Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

Vol 5 Chapter 80: Identification (2)

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the magician Lane biography!

Flanner saw that the apprentices in their thirties had become more and more unbearable, while their teammates Ellendo and Ryan stood in a daze with embarrassment, and secretly laughed in his heart. The magic is quite good, but it is like a blank sheepskin scroll in men and women.

In order not to keep them embarrassed, and to get into the topic today, Flanner made a dismissive look on his face, as if the apprentice in his thirties had just recommended it, but it was all indifferent. Junk goods. Flanner waved his hand arrogantly, beckoning the other party to stop talking, and then he took out his storage pocket from his arms, and deliberately revealed the thick stack of magic scrolls that Ryan had made for him during this time. come out.

This move obviously shocked the apprentice in his thirties, a guest who carried a lot of magic scrolls with him. If he was n’t a very good magician, it would be a very rich businessman or nobleman. On the product I just recommended.

Franner's mischievous behavior achieved results. He pretended to take a fireball scroll from the large stack of scrolls, and threw it to the thirty-year-old apprentice with straight eyes. This action made the latter tremble with shock, catching the scroll in a hurry. Flanner said in a nonchalant tone: "Take it to show a few masters, if we look at it, we will talk again."

The thirty-year-old apprentice hurriedly pulled out a wooden tray from under the wooden frame, carefully placed the fireball scroll on the tray, and then made a wink at the companion next to him, and hurriedly walked into the next A side door. This apprentice's small movement made other companions realize the special status of Flanner and his team. When he walked out, two other apprentices, aged 17 or eight, quickly came to Flanner. Serving. But they only had a respectful look on their faces, but they never dared to recommend any items to them.

Flanner waved his hand slightly, beckoning that they didn't need to follow them, and the two apprentices immediately walked away, but the four eyes were still focused on Flanner and his team, looking at them, as long as Fran After accepting a small gesture, he would immediately come over and serve him willingly.

Flanner gently dragged Ryan and Ellendo's clothing corners and dragged them into an unmanned corner, then said to them in a voice so small that they could only be heard face to face: "You two , Really ... Actually, the ring was just a very useful thing just now. Bah, bah, do n’t look at me with that kind of eyes, I mean, that ’s not what it means. Oh, you do n’t always go in that direction. Think, can you change the angle? Think about it. When a warrior does not have a priest partner, he can also gain strength through this ring. An agile thief suddenly suddenly has a huge Power, will it be useful? "

Flanner's explanation immediately eased Ryan and Allen's faces a lot. They thought of the role of the ring in the battle just now, and nodded slightly. Flanner continued to explain after seeing that his words were effective: "But think about it, if you are a warrior, how much gold will you spend to buy? Although this ring works well, there are a few warriors willing to pay a high amount of gold coins. What? I am afraid that each warrior has the highest priority, the one who is most willing to spend money, or a high-quality weapon? The price of this ring is too low, then the profit of the "Magic Hand" is low, why should they work hard to make this A magic item? If the price is too high, it is not easy to sell. So, the producer of this ring, or a supervisor of the 'Magic Hand', thought about some aspects where it might be useful. Now this The ring is no longer facing adventurous mercenaries, but the next generation of noble children of the enclave or the head of the chamber of commerce. Those dudes, are n’t they the biggest buyers of this magic item? "

Lion nodded. Indeed, the latter is far more generous than the former, especially when it comes to things between men and women. When he was in Alfa, did the owner of the "Fire Hammer Equipment Shop" use a similar method to sell piles of tattered things for a high price? There is essentially no difference between them. It's just that Ryan himself only focused on learning the making of magic circle before, and he didn't think too much about the sale of finished products after finishing. Ryan didn't understand these and didn't need to care about them.

Thinking of this, Ryan's face slowly returned to normal, although he did not like this way of marketing, it was too utilitarian, but after all he was born in the family of Orion, and since he was young, he saw how the hunter in his hometown racked his brains. Buy his prey for a good price, so he can tolerate such things. And Ellendo, as a Druid in a secluded mountain forest, knew nothing about the things in the city. Anyway, he is now following Ryan, and it is up to Ryan to decide these things.

