Circ.u.mventing Fate

Chapter 80 - Ant Skit Episode 7: Other's Misery = Glee (Post 45)

????: Basking in other people's misery doesn't pay

Lei Xing : I wasn't basking... and I'm always freaking miserable anyway so let me have this, okay?! ????

????: Fine then...finding joy in other people's misery doesn't pay

Lei Xing : It was funny...the others were also finding it funny.

????: Which others?

Lei Xing : Xiao Ting and the others.

Xiao Ting : I was miserable...I am telling you, she's upto no good, but no one ever listens to me ????.

Lei Xing : -_-)...okay, the emperor found it funny.

????: Ah...oh here he comes.

**Lei Xing jumps up and about to ????????‍♀️ when ???? bursts out laughing**

????: ????????You're right, it is funny, very funny ...

Lei Xing : ????

Xiao Ting : Hey! Don't make fun of my jiejie! It's not funny ????

????: If she can laugh at other people's misery, why can't I laugh at hers?...Also, isn't he your brother too? Shouldn't you be defending him as well?

Xiao Ting : *pouts and mumbles* Mind your own business.

**Lei Yong opens lounge door and enters and slouches down on a chair**

????: Well, you look haggard.

Lei Yong : ????

**Voices outside door**

Tung Mei : Oh, Xing jie's not here.

Jun Kai : *raised eyebrow* I didn't ask you that...

Tung Mei : Either way, she's not here.

Jun Kai : Okay, move.

Tung Mei : Why do you want to go inside?

Jun Kai : How does that concern you? Move. ????

**Sounds of some struggle outside** LX quickly runs to join Lei Yong under the table**

Lei Xing : Move over!

Lei Yong : There's not enough space for two. Find somewhere else.

Lei Xing : There's nowhere else, you find somewhere else!

Lei Yong : I was here first!

Lei Xing : You led them there!

**Struggle ensues under the table** 

**Door bursts open**and the struggling duo outside roll in**

**At the same time, struggling duo under table fall out in the open**

**Four pairs of eyes stare wide-eyed**

????: ????????????

Xiao Ting : There's nothing funny here. ????

????: Trust me, there really is...

Xiao Ting : ????Later when you need someone to plead on your behalf again...don't bug me. *Gets up and leaves*

**Empress dowager enters as XT exits**

Empress Dowager : Oh good, you're all here...I baked a cake. *happily shows everyone her creation*

Jun Kai : Xing er', there is something important you have to see. *quickly walks up to LX and picks her up*

Lei Xing : Oh okay, yes it is very important...Sorry, we need to go now *compliantly follows JK towards the exit*

Lei Yong : Ah, your majesty. I also need to see to that thing as well. *Quickly gets up*

Jun Kai :  We don't need extra people ????  *says dismissively as they exit the doors**

Lei Yong : No, It is very important that I be there *grabs TM*  Tung Mei, you need to be there too. I apologize, your majesty. **bows to dowager and quickly follows after Lei Xing and Jun Kai, pulling Tung Mei along, who happily follows**

Empress Dowager : *???? looking at the door* Oh, so no one's going to try it?

????: Ah, ignore them...they are all weird people.

Empress Dowager : Do you want to try it?

????: Ah?... *???? at dowager's imploring face*  I, I guess I can try a slice.

Empress Dowager :????Great! It's a new recipe *puts cake on table and opens drawer for cutlery*

????: You seem to have really gotten into cooking

Empress Dowager : Well the oven is a thing of wonders...It makes things so much easier, so I've been experimenting a lot lately. *chuckles*  It's fun!

** Empress Dowager puts plate with slice in front of ????**

Empress Dowager : Enjoy! *smiles and watches ???? *

????: Thank you.  *hesitantly picks up fork* ???? looks at door*

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