218 – If Hail continues like this # 3

218 – If Hail continues like this # 3

Lee Jin-ah ran to a nearby rice field.

She then squeezed or pulled out the dry weeds with her hands and said, “Ah oh! “Oh!” She screamed.

She looked as if she was a lone she-wolf.

Just as I turned into a big dog squirrel, will Jin-ah Lee also end up turning into an animal?

Did she think about that for about 10 minutes?

Lee Jin-ah, who was rolling around in the rice field and crying, appeared to have calmed down a little. Her face, which had been as hot as a tomato or a furnace, seemed to have calmed down a bit, but she was still red.

“Hey! “You’re Haildo?”


“What the hell… ! Hey! Why are you Haildo! You’re a squirrel! Just be a squirrel! You’re not even a Hail! You just… Wow, it’s a big and cute giant squirrel! Say so… !!!”

“Crumbling… !”

Lee Jin-ah was absolutely denying reality.

I was very angry about this situation.

The fur all over my body stood up, and even my tail, which was out of control, stood up. Now, I was literally a pissed off squirrel.

But I quite liked myself like this.

I felt like ‘wild’ magic was seething in my body.

I felt primal emotions and instincts that I couldn’t normally feel boiling over in my body.

I feel like a strong ‘power’ is moving around under my skin with confidence!

I realized that if I could remember this feeling well, I would be able to use it as a useful feeling when I return to being human someday.

At that time, when I was fighting the “Superconducting Dragon,” I was able to feel the magic power of the honey ant in my body, even if it was only for a moment.

Like that, if you become accustomed to this dog squirrel’s magic power and one day be able to borrow the power of the dog squirrel—? It would not be unreasonable for a were beast and a were dog squirrel man, Haildo, to be born.


At that time, Jinah Lee swept her palm down from her forehead to her chin. She had just plucked her weeds with both her hands and made such a fuss that she was thinking of touching her face with those hands.

Of course, Jin-ah Lee’s face was always white and without any blemishes.

“I think I know roughly what happened. Anyway, what kind of trouble did the nymphs cause and you got caught up in it? “You need nymphs to solve it?”


Lee Jin-ah was born as a gangster from the back alleys and streets, so she was quick-witted! He accurately diagnoses the situation without me having to explain it!

Jinah Lee let out her sighs one after another.

“You mean you weren’t intentionally trying to annoy me or mess with me by being late for your appointment?”


I nodded my head wildly and waggled my tail left and right. Can I be this happy when someone guesses what I mean?

Lee Jin-ah, who saw that scene, smiled as if she felt somehow better or as if she was very funny.

“What, this is so stupid. I accept it because I wasn’t intentionally late or upset. So where are the nymphs? Did you go out to the rice fields? “Seeing as I can’t see any small animals, it looks like I went out with the nymphs.”

Ssuk seu seu-.

I drew a five-leafed clover with my paws.

Jinah Lee asked, “A fan?” It seems that the picture I drew looked like a fan with five blades, not a five-leaf clover.

Scratch Scratch-.

Lee Jin-ah immediately scratched the back of her head with a shocked expression and stood up.

“Wait. Because I will come find the nymphs. Don’t cause trouble. A person turns into an animal. This could happen. What the. However… “Are you really Haildo?”

Saying that, Jinah Lee continued to look to her left and right.

She couldn’t shake the feeling that she was being watched by a camera or something.

I think it would be true even if it were the other way around.

She was like a big yellow cat walking around me and she said, “I’m Lee Jin.” If I were to say this, I would have been so shocked that I would have spun around in the air for 5 times.


Soon Jin-ah Lee left to find her nymphs and resolve the situation.

Now this strange situation will come to an end.

With that in mind, I went home, curled up on the bed, and tried to sleep.

# # #

Did you sleep for about 10 minutes?

From noble mtl dot com

I came to my senses due to a strange presence.

