery notes are nothing more than picking up another wave of money by taking advantage of the east wind of the tomb robbery stream of ghosts blowing lamps.

He has already contacted the editor of herbal tea and is preparing for the pre-publicity work for another new book, Dou Po.

This past-life fantasy hall-level work is Lin Fan's true killer.



[Continue to update steadily, ask book friends to vote, flowers, ask for monthly tickets, evaluation votes, etc. for all support...].

Chapter [*] is about to take off! 【Ask for a flower evaluation ticket】

Lin Fan couldn't remember the specific data of Douba's glory days.

Perhaps this fantasy novel, which created the flow of divorce, cannot be regarded as the best online novel.

After all, it's hard to tell everyone, and each reader has different ideas and has his own favorite masterpiece.

But Dou Po is definitely an epoch-making work in online novels.

Even, the world of Dou Qi may be the youth of a certain generation of teenagers.


Shengjing City.

Shenwen website headquarters.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise in Mr. Wu's office.

The little secretary who just passed by the office shivered with fright and started to make up his mind,

"What's the situation? The boss has always been happy and angry, why did he suddenly get angry today?"

"Could it be that I wrote the wrong date in the meeting document yesterday, which made the boss very dissatisfied, but it's not like this..."

He pushed open the door tremblingly, and the little secretary saw that the keycaps of several keyboards on Mr. Wu's desk were knocked out, so he didn't dare to ask more.

In the workplace, the most taboo is to inquire about the private affairs of leaders.

The little secretary was very discerning and stepped forward to help President Wu clean up his desk. Occasionally glanced, and saw that President Wu's computer was stuck on a novel document reading page.

"Dou Po? Which author wrote this novel?"

The little secretary was very curious, when he heard President Wu wave his hand and said, "Xiao Huang, go and call the herbal tea in."

"Ah? Okay, boss!"

Secretary Xiao Huang moved | Zuo quickly packed his desk, poured a cup of oolong tea for President Wu, and then called in the editor-in-chief of herbal tea.

"Boss, what do you call me?"

Herbal Tea walked into the office and sat down casually.

As an old official who followed President Wu to fight the country, his relationship with President Wu was relatively harmonious.

"It's a new book written by Lin Fan. How could the protagonist Xiao Yan be bullied like this? It's too embarrassing, right?"

"Yun Lanzong has stepped on the door, it's really annoying!"

"However, Xiao Yan's words are really good. Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, don't bully the poor, who hasn't been down and out..."


The herbal tea editor couldn't help but smile bitterly.

The boss of the dignified company turned out to be a fan of Lin Fan's novels, and even called him to the office to discuss the plot of the novel.

The two had a brief exchange on the plot of the novel, but President Wu was still unfinished. He knocked on the desk and said with great interest, "Is there any more manuscripts in the future? Send them directly to my mailbox, and let Lin Fan speed up the update speed. With such a small number of words, it seems that it is not at all | addicting!"

The herbal tea match made the cold sweat on the forehead...

This is probably the most hard-core way to urge more...

Is this what the Internet says about immersive engagement in reading...

"Boss, it is like this."

Herbal Tea [*] report, "The beginning of this novel, Lin Shen, was shown to me last year, and has been revised several times since then. It is currently the final version. Boss, if you want to see the follow-up plot, Lin Shen There are [*] manuscripts in the background of the author of the author, and they are preparing to pass the review work, and then arrange the recommendation and publicity in the early stage..."

"Hurry up and ask the review department to send the manuscript over!"

Mr. Wu straightened up unconsciously, raised his hand and said, "In the future, Lin Shen's book will not need to be reviewed, just pass it. There is no problem with Lin Shen's book. This book definitely has the potential to become a big hit. Prioritize this book..."

"Boss, get it!"

Herbal tea refreshed.

It seems that Wu is always really optimistic about Lin Shen!

With this big boss platform, giving Lin Shen's new book the green light, then the future can be expected!

This is the rhythm to take off!


Compared with the step-by-step process of the novel studio, the recent expansion of the food delivery platform is quite gratifying.

Facts have proved that Lin Fan did not see the wrong person.

Give it to peach and give it to Li.

After handing over the operation of the entire platform to Zhou Wei and assigning a special car, she immediately started running the market with Gu Yixin.

At present, [*] colleges and universities, including Jiliang University, School of Foreign Languages, City College, and College of Science and Technology, centered on Jiangzhou University Town, have all entered the territory of Love Point.

0 ・・・・・・ Ask for flowers 0 ・・・

During the period, Lin Fan also contacted Brother Dali to help upgrade the platform system.

Because of the increasing number of users, he next considered recruiting a group of technicians to be responsible for the daily maintenance of the platform.

It's a pity that Daiichi Miracles seems to be busy with a project recently and has not agreed to meet Lin Fan offline.

Since it was launched in the music library, the number of downloads has continued to climb, and it has not been down since it was on the new song hot list.

Liang Shuang also won the best newcomer in the music circle with this song.

........ ...... 0

With a beautiful appearance, cool temperament, and a very recognizable voice, Phoenix Entertainment also regarded Liang Shuang as a key training target, and signed an A|level artist contract with her.

Phoenix Entertainment's contracts for abilities are divided into seven levels: S, A, B, C, D, E, and F.

Different levels mean that the company attaches great importance to it, just like a trainee who has just signed a contract, signing the lowest-level F contract.

And Liang Shuang jumped directly from the F level to the A| level, which means that the various resources of Phoenix Entertainment will be tilted in the future.

Lin Fan also came back to his senses after receiving a call from Sun Yuzhen.

This very charming royal sister seems to have misunderstood his relationship with Liang Shuang?

That's why she treats Liang Shuang particularly favorably, and carries out a series of operations behind the scenes.

The purpose was to indirectly bind Lin Fan, a potential gold medal songwriter, to the chariot of Phoenix Entertainment Jiangzhou Branch.

Even my girlfriend is here, and if I write any new songs in the future, it will be the first to get the moon.

Come to the bowl obediently!

Lin Fan didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Liang Shuang is really not my girlfriend!



[Continue to update steadily, ask book friends to vote, flowers, ask for monthly tickets, evaluation votes and other support...] [*].

Chapter [*] The playground love story! 【Ask for a flower evaluation ticket】

Of course, he didn't explain much to the beautiful royal sister Sun Yuzhen.

Sometimes, it is because of the existence of such a beautiful misunderstanding that it is good for everyone.

Lin Fan still hopes that Liang Shuang will become popular.

And behind the scenes, pushing a girl to become a popular star is a very fulfilling thing in itself.

Both the novel studio and the food delivery platform are on the right track, and everything is moving forward in an orderly manner.

The focus of Lin Fan's life is to enjoy the beautiful university life.

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