222 – Hero of Radical Justice # 2

222 – Hero of Radical Justice # 2

“So you’re saying I have to survive on this deserted island?”

“I Survive Alone” Was an entertainment program about surviving on a deserted island. It was also an entertainment show where all the awakened people who started to raise their names appeared once in a while.

My turn has come.

I was vaguely aware of it because I had already received her appearance contract from Seo Ye-rim, but it started to feel real when people from the broadcasting station came to visit me in person.

I’ve become a hot person!

“By the way, Il-do will not be going to the island alone this time, but will be going with Ye-rim. The two of us survive on this tropical island. It’s a special broadcast. “Isn’t it amazing?”

I see.

Surviving a deserted island and Seo Ye-rim is the theme of this entertainment show.

I was fine with it, but it was surprising that Seo Ye-rim, who manages her image thoroughly and has a busy schedule, willingly accepted her appearance on an entertainment program like this.

In some ways, the desert island survival program is like a tomb for female celebrities.

I have to do dirty work and I won’t be able to put on makeup.


At that time, the PD’s phone rang.

After quickly answering the phone, the producer said, “Yes. “Yes!” He bowed his head and handed the phone to me.

When I answered the phone, I heard Seo Ye-rim’s voice.

「Haildo, did you hear everything explained from the PD? “The entertainment we are participating in this time will not just be a broadcast, but will also be a practical exercise for data collection of ‘Rider Armor’, the newly developed 5th generation battle suit.”

The place I had to go was an uninhabited island.

It’s not just an uninhabited island, it’s an uninhabited island in a crack.

「Haildo, if you cooperate well this time, Telos may specially sponsor you with at least one set of 5th generation rider armor. So, write the contract well.”

Oh-. Is this a true story!?

You will be able to wear a new, state-of-the-art suit.

I felt very happy and signed the contract.

Ssuk sseu-.

Producer Kim Chang-jo, who was watching the scene, was hesitant about something. I wondered what was going on and asked, “Do you have anything to say?” He looked around and said.

“Did you know that TTS company was attacked this time? Most of the filming material for the A-rank survival battle was stolen and lost. It’s a broadcast that was scheduled until episode 4….”

Broadcasting company attacked… !?

I couldn’t help but be greatly surprised.

The broadcast about A-rank survival would have been 4 parts.

However, it was said that someone had intentionally stolen all the edited volumes and data from episodes 2 to 4.

“Mr. Ildo, among the materials they stole this time were materials and videos for the ‘Hoot Owl Documentary’ that I was working hard to plan. I really want it back….”

This seemed to be the main purpose of PD Kim Chang-jo’s visit to me.

All the information and video materials about the tiger owl documentary were stolen.

As someone who owns a horned owl, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of justice.

“What kind of people did such a mean thing?”

I asked.

Then PD Kim Chang-jo handed me his cell phone.

A very blurry video was being played, but it was difficult to see because the pitch-black screen was covered with white fog.

However, the noise of the loud spinning sound could be clearly heard. Soon, a mechanical device appeared from nowhere and smashed the camera, and that was the end of the video.

“All CCTVs were hacked and stolen, and only this one was left.”

“Can I try it again for a moment?”

I rewinded the video and stopped at the part where a strong mechanical sound was heard and the scene where a mechanical device appeared from nowhere and smashed the camera.

The mechanical device had five fingers.

It was a mechanical arm.

“This mechanical arm… ?”

There were quite a few awakened people equipped with mechanical prosthetic hands. There are many people who lose their hands and feet while living an awakened life, and companies used to provide implants, which are artificial bodies, to such awakened people.

However, there were not many people who used mechanical arms that emit such aggressive and intense energy. Because only powerful awakeners can handle powerful implants.

It was him.

The person who was with the woman in the bird beak mask, the woman I was looking for today.

“Iron Fist.”

“Iron Fist” Was the name I temporarily gave to this villain. For reference, it was temporarily decided that the woman with the bird beak mask would be called “Plague Doctor.”

“Have you contacted the police or government awakeners?”

I asked, watching the video over and over again.

Then PD Kim Chang-jo slowly shook his head.

“I did contact you, but… , rather, there was only an embargo. People from intelligence agencies came and searched TTS company. I’m not sure… Aren’t they the ones you shouldn’t touch? .”

Are you saying that they are villains who cannot easily go to government agencies?

Producer Kim Chang-jo wanted to find them and get his data back. You probably want to ask me for such a request.

However, the risk was high.

It could be disturbing a beehive.

I was deep in thought.

The story of someone telling me to do the right thing lingered in my ears.

The worries did not last long.

