City: Start A Chip Factory

Chapter 142 Du Bo Semiconductor, Unrivaled In The World (Please Order The Full Version!)

3nm chips officially launched?

What does it mean?

Have 3-nanometer chips already been manufactured?

Or is it just at the conceptual stage?

The latter is certainly the most likely.

The fact that Huawei HiSilicon is developing Kirin 9000 has long been circulated in the technology circle.

Some of the few die-hard fans of Huawei were excited. These people are the real pollen, and they are also the group of people who believe in Huawei the most.

For example, when Zhong Guanguo saw that line of big characters, he was extremely pleasantly surprised.

Zhong Guanzhi: "Damn it! 3 nanometer chip! Kirin 9010! It's really big!"

Immediately, colleagues in the surrounding media refuted it.

"Hey, it's probably the ppt chip again."

"Yes, just talk about it. Everyone will say that Gao Tu will hold a press conference tomorrow and say that he has developed a 2-nanometer chip."

"2 nanometers? Are you kidding? If you want to play with it, go with the big one. It's 1 nanometer!"

"Let's make a bet. If he can get a physical Kirin 9010, I will live stream the shit right away!"

Huawei's century strategy conference will of course be broadcast live online.

Now is the peak time to watch live broadcasts.

There are a lot of comments similar to the above on the Internet, and there are even more people questioning Huawei.

Few people believe that Huawei’s 3nm technology can actually be built.

However, the faces of these people were soon swollen after being beaten.

Yu Chengxi: "Some people may suspect that we at Huawei simply cannot produce the actual Kirin 9010, which is the 3-nanometer chip."

When Yu Chengxi said this, he paused, looked at the auditorium below, and then took out something from the table on the stage.

That's a mobile phone.

Yu Chengxi turned the phone screen outward, showing it to everyone and the camera.

Everyone was stunned, looking at each other, whispering to each other, and talking about it.

"What kind of phone is that? p50"`?"

"It's p50pro. Hasn't it already held a press conference?"

"Could Huawei put the Kirin 9010 chip in it?"

"That's impossible, how is it possible?"

Then, Yu Chengxi said categorically: “This looks like a Yizhong P50 Pro, but it is not a Kirin 9000, but a Kirin 9010!

Everyone heard it clearly, but they didn't turn around for a while.

This happened so suddenly.

A 3nm chip is actually installed on the p50pro.

Almost everyone has a question in their mind.

is this real?

Or is it that Yu Chengxi is giving people ecstasy soup?

How can you prove that there is a 9010 inside if you are making no claims?

Bremond: "They really made a 3-nanometer chip? It's unbelievable."

Ha Lei, a btc reader, sneered: "People in the Central Plains call him Yu Dazui, and it turns out he is still the same.

Bremond: "Are you saying that there is no Kirin 9010 in that phone?"

Ha Lei: "Of course not, he is bluffing! That is not an ordinary P50 phone."

Just listen to Yu Chengxi's sermon above: "We have prepared a large number of engineering machines and placed them in the venue next door. When the press conference is over, all the media friends and partners can go over and experience it.

As soon as this statement came out, it immediately caused a burst of excitement.

Damn it! There is actually a prototype for the media to experience!

Is this for real!?

The face of the media who said that as soon as the real Kirin 9010 is released, he will live broadcast the shit.

Next, Yu Chengxi used the remote control to switch the ppt, and a rendering of the Kirin 9010 chip appeared on it.

Yu Chengxi began to talk about the design concept of the Kirin 9010 chip and what improvements it has made.

In particular, parameters such as large core, small core, integrated display chip performance and power consumption are the most eye-catching.

Yu Chengxi: "Although Kirin 9010 looks like an improved version of Kirin 9000, because it uses 3-nanometer process technology, its performance and power consumption have been greatly improved."

Yu Chengxi: "Everyone, please note that this 3-nanometer process technology is unique in the world. Huawei Kirin 9010 is the only chip currently used, the only one!"

Everyone was dumbfounded and said, "I don't know how to describe my feelings at this time.

I saw Yu Chengxi pressed the remote control again, and the page on the ppt changed again.

This time is a comparison chart of chip performance and power consumption. The comparison players are as follows:

First, Kirin 9010.

Second, Kirin 9000.

Third, Snapdragon 888.

Fourth, Fruit A14 bionic chip.

When people saw this chart, everyone took a breath of cold air.

In all indicators, the Kirin 9010 chip is significantly ahead.

Whether it is performance scores in various aspects or power consumption efficiency, Kirin 9010 exceeds it by a large margin.

The closest value to the Kirin 9010 is the Fruit A14 chip, but it's also quite different.

What does this mean?

If this table can reflect the real situation, it means that the 3nm process technology used by Kirin 9010 is real 3nm, not a fake 3nm made by opportunism!

Ha Lei was stunned.

Bremond was dumbfounded.

The media members who were still mocking Huawei just now opened their mouths wide, and their glasses and chins were shattered on the ground.

Only those pollen faces were full of excitement. They took out their mobile phones and took pictures, hoping to post this comparison picture on the Internet as soon as possible.

Then, I heard Yu Chengxi say: "You must be curious, where is Huawei's Kirin 9010 produced (Qian's Zhao)? Which semiconductor manufacturer has the unparalleled 3-nanometer technology? Next... Let’s reveal the answer……..”

Du Bo was startled when he heard this.

What's going on? Mr. Yu Chengxi and Mr. Yu want to promote Du Bo Semiconductor and set the pace?

Sure enough, when Yu Chengxi switched the ppt to the next page again, he was happy to see a few big words appear.

DuBo Semiconductor.

There is also the logo of Du Bo Semiconductor.

That logo icon was designed at a huge cost. It’s so grand, unique and beautiful!

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Du Bo Semiconductor has mastered the 3nm process technology.

No surprise, but shocking.

Of course, some people have heard that Du Bo Semiconductor is working on 3-nanometer technology, but they don't think so, thinking that it will be impossible to develop it in the near future.

At least it won’t be done faster than Bay Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., which has been researching for a longer time. .

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