Circ.u.mventing Fate

Chapter 84 - Solicitation

"Ah, the Emperor also asked that this be specifically handed to you." The Eunuch continued presenting a book to Lei Xing. She took it and looked it over, it was another copy of "The Art of War", "This is from His majesty's personal collection. He said to tell you that this one is a better version and will be more to your liking and that if you need any books in the future, you should inform him know or if you ever feel bored and would like to browse a collection, the royal study has the best collection of books in the capital and you are more than welcome to peruse through at any time."

Lei Xing slightly knit her brows and glanced at her desk where she was reading last night and noticed the copy she had was not there.

...Don't tell me that was what he was retur- It's none of my business...

Lei Xing walked over to one of the bookshelves and flipped through the books.

...Well, at least his bribery skills seem to have improved...He still better not come here tonight, I mean it...Military, military, military...Did I tell this guy I plan on going to war or something?... 

"Your highness, we have finished." The Eunuch informed. Lei Xing continued flipping through a book and simply responded, "En." The Eunuchs looked up at her and then glanced at each other and remained standing. After a bit, Lei Xing then turned to them, "Anything else?" They quickly shook their heads, bowed and withdrew. Lei Xing put the book back, glanced around the room and then sighed and went back to her room, where Ah Jin was still standing there looking dejected. Lei Xing sighed again, "You can leave." 

Ah Jin then bowed and quickly went to the door and paused when Lei Xing suddenly added, "Tell them that if anyone comes they MUST wake me up." Ah Jin nodded and left. 

Lei Xing fell on her bed and sighed.

...Been a freaking long day...He better not come here tonight, I mean it...Books don't equal a license to intrude -_-)...

Meanwhile, the Eunuch in charge of the reorganization went back to report to the Emperor in the royal study. Eunuch Li asked with a smile, "So what did she say?"

The Eunuch glanced up at the Emperor who was calmly looking at him and then looked down and gulped, "The Noble consort did not say anything."

"Nothing?" Eunuch Li asked furrowing his brow. The Eunuch nodded and then nervously looked at the Emperor again and added, "B-but it seemed she li-liked the books..." The Emperor raised an eyebrow at him and the Eunuch quickly looked down.

...It's not like I could have forced her to say something, but how could she not even send a simple thank you? And here I thought I got an easy task T_T)...

Eunuch Li sighed and told him to leave, and then turned to find the Emperor back at work with his memorials, unconcerned. Eunuch Li sighed again and left the room.

...What exactly is wrong with this girl? She couldn't possibly be that clueless, she seemed intelligent too...*Sigh* He also seems intelligent...


The next morning, Lei Xing's eyes opened and jumped up and then sighed in relief when she saw there was no one beside her. When Ah Jin and Xiao Ruo came in, she asked if the Emperor came and then let out another sigh of relief when they informed he did not.

She quickly got ready and left the palace, this time taking Xiao Ruo with her. She was not feeling fond of Ah Jin at the moment, but that was not the only reason. Since Xiao Ruo was also pretty close to her, she did not want her to feel left out or ignored. Not to mention, she would still be involved in the brewing process of the medication so there was no point in excluding her from it.

...I don't need jealousy problems within my ranks -_-)...

Lei Xing also used this opportunity to try to encourage loyalty with gifts. Despite her dislike for shopping, she stopped at various jewelry stalls and had Xiao Ruo choose a couple of things for herself and Ah Jin, and some snacks and little things for the other servants as well. Xiao Ruo was excited and indulged at Lei Xing's insistence. While Xiao Ruo was looking at some items, Lei Xing glanced at the closed doors of Doctor Lou's shop and sighed. They were currently at the jewelry stall she had left Xiao Ting the first time she visited him. 

...Is he ever going to come back? Is it even safe for him to come back? I have no idea what that Emperor is thinking. Well, I can't exactly blame him, even I would think he was guilty with his sudden disappearance...I hope he's okay, I kind of feel this was all my fault...If I hadn't come he - Oh, well I'll apologize when I - if I ever see him again...

After a few more stops for shopping, Lei Xing went to a pharmacy and got her contraception medication. Of course, she did not buy a huge amount so as not to attract unwanted attention on her return, but she got enough for five doses and would have to regularly restock on use.

...And I'm perfectly fine with no use...

As Lei Xing exited the pharmacy and was walking up to Xiao Ruo, she suddenly heard a familiar, "Xing jie." from behind and inwardly groaned.

...Arrgh! Don't tell me those two are here again (◔_◔)...

Lei Xing put on a smile and turned around to see only Tung Mei happily arrive and hug her arm, "I knew it was you!"

Lei Xing's eyes scanned the crowd behind her looking for Lei Yong. Tung Mei turned back as well and asked, "What are you looking for?"

"Nothing." Lei Xing said with a smile.

...Her I can handle...Actually, I even have a bone to pick with you. Very good...

Lei Xing took Tung Mei to a restaurant nearby and got a private room and left Xiao Ruo to eat in the general area so they could have privacy. After they were settled in, Lei Xing asked, "Lei Yong is not with you today?"

Tung Mei frowned and then pouted, "I'm following your advice and giving him space like he wants."

"My advice?"

"En. You said I shouldn't chase keep chasing after someone persistently like that, that it's suffocating and makes him want to run more."

Lei Xing blinked and knit her brows.

...That does sound like something I would say...Actually I'm pretty sure I've said that before, then again, I've come across my fair share of desperates before...

"But is it wrong to go after someone you like?... Also, Yong ge is a very confusing, he's a confused person! It's him, not me..." 

Lei Xing blinked a few times and frowned.

...I swear I had - Am I that -... I guess it's a common expression, maybe?...and they're friends too so they could both be confusing - no, confused...So she can say it too...

Tung Mei continued to lament, "When I leave him alone, he starts to worry, gets anxious and eventually goes to find me and goes "it seems you've been busy" while looking at me like I committed a great wrong. Then once I start going to find him, then he starts running again and treating me like as if I-" Tung Mei took a deep breath and gulped down her wine, "Honestly, it's tiring...this is the last chance I'm giving it. If it doesn't work this time, then I'll stop. I mean it this time." She said looking at Lei Xing with a resolute expression.

"How did we meet?" Lei Xing asked, uninterested in the love lives of others.

Tung Mei frowned at the seemingly random question, "Didn't Ah Jin tell you?"

"She said she doesn't know." Lei Xing responded narrowing her eyes.

Tung Mei then smiled, "Ah, yes...I forgot about that part. So it was three years ago, you left the city, we met on the road through a string of coincidences and went on an adventure together. It was fun!"  

Lei Xing raised an eyebrow and then smiled, "You see, I recently got in an accident and so my memory is a bit scattered. So please share the details. I want to know." 

Tung Mei blinked a few times then went, "Hmm, sure!... So-" 

...*Where are you?...

... Hmph!...

...*It has been brought to my notice that you are not home...

...And since when do you care?...

"Everything okay?" Lei Xing asked when Tung Mei suddenly stopped talking and scowled.

Tung Mei smiled, "It's fine..."

...*Xiao Ying!...

...You swindled me! So don't pretend to care. I'll sort my life out myself! You just mind your own business!...

...*You better not go start troub-...

...I am not listening anymore! This is Goodbye!!...

...*You better not re-...

Tung Mei angrily removed her bracelet and threw it on the table. Lei Xing watched her odd behavior with a raised eyebrow and then asked, "Are you okay?"

Tung Mei smiled, "Perfectly fine...Where was I?"

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