When I raised my head, I saw a familiar car coming into the village very gliding from a distance.

It was a quiet and smooth car.

This is Seo Ye-rim’s electric car.

“Haildo! “I heard Illinois is here!”

Yesterday, I sent Yerim Seo a message saying, “I am at my house in Illinois.” It seems that Seo Ye-rim, who received the message, came to my house today to meet Illinois.

“Isn’t there even Hail?”

Ttogak, ttogak-.

Even though Seo Ye-rim, the owner of her house, did not answer, she opened the front door and even unlocked the front door and came in without hesitation.

It was a very uninhibited behavior, and it was so confident that anyone would have thought that the owner of this house was Seo Ye-rim.

But when I thought about it carefully, this house was one of Telos’ small office buildings, and strictly speaking, I was a renter, so the owner of the house was Seo Ye-rim.

“Oh, what is this? I thought there was a wild boar inside the house. Wow, be surprised. What is this. What a furry thing, uh-huh. Really, uhhu-.”

Seo Ye-rim, who came into the house without hesitation, found me curled up on her bed with her body curled up in a circle. She put her hand on her chest as if she was very surprised and said, “Uh-huh, huh-.” And took a breath.

Suddenly, a mischievous feeling rose up in my heart, thinking, “Why not pretend to be a dog squirrel?”

I was always on the receiving end of Seo Ye-rim.

This time, I’m taking revenge.

Seo Ye-rim spoke soon.

“Ha? If you look closely, it’s not a wild boar, but a dog squirrel? “Why are there so many big dog squirrels?”


“This guy, Haildo, is just bringing in all kinds of animals and making a zoo. I saw that they were bringing women too. “Should I say something?”


“You think that too, right? You look smart. I’ve seen quite a few dog squirrels, and they seem to be the smartest. “I don’t think it’s better than Kkeungkeongi, but-.”

“Crumbling… !”

“What, do you understand everything I say? Wow, this is so amazing. Hey, do you know where Illinois and Haildo went? Let me know and I’ll give you a boat. Ship. “You, fall pears are so delicious.”

Did the narrator feel the same way as I do now after hearing the gentle words of the distorted hero Eom Seok-dae?

I never thought that such a gentle story could come out of the mouth of Seo Ye-rim, who was always overbearing and irritable towards me.

That kindness and kindness was like a devilish nature, and without realizing it, I answered, “I am Haildo!”


“Okay, what am I going to talk about with you? I just asked. Haildo, well, he could have gone to play with the nymphs. “Then let’s sit down and wait.”

5 Minutes, 10 minutes.

Crack, crack, crack -.

Seo Ye-rim sat on her sofa with her legs crossed and tapping her ankles.

She did that for about 15 minutes?

“I’m bored.”


Seo Ye-rim stands up and opens the drawer in my room.

Seo Ye-rim must have been very bored, so she rummaged through my drawers.

“… I don’t think there are any hidden photos of the woman. Did she leave her phone behind him too?”


Seo Ye-rim picked up my cell phone.

She then laughed.

“It’s not a pattern or a fingerprint. There is still someone who locks her phone with a 4-digit security number. Hail is also such an old-fashioned bastard. It’s a 4-digit number. 4 Digits….”

Seo Ye-rim let out a long snort and entered the number 1110 into her cell phone.

November 10th.

It was my birthday date.

“Oh, it’s not your birthday?”


Next was the number entered by Seo Ye-rim.

This was my lunar birthday date.

“Isn’t this too? Hail also thought that this narcissistic guy must have set a password using his birthday. Then maybe….”


Seo Ye-rim entered 1004.

Some people may think that it is a number representing an angel in the sky, but that is not the case at all; it is a number representing Seo Ye-rim’s birthday, October 4th.

“… This isn’t it? I really don’t understand. “It’s ridiculous.”

I couldn’t understand either.

Why do I have to use Seo Ye-rim’s birthday as my cell phone password? I couldn’t understand that Seo Ye-rim took that for granted.