Seeing that his companions had not cared about what had just happened, Flanner ’s heart was filled with a sense of satisfaction. This was his joy after the collective contribution to the Ryan mercenary group. Ryan and Ellendo were young, after all, There is not much experience in these matters, and Flanner, who has been in business for decades, can be regarded as a master in human relations and so on. Naturally, he needs more effort. But Flaner couldn't help making fun and said: "Don't you have a beautiful girlfriend, Ryan? Why are you so sensitive to this kind of thing, as if ..."

Flaner's words didn't finish, Lane's face turned red again, and even Ellendo was a little embarrassed. Speaking of the shortcomings of Ryan and Ellendo, I am afraid that the shyness of the opposite **** is the biggest one. Otherwise, when I was in Seck City, I would not be because Susanni just took off her clothes. The two of them He fled in panic. Franner felt a little more comfort in his heart, and he could finally find another place where he was stronger than Lane and Allen. At least facing or just talking about the opposite sex, Flanner would never have this kind of performance. Of course, it is just a matter of knowing this kind of thing, there is no need to promote it everywhere.

Soon, the apprentice in his 30s who had left in a hurry came back empty-handed. He walked a few steps to Flanner and said respectfully to the latter: "If it is convenient, Master Lille invites a few Come in and talk. "The appearance of this apprentice just found Ryan a good opportunity to get rid of embarrassment. He quickly said:" Excellent, hurry and lead the way. "After getting a positive answer, the apprentice of about thirty years old immediately Respectfully said: "Please follow me." Then walked ahead and led the way.

Ryan was almost like running away, followed the apprentice into the side door. Ellendo also followed him and left, only Xiaobai stood beside Flanner with a wagging tail. This is also to ensure Flaner's safety. As a silver maned wolf king, how can he protect Flanner not for a short period of time, then give Flanner a magic scroll to win time. If the opponent is particularly powerful, as long as Flanner can persist, Ryan and Ellendo who are nearby will definitely rescue in the first time. This is the best arrangement for the Ryan mercenary team for Flanner who knows neither martial skills nor magic.

Walking out of the side door, there was a dim and narrow corridor in front of it. This was probably the gap between the two rooms. Several dim stars in the sky blinked blinkingly, and a slight breeze came. Crossing this corridor, Ryan and their apprentices led into a wide courtyard with a small lake, dozens of saplings and a winding path Looming in the saplings.

The apprentices in their thirties turned back and reminded: "Please follow me on this paved road, and don't step into the bushes next to them, and don't touch those saplings." Lane They knew that there would definitely be various organ traps here to protect security, and they all nodded solemnly and followed the apprentice through the yard properly.

On the front was an exquisite house. The apprentice took a breath and said with a smile: "It's here, please come with me." Then they led Ryan into the house and walked up the stairs to the second floor , Came to a messy room.

Inside the house, a man with disheveled hair was sitting at a thick wooden table, holding the magic scroll that Flanner had just pulled out, and was looking attentively, perhaps too much. The man was unaware of Lane and the others who came in. The apprentice who led the way whispered to them: "This is Master Lille. He is best at making magic scrolls and carving magic circles. But when he is busy, it is strictly forbidden to be disturbed, so as not to offend him. , I have to trouble you to wait a little bit. "

Ryan nodded to express his understanding. After all, they are guests now, and it should be respectful of the host. Since the master named Lille looked at his work, it is better to take a moment to observe the work place of the master. Ryan looked around the room. Although the apprentice in his thirties saw Ryan ’s behavior, he did n’t stop it. He just arranged for Ellendo and Flanner to sit in the chairs beside them, and poured a glass of water for them. , And then stood quietly aside.

This is a not-so-large room, and Ryan estimated that it would only take up to ten steps from corner to corner. There are four rows of wooden frames in half of the house. The original white wooden frames have faded black, and it can be seen that they have been used for many years. Each wooden frame has five layers, each storing a variety of commonly used magic materials. Ryan simply recognized it, most of them are natural gemstones containing elemental energy, magic nuclei obtained after hunting Warcraft, and so on. One of the wooden shelves is specially equipped with a large amount of Mithril powder, Mithril silk and magic ink of different colors. For these things, Ryan is too familiar, because these are the necessary materials for drawing magic scrolls. Haven't you been studying this aspect all the time?

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