The people around were very dissatisfied with this old lady who touched porcelain, and even some of them, or relatives and friends, had been touched by this old lady.

Therefore, even if the old lady was bitten by a dog and was drenched in blood, everyone was indifferent and did not go up to help.

Of course, there is another reason, it is because this stray dog is too crazy, not small, and so ferocious, it seems that it is obviously sick, in case he is bitten and gets rabies, it will be dangerous.

No one would want to risk such a morally corrupt person, except the traffic policeman.

Others can be indifferent, he can't, although the old lady is hateful, but if she is really bitten to death, he has an unshirkable responsibility.

The traffic police hurriedly took out their batons and smashed them at the stray dog, trying to scare the stray dog away, at least to save the old lady's life.

However, the ferocity of the stray dog far exceeded his expectations, even if he was beaten hard with a baton, and even hit the head, the stray dog still bit the old lady and did not let go, once a piece of meat was bitten off, it immediately bit other parts.

In this moment's effort, the old lady was covered with blood all over her body, and it was also flowing everywhere on the ground.

The people around them were frightened, and secretly glad that they didn't go up to help, otherwise, they might have been bitten too.

The traffic police saw that the stray dog was so ferocious, and they also became ruthless, and pumped wildly towards its head, and after a few sticks, the stray dog finally lost its strength, let go of its mouth, and fell to the ground without moving.


The traffic police breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly looked at the old lady, and couldn't help but feel shocked.

The clothes on the old lady's body have all been soaked in blood, and in several places where the flesh has been bitten off, even Sensen's white bones are exposed, mixed with blood, which looks extremely terrifying.

Rao is traffic police has a very high psychological quality, and when he saw this scene, he also felt a palpitation in his heart.

However, the most important thing now is to save people, this stray dog is so crazy, there is a great possibility of rabies, if the old lady is not treated in time, her life will be in danger.

Fortunately, he had already dialed 120 before, and at this time he had already rushed over, and several medical personnel came down, and after quickly cleaning and bandaging the old lady, they were about to carry her into the ambulance.

However, the old lady regained some strength, but she refused to get into the car, but shouted at the traffic police: "You, you are a traffic policeman, you actually committed murder with a dog, this is a crime, you must compensate me, without 100,000 yuan, I will not go to the hospital......"

The traffic policeman's face was very ugly, Lao Tzu saved you, you even want to blackmail Lao Tzu, I knew this, I shouldn't have made a move at that time, let the dog bite you to death and pull you down.

However, I also think about it in my heart, as a traffic policeman, I also have my own responsibilities.

"Old lady, that dog is a stray dog, it has nothing to do with me, you are seriously injured now, hurry up to the hospital, otherwise there will be life-threatening ......"

The traffic police persuaded him.

"No, you just want to shirk responsibility, it's not your dog, why are you beating it?Why don't the others do it?"

The old lady was hurt like this, she spoke very clearly, and she still didn't forget the blackmail, even Chen Feng couldn't help but look sideways.

This is really dying with her life!"

"Comrade traffic police, since she refuses to be sent to the hospital for treatment, we don't have the right to forcibly restrict people's personal freedom, right?"

Chen Feng walked up and said: "She touched porcelain blackmail, even God can't look at it, send a stray dog to punish her, she doesn't want to repent, and wants to blackmail even the people's police, it seems that her conscience was also eaten by the dog just now." "

What happened just now, we all witnessed it with our own eyes, and there is surveillance, this old lady herself refuses treatment, even if she dies, it has nothing to do with us, at most the dog that bit her to death is sentenced to death......"

Chen Feng's words resonated with everyone, after seeing that the old lady even dared to touch the porcelain of the traffic police who saved her, this is not just as simple as moral turpitude, this is revenge, it is not a pity to die.

Especially a few people who had the idea of helping just now, they all had palpitations at this time.

Fortunately, he didn't go up to beat the dog at that time, otherwise, wouldn't this old thing want to slander them and say that the dog is theirs?"

"This old thing, his conscience is so bad! He deserves to die, comrade traffic policeman, doctor, if she doesn't want to get in the car, don't force people."

"That is, she is bent on seeking death, so don't waste resources, you might as well save those who are useful to society." Everyone

spoke one after another, this old lady is simply the dregs of society, a moth, and she pollutes the air when she lives.

The traffic police and the doctors were naturally very unhappy with the old lady, but they could not stop saving her because she died, and they worked together to put the old lady on a stretcher and carry her into the car.

The old lady was very backbone, and said that if she touched porcelain, she must touch porcelain to the end, but she struggled hard and almost fell off the stretcher.

The faces of the traffic police and medical personnel are ugly, and when they encounter such a thing, they are really huskies.

Chen Feng's voice sounded again, slowly, but in the ears of the old lady, it was very terrifying.

"I'm afraid that the dog just now has rabies, the old lady is crazy now, I'm afraid that she has a rabies attack, or she is mentally ill? Otherwise, how could she run to this intersection to touch porcelain?"

his words reminded the doctor, and immediately a tranquilizer was given, and the old lady finally settled down, but her eyes were full of fear.

"I don't have rabies, I don't have mental illness, I don't have ......"

After struggling for a few words, she finally couldn't speak and fainted, and the medical staff quickly carried her into the car and left quickly.

Watching the ambulance leave, the people around were talking again, and they were surprised by the stray dog biting the old lady, thinking that God was punishing her.

But this is the intersection, they quickly dispersed, and Chen Feng and Mu Hongyan also returned to the car.

Mu Hongyan started the car, but her heart was full of doubts.

"The dog...... Did you move your hands and feet?"

Recalling the situation at that time, Mu Hongyan couldn't help but think of Chen Feng's head.

After all, there are so many people around, why don't stray dogs bite others, but bite the old lady who touched porcelain, even if she is killed by the traffic police, she doesn't let go, this is too evil.

And the one next to him seems to have some evil methods.

Chen Feng did not deny this, he smiled and said: "It's just a little spell, it's not worth mentioning, but before this dog died, it can be regarded as earning a lot of yin virtue, maybe he can be reincarnated as an adult in the next life." "

What do you mean?" Mu Hongyan was a little dazed.

"Punishing evil is promoting good, that old lady is also scarred, and that dog taught her a lesson, isn't it just accumulating yin virtue?"

Chen Feng said with a smile, but his divine sense was silently refining the wisp of merit power he had just obtained.

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