Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the magician Lane biography!

After typing the last word, Ryan's sentence also appeared in his heart: "Everything is over". From June 2oo8 to December 2o13, my debut novel was written for five years and six months, totaling 6.5 million words. At that time, I was just a book that I could not find. So, the little white author who wrote something for self-entertainment, never thought that this stroke would be a persistence of 2,000 days and nights. During this period, there were joy and pain, and I had made many friends.

Since it is the first book, it is inevitable that there will be a lot of things that are not done well enough, the beginning is too bland, the timing of the shelf is not very good, there are no advertisements at all, and there are few requests for tickets or subscriptions in the text. , But I am very grateful to my friends for their support. The data in this book can be said to be at the top of the fantasy channel. Almost every list has the profile of Ryan. Among them, there are many masterpieces of the great gods, which makes me happy from time to time. There is also a taste of being out of time: "Well, if brother travels to the web and can rise up, fantasy works will be popular in the world, maybe I am also a great **** o (n_n) o haha"

Okay, I wo n’t talk more about nonsense, and talk about the new book. Because I have written fantasy for five and a half years, this second book does not intend to open fantasy, but chooses a modern background, but it is definitely not the kind of content that talks about love, but the current popular way of rebirth, Perhaps this idea is not too novel, but the book friends who have read the biography of Lane are very clear about my style, and I will not be here to sell melons. There are already tens of thousands of words in the book. According to the experience of the first book, this number of words is definitely not enough. I am prepared to accumulate some more. At least I have to hold the update amount for one month at hand to be at ease.

Well, it seems that according to the usual practice, you should put some chapters in the new book to advertise when you finish the book. Do you want to see it, want to see it, or do you want to see it?

Finally, let ’s say one more word. After reading the trial part, remember to leave a comment on qq. After the new book is uploaded, the new reader qq group will be announced. Of course, the existing ones will certainly continue to be retained. You can still continue in the qq group Or directly communicate with me on QQ.

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