Li Jianbo woke up early, because he was busy going to work and there were a lot of things waiting for him to do.

As soon as he walked out of the room, he heard the sound of mincing meat coming from downstairs.

Was Weiwei up so early? She hasn't rested all day and night, so she can't sleep well?

Li Jianbo went downstairs and walked to the kitchen. He called out tenderly: "Weiwei!"

It was Qi Jingyi who turned around, and Qi Jingyi smiled and said, "Are you a little disappointed to see me?"

"Auntie, why do you get up to make breakfast?"

"Well, I can't live for nothing, I have to do something. I'm frying the meat scumbag, and I will make scallion noodles for you to eat. I also have something I am good at, so please wait." Qi Jingyi said Going busy again.

Li Jianbo said behind him: "Don't be so troublesome, just have something to eat."

"Can't wait long."

Li Jianbo touched his head and went back upstairs. Li Wei hadn't gotten up yet. He thought that being busy this early this morning would be a sign of improvement?

Qi Jingyi made his specialty scallion sauce noodles. When the noodles were served, Li Wei said it was delicious, and a plate of noodles reached the bottom in a few minutes.

"Auntie did a really good job on this side, how can you teach me if you have time?"

However, Qi Jingyi said to Li Wei in a serious manner: "No, this is my exclusive skill and it will not be passed on."

These words amused Li Wei.

After this weekend, Li Wei still went back to work on the TV station. During the day, Qi Jingyi was at home alone. Although she was a little worried, she couldn't stay by her side all the time. Fortunately, Qi Jingyi's emotions are very stable these days. Gradually, he smiled, and even jokes with others.

Li Wei finally moved everything back to his bachelor apartment, leaving only the fat thread.

The siblings have lived together for so long, and they moved when they said they moved. Li Jianbo looked at the room that Li Wei had lived in became a little empty, feeling very uncomfortable.

"Jianbo, how did you solve the problem of eating when you lived alone?"

"Most eat in the cafeteria, or just go out, I rarely cook by myself."

Qi Jingyi said: "The food in the cafeteria is not good. The food in the cafeteria is either unhygienic or heavy in oil and salt. Eating too much is not good for the body."

"But I don’t have that time. It’s common to work overtime after surgery. Irregular work schedules are common in our business." Li Jianbo said, drinking the stewed bone broth with kelp and kelp. The stew is soft and glutinous, and the taste is very delicious.

"Perhaps the life of a single man is like this. Don't talk about you, I didn't open fire a few times when I lived by myself. I really don't like cooking. Weiwei likes to cook by myself, and the cooking skills are pretty good. She lives in one place and receives a lot of care from her."

Li Jianbo finished the meal quietly, helped clean up the dishes and chopsticks. After cleaning up, he came up and saw Qi Jingyi watching TV.

"Are you going to chase these clichéd Korean dramas?"

"Weiwei introduced it to me, saying that she can decompress and kill time."

It's another drama of dog blood and bitterness. Can you relieve pressure from watching such a show? Li Jianbo did not believe it.

"Auntie has made a decision, do you want to go to Beihai? The elder is calling again to urge."

Qi Jingyi thought about it carefully. This time she was willing to accept her eldest sister's arrangement and nodded and said: "Well, I listen to what the elder sister said."

"For another environment, it might be easier. If you decide, I'll book your ticket for you. You only need to give me your ID card. I'll handle it."

Qi Jingyi said it was fine, and Li Jianbo said again: "There will be someone to receive you, and I will arrange it for you. Don't worry about where to eat and stay."

Qi Jingyi was full of guilt after hearing this.

"I'm so sorry, it's obviously your elders, but I just want you to worry about me."

Li Jianbo said: "If you really feel sorry, just go on living well. Living an active and healthy life is better than anything else."

Qi Jingyi smiled, Li Wei was right. She had a devil in her heart. Only when her heart became strong, the devil would not swallow her.

Both of them watched TV and didn't speak for a while. After a long time, Li Jianbo suddenly asked: "Do you know what kind of person my biological father is?"

Qi Jingyi glanced at her nephew in astonishment, and shook her head for a while and said, "No, I don't know. The eldest sister has never told me about your biological father. In the past, I used to run outside and rarely went home to interact with the eldest sister. Not much."

He knew his mother and never knew who his biological father was in both lives. When she asked her mother, she kept silent and didn't want to mention a word to him. At the beginning, her mother left him at Li's house in Yongning and returned to the city alone. I went abroad within a few years, but there has never been news of his biological father. He doesn't know if this person is still in the world.

"Sister, didn't she tell you?"

"I asked her twice, and she didn't want to say anything, and I'm not good to ask again. I always thought you could know something." Li Jianbo can't be said to be lost. Without his biological father, he has an adoptive father. It is enough to honor the foster parents and the family in this life.

"Have you been back to southern Fujian?"

Qi's hometown is in southern Fujian.

Li Jianbo shook his head and said, "No, I know you and that one among the relatives of the Qi family."

"If you go back to Southern Fujian, you might be able to figure out some things."

Li Jianbo smiled suddenly: "Forget it, I don't have the time, it doesn't matter anymore. My father is Li Minghua and my mother is Liu Chunzhi. This was destined 26 years ago."

He still doesn't want to recognize his ancestor and return to the clan. What's the point of finding him back by the older sister. But after getting along these days, Qi Jingyi discovered that this nephew was actually a very emotional person. Although he didn't care on the surface, he cared very much about the people around him.

"The relatives also have to talk about fate. Maybe I think I will go to southern Fujian in a few years. There is no time now, and it will not be time yet."

"Jianbo, the eldest sister has always felt guilty about your affairs. She has always wanted to see you all these years, and now she has finally got her wish, so you don't want to hurt her anymore. She will be strong for a lifetime, and she is the only one who has suffered so much. Clearly. She can have today's position and today's wealth, she sacrificed many things in exchange for it."

"Yes, including leaving his own son." Li Jianbo sneered.

"At that time, she must have had unspeakable difficulties. Time has passed, and you are so old, so don’t you forgive her. Now that you all recognize each other, she forgave her for allowing you to read so many years in the United States. Right." Qi Jingyi couldn't help but speak for her respected eldest sister.

forgive? He is no longer a kid, so why do you forgive me? Anyway, it's a thing of the past, and one has to work hard to look forward.

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