Even five-year-olds would know what the right thing to do is.

“I will investigate.”

“Thank you… ! I thought Mr. Il would have said that. You were not afraid and attacked even scary monsters. As a man, I think it’s cool. “I’m a fan!”

Producer Kim Chang-jo greatly praised my performance during the A-rank ranking adjustment. Because my face was itchy, it was difficult to pretend that nothing was wrong.

Producer Kim Chang-jo soon added his words.

“Since you said you would take charge of the work, I think I can tell you a few more things. It would be faster to show the data rather than explain it in words….”


I received a USB from PD.

“It contains broadcasts that were notified of rejection and disposal. “I hope you see it when no one is around and when you are alone.”

After that, when I was alone, I plugged the USB into a laptop that was not connected to the Internet.

Contained in it was an edited recording of a program that delves into the actual situation of various incidents, such as “Do you want to know that?”

“What is Team A of License to Kill? “The identity of those with a license to kill is reported by a former official.”

# # #

A woman wearing an all-black, sleek helmet and suit entered the warehouse.


A woman takes off the helmet of a 4th generation battle suit that is said to block tank shells.

Soon her wavy, sweat-soaked hair fell down to her shoulders.

「Code Name – Madame」.

It was Mayuhee, a member of Patriot, the black ops operation team under the President.

“Team Leader Kang, wasn’t this operation carried out too recklessly? Are A-Team operations always like this? Breaking it, hurting it, hitting it….”

Mayuhee was originally from Team B, led by team leader Yuari Yu.

Like the employees of Team B, May Yuhee was also an intelligence agent whose work involved agitating public opinion, manipulating public opinion, and blocking information rather than carrying out direct sabotage.

In her eyes, she saw a man repairing her own mechanical arm by tightening it with a screwdriver.

He was a man with scars all over his body.

His musculature was strong enough to not be defeated by mechanical arms, and he was a man with such a sharp aura that it would be appropriate to call him a veteran.

A warrior of reversal.

Team A’s team leader, Kang Cheol-min, the hero of the country’s salvation.

He said, clenching and unclenching his mechanical hand.

“If you don’t do it to this level, stupid people won’t understand. TTS guys were joining hands with Osa Group. And Osa Group is joining hands with the wine witch. “This was a warning.”

The witch of wine.

Level 0 confidential wanted fugitive.

As Madame Mayuhi recalled the name that the Patriot team was chasing, her thoughts shifted to the people who were injured in this operation.

All four people were seriously injured.

All of them were reporters who received money from companies and wrote fabricated articles.

Kang Cheol-min hated them.

“Madame, it’s Yuhui. If you’re going to do anything, you have to handle it thoroughly. “If we miss even one tiny speck, all the effort and blood shed so far could be in vain.”

Complete exclusion.

That was the first step towards a peaceful society that Kang Cheol-min, who had been through all sorts of things, thought of.

Ma Yu-hee did not think that Kang Cheol-min was wrong.

In fact, Kang Cheol-min has protected the safety of citizens and society several times.

In the process, it was inevitable that some innocent victims would arise, and that more violence and bloodshed than necessary would occur.

From noble mtl dot com

However, it was natural for Ma Yu-hee to feel madness as if she was seeing a madman while looking at Kang Cheol-min.

‘That man is a man who can sacrifice and build anything for the peace and tranquility of the world. For that, he is prepared to burn it all down. ‘His own family and even his own life.’

Ma Yu-hee remembered that Kang Kang-min was dead on paper and that Kang Kang-min had a mother who visited his grave every day, and she asked.

“Team Leader Kang, doesn’t she miss her mother?”

“Of course I want to see you. I too am a human being with a beating heart and hot blood. But in order to do the right thing, people sometimes have no choice but to sacrifice something. “For me, it’s my life itself.”

Kang Cheol-min thought of himself as a man with a warm heart and a lot of affection.

He was willing to do anything to protect the peaceful day of good citizens.

“According to the information obtained from the broadcasting company this time, the vicious bourgeois Telos are testing the performance of weapons and suits in a crack on an uninhabited island under the pretext of an entertainment program, right? Looking at it, the output far exceeds government regulations. “It’s easy to predict what will happen when a company has power beyond its control.”

Crunch-. Clap-.

Kang Cheol-min finished arranging the mechanical arm and stood up.

“It is clear that he is trying to do something illegal. Rich people often say that. “If they continue to commit illegal acts based solely on their enormous size, someone should give them a harsh warning.”

Kang Cheol-min, a hero of radical justice, was a man with a warm heart.

There was a lot of integrity and loyalty.

But his arm was a machine.

A heartless and cold machine.

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