Is the way of thinking of a third-generation conglomerate and S-ranked celebrity different from others?

“0169. My height… Not even…. 0049…. My weight too… No. What is it, Haildo. What on earth did you use as your password? “Now that you think about it, haven’t you ever asked about my foot size a long time ago?”


Seo Ye-rim took a look at the soles of her feet wrapped in her stockings. In the past, during the ‘shoes’ incident, I asked Seo Ye-rim about her foot size in order to somehow compensate her.

Well, what can I do when Seo Ye-rim says, “Ask me the same thing!”

“0240…. Nope. What? Lock?”

Is it because entering the cell phone password keeps failing? My cell phone was locked as is.

After that, Seo Ye-rim called someone on her cell phone.

“Oh, Young-eun. What is the code you use when you make a mistake while unlocking your phone and it gets locked? Uh. Telos cell phone. Oh, okay. Okay. No, it’s nothing special.”


Seo Ye-rim manipulated my cell phone here and there and then she returned to her password input field.

But she didn’t immediately enter the password; she called someone.

“Uh, Yuari. I am Seo Ye-rim. It’s nothing special. Just wondering when your birthday is. What? No, why do you ask. “I think we’re classmates but we didn’t know much about each other until now?”

Seo Ye-rim’s voice was bright.

She was bright as if I was calling her very close friend, but her face wasn’t smiling at all and she was rather cold.

I was surprised in many ways because I wondered if this is how women talk on the phone.


Seo Ye-rim entered the numbers into her cell phone with a very cold and cold expression.


The cell phone vibrates.

It said the password was incorrect.

“That’s right!”

Even though her password was wrong, Seo Ye-rim clenched her fists as if she was in a good mood for some reason. Soon, Seo Ye-rim also called Lee Jin-ah.

“Oh, Jin-ah. It’s me. This time, Jina appeared on TV and performed well, right? So she wants to entrust me with a CF. So, I need some help from her birthday. Oh, really? How many days does she have left?”


0921… Seo Ye-rim entered the number into her cell phone.


The vibration rang again this time.

She was saying that unlocking failed.

“It looks good!”

Seo Ye-rim stood up with her fists clenched as if her mood was heightened. She then threw her phone on the bed as if she was no longer interested in my phone and then went out into the living room again.

He now spent his time looking in the mirror, examining his teeth or smelling his palm, wrist, or shoulder.

“… “I feel bad from sweating, so I should take a shower.”


Soon, Seo Ye-rim lifts her skirt slightly and begins to take off her stockings. I was so embarrassed and surprised by my white legs and underwear that shouldn’t be seen that I started jumping around.



Are you going to take a shower here?

But you suddenly took off your clothes in front of me!

Either way, I heard a sound coming from inside the bathroom.

About 10 minutes have passed.

Seo Ye-rim, dripping wet, came outside.

She then frowned.

“What, why aren’t there any towels in the house? “How do I wipe away the moisture?”

Seo Ye-rim’s eyes met mine as she looked around her head.

I became very nervous.

That’s because Seo Ye-rim’s expression contained mischievous playfulness and a strange hunting instinct.

“No, now I see a big, fluffy towel here.”

The ‘wild sense’ that became stronger after becoming a dog squirrel was speaking to me.

You have to run away.


But before I could move, Yerim ran to me and hugged me with her wet body!

“Hey, it wipes off the moisture well! Rather, why are you running around like this? Are you hungry? Or did someone come?”

Seo Ye-rim, this guy, wiping moisture off my body!

I felt like she was going to lose her mind because of the feeling of her fur getting wet and softer than I expected… !

“Okay, go, go.”


Seo Ye-rim, who generated light heat to quickly evaporate and dry the moisture on her own body, seemed to have seen someone coming in from her yard while she was putting on her clothes.

“What, Jin-ah Lee and the nymphs?”

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