After seeing Li Anran off, Lin Fan took a taxi back to school.

The campus is full of students lugging suitcases.

Xiao Haiyang and Bi Shisan in the dormitory had also left.

Only Lu Qiaochuan and Ren Yifan were left.

Despite the fact that these two products are usually unreliable, at this time, they actually helped Lin Fan tidy up the bed, bedding, and some luggage, and also cleaned the bedroom by the way.

"Brother Fan, you are finally back!"

Lu Qiaochuan was swiping his mobile phone when he heard the door open, and he bounced 803 from the collapsed salted fish state.

"Let's go, the flowers we've been waiting for are almost gone."

He didn't go home this semester, and Lu Qiaochuan still missed his parents a little. He diligently helped Lin Fan with his luggage and walked in the front.

Ren Yifan looked indifferent.

His parents divorced when he was seven years old and later started their own families.

He lives with his father and is transparent at home.

It is no exaggeration to say that his feelings for Lin Fan and others may be deeper than that of his parents.

"Go downstairs to the girls' dormitory first."

Lin Fan said with a smile, "Zhong Bai is still waiting for the girls downstairs."


Lu Qiaochuan was a little stunned, and asked in a low voice, "Mr. Ren, what's the situation with Brother Zhong Bai?"

Logically speaking, Lin Fan and Li Anran are now boyfriend and girlfriend.

But Zhong Bai's relationship with Lin Fan didn't seem to be affected, and it was as close as ever.

"Brother|brother and best friend."

Ren Yifan shrugged his shoulders with a calm expression on his face.

"I always feel that there is something between these two..."

Lu Qiaochuan shook his head and didn't say much. He carried his bag and followed Lin Fan to the downstairs of the girls' dormitory.

For a young boy like him, the question of love is too profound to be solved at all.

"Lin Fan!"

Zhong Bai saw Lin Fan from a distance, frowning and waving at the spot.

Today, she wore a simple trench coat with skinny jeans, showing the youthful vitality of the girl and being a little fashionable.

"The car has arrived, let's go."

Lin Fan naturally took the suitcase from Zhong Bai's hand.

It didn't take long for the taxi to arrive, and a few people got on the car together and went straight to the station.

In fact, it takes more than an hour to travel from Jiangzhou to Sucheng by train, which is not counting the time spent on the way to the train station.

If you drive on the Sujiang Expressway by yourself, it will only take less than two and a half hours by car.

Lin Fan planned to buy a car next semester so that it would be more convenient to go home directly.

on the car.

Lu Qiaochuan looked at the Southern University in the rearview mirror, which was quickly retreating backwards, feeling a little sad for no reason. "This semester has passed too fast. I feel that there is nothing to do, and it will pass in a blink of an eye."

"Because you're an asshole."

Ren Yifan, his best friend, ruthlessly made up for the knife on the side.


Seeing that Lu Qiaochuan wanted to vomit blood but couldn't find a reason to refute it, Zhong Bai giggled, "Mr. Ren, talk more if you can talk!"

The little friends have been used to this way of getting along for so many years.

Lu Qiaochuan rarely recalled the past semester.

He seems to be the jerk in Ren Yifan's mouth.

The compulsory (ajad) courses are optional, and those elective courses don't even know what the teacher looks like.

Think about Lin Fan again.

Only this semester, he has become a man of the school from the beginning of military training.

Writing songs, writing novels, running novel studios, and operating food delivery platforms...

Even the Southern University team made a historic breakthrough under his carry.

The list goes on and on.

Anything you take out is a major event that shakes the entire Southern University.

"Brother Fan, tell me how much money you made in the first half of your freshman year."

Lu Qiaochuan asked in a low voice.

Ren Yifan and Zhong Bai were also curious and pricked up their ears.

"Just a little money."

"How much is a little bit?"

"Just... a few hundred thousand?" Lin Fan said a relatively easy number to accept.

"This... so much?"

Lu Qiaochuan was speechless.

His parents are teachers at Sioux City Middle School, and the benefits are very good, but the combined salary of the two may only be several hundred thousand a year.

If he had known that Lin Fan had several million in his bank card at this time, he might have fainted on the spot.


Smooth all the way.

Lin Fan sat with Zhong Bai, Ren Yifan sat with Lu Qiaochuan.

The little friends were also talking and laughing. Tired from playing, Zhong Bai rested his head on Lin Fan's shoulder.

Time passed quickly, and ten minutes before the arrival at the station, Ren Yifan received a call from their driver.

The car was already waiting at the exit.

With an expressionless face, Ren Yifan asked Lin Fan if they wanted to send them home.

Lin Fan didn't care, he told his parents in advance that he would go home.

However, Lu Qiaochuan's cell phone rang.

It turned out that it was him | Mom gave instructions, saying that his father was to come to the station to pick him up.

While listening to his mother's nagging, Lu Qiaochuan spread his hands helplessly, signaling that he was about to separate.

Zhong Bai also received a call from his father and said with a hearty laugh, "Hey, Dad, I'm with Lin Fan."

"Daughter, wait a moment, Dad will be here soon."

"Ah, didn't I tell you not to let you pick me up?"

Zhong Bai was immediately a little unhappy, and pouted.

She was planning to take a taxi back with Lin Fan.

"Forget it, let's take Uncle Zhong's car."

Lin Fan smiled and patted Zhong Bai's shoulder.

He understands what it's like to be a parent.

I haven't seen my child for a few months, so of course I miss him.

It must be a sumptuous meal when you get home.

However, after a few days at home, such exaggerated treatment may not be so exaggerated.

[Continue to update steadily, ask book friends to vote for flowers, ask for monthly tickets, evaluation votes and other support...] [Continue to update steadily, ask book friends to vote for flowers, ask for monthly passes, evaluation votes Waiting for all support...].

Chapter [*] The amazing discovery of Zhong Bai's father! 【Ask for a flower evaluation ticket】

Outside Sioux City Station.

There was a black rough SUV parked on the side of the road.

A middle-aged man in a black coat was squatting on the curb and smoking a cigarette.

With a face with a Chinese character, a lean and flat head, and straight facial features, it is not difficult to see that he was definitely a handsome guy when he was young.

He was full of energy and looked at his watch from time to time.


Zhong Bai saw his father from a distance, and jumped up and down to greet him happily.

Seeing that Zhong Jianguo was still smoking, he frowned slightly and said dissatisfiedly, "Dad, why are you secretly smoking again?"

"Hello, Uncle Zhong."

Lin Fan also stepped forward to say hello.

He played with Zhong Bai from childhood to adulthood, and both adults knew each other.

"Lin Fan? The guy seems to be handsome again."

Zhong Jianguo hurriedly snuffed out the cigarette butts, and said with a smirk, "Recently, you | Mom is strict at home, and Dad secretly smokes one when he comes out."

If the colleagues from Six Doors in Gusu District were present, it would be a surprise.

Their leader, Zhong Jianguo, is so aggressive when he usually arrests criminals.

On that resolute national character face, it was completely the doting expression of an old father.

"Then only take one!"

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