City: Start A Chip Factory

Chapter 176: The Chip Factory Is Upgraded To Level 4, And Solid-State Batteries See The Light Of Day

In fact, it is normal for Bay Semiconductor to take action against Du Bo Semiconductor.

Bay Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. was originally the leader in the semiconductor manufacturing industry and the leader in the world.

It is a real bright light in the industry, not a dark light.

Originally, Bay Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. monopolized 90% of the world's ultra-high-process chip orders and lived a happy life.

Suddenly, a little-known company appeared out of nowhere, and suddenly replaced Bay Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., which was the number one in technology.

Although there is no obvious loss in orders from Bay Semiconductor, companies such as Guoguo and Gaotu have begun to transfer orders to Du Bo Semiconductor.

What’s even more frightening is that Du Bo Semiconductor has no problem with tight production capacity, and the delivery time of chips is very short!

This is a huge attraction for most manufacturers in the world.

In the view of Bay Semiconductor's senior management, Du Bo Semiconductor is an order black hole, sucking orders from all over the world.

An industry as large as Bay Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. employs hundreds of thousands of people. If orders become unstable and revenue decreases, it will be a huge blow to the company, which may collapse in minutes.

So Bay Semiconductor had to take action.

Frankly speaking, if Du Bo were in position 10 of Bay Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., he might also think of some crooked ways.

But Du Bo knew that any efforts made by Bay Semiconductor were useless.

No matter how many people Bay Semiconductor places in place, it will not be able to learn the technology from Du Bo Semiconductor.

Because Du Bo semiconductor technology is so special, it simply does not exist elsewhere on the earth.

This is equivalent to when people enter an alien spacecraft and everything they see is black technology. They cannot understand it at all and there is no way to use it.

So Du Bo is not worried at all.

On this day, Du Bo got up early in the morning and went to Jinhua Science and Technology Park.

Du Bo must go to the company every two days at most. This has become a habit Du Bo has developed.

Du Bo came a little early today, and most of the employees in the office were not at work.

But tranquility came early.

Tranquility's home is relatively close, and it takes at most half an hour to go to work.

Jing Jing: "Boss, do you want some coffee?"

Du Bo: "Okay, by the way, how about playing poker for a while first?"

Jing Jing was startled: "Playing poker so early in the morning?"

Du Bo: "What's not allowed?"

So, Du Bo and Ning Jing played poker for an hour.

After Ning Jing cleaned up, she made a cup of coffee for Du Bo.

Du Bo was drinking coffee while using his laptop to connect to the control system of the chip production line.

[Building type]: Chip factory

[Building Level]:Level 3

[Building Growth]: 200 million points/200 million points

[Production capacity]: 8 million wafers/month

【Production efficiency】:91%

[Production yield rate]: 95%

【Cost efficiency】:93%

Du Bo took a look and saw that the data from level 3 chip factories had come to an end.

A big upgrade prompt appeared on the interface.

Du Bo immediately clicked.

At this time, a prompt appears on the screen.

[System]: The chip factory meets the upgrade requirements, click Next to upgrade to level 4.

Well, that's really good information.

Without saying anything else, Du Bo clicked Next and another message popped up.

[System]: The Light of Civilization level 1 chip factory has the conditions to upgrade to level 4. The upgrade process requires 5 billion yuan of soft sister coins. Please confirm that the account funds are sufficient for the upgrade and press the "Next" button to upgrade.

Du Bo looked at the upgrade fee and was speechless for a moment.


Du Bo felt a pain in his body.

Now Du Bo Semiconductor's operating profit has indeed exceeded 10 billion, and the company's operating funds are very sufficient.

But spending 5 billion at one time to upgrade to level 4 will inevitably make people feel heartbroken.

And based on the current production capacity, it is enough to handle these orders. Is it necessary to upgrade?

As soon as this idea appeared, Du Bo immediately sobered up.

When running a business, you must never be self-satisfied.

Just because there is no problem with production capacity now does not mean that there will be no problems in the future.

This kind of forum is quite common in China and can be seen on video websites and TV.

Du Bo nodded.

Du Bo thought for a moment: "Do you think I should go?"

Lu Anqi wore a red dress today, which looked quite good.

[System]: The upgrade takes 240 hours, please be patient.

Ten days is already a very long time compared to the previous production line upgrade time.

The progress bar is now displayed on the screen and has reached the 90% position.

But when it comes to who is the boss of Du Bo Semiconductor, many people may not be able to tell.

Lu Anqi smiled and said, "Thank you, boss, but can we get down to business?"

I don’t know how much improvements level 4 chip factories can make, but Du Bo is still quite curious.

Du Bo: "By the way, let's play a game of poker first, then you go.".

Du Bo: "Come in."

Du Bo nodded: "Tell me."

Du Bo couldn't help but feel a little excited when he saw this.

Du Bo: “Okay, let’s join Ba.

The popularity of a company CEO can only be publicized over time. Du Bo's entrepreneurial time is too short and has not yet reached that critical point.

Lu Anqi: "Okay, I'll make arrangements right away."

Du Bo then praised him twice.

Du Bo then connected to the system interface of the R&D center to check the development progress of solid-state batteries.

The results will be produced immediately.

Lu Anqi: "In the Magic City."

Lu Anqi opened the door and walked in.

The current technology is sufficient, but it does not mean that it will be sufficient in the future.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door of the office.

Du Bo clicked the "OK" button, and a progress bar appeared on the screen.

To be honest, Du Bo Semiconductor has long been famous. As long as in the technology circle and even the corporate circle, no one does not know what kind of company Du Bo Semiconductor is.

Lu Anqi: "There is an event that I invite you to attend.

Lu Anqi: "I think you should go. This is also an opportunity to increase your visibility."

Du Bo: "Where?"

Du Bo was stunned: "...activity? What activity?"

The upgrade of chip production lines has already begun.

That's why Lu Anqi said Du Bo should attend, or at least show his face.

That is a semiconductor giant that even Bay Semiconductor is afraid of.

Lu Anqi: "703 is called...the Central Plains Enterprise Development Forum. It invites some corporate CEOs and senior executives to be guests, and there may also be speeches."

Du Bo said "Oh" and finally understood.

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