An adventurer from Dlintre, the adventurer and the luggage, are gripping Mamakura.

"What do you mean by the C rank in the country? C rank that has survived in Dlintle?" "Is there the same country in both C and D ?!

Ninary has been stopped, but the luggage does not seem to subside. Both seem to be drunk. Cain sighed inside, calling out to them.

"Is it going to stop soon? Other customers are annoying-" "Noisy kid !? Keep shut!" "Cain is shut! This is the problem."

The two, who are not willing to listen to Cain's words, once away, work on the handle of the sword. If you draw a sword, that's a big problem. Cain sighs deeply.

"--Both of them ... let's stop ..."

The killing that came out of Cain at the same time as the words dyes the dining room at once. The two who are trying to start the fight are directly killed by the murder, and their fear rattles their teeth and shakes their bodies. And not only Ninari who was trying to stop, but also other adventurers who are eating in the canteen are all shaking with fear.

"What the hell are you ..."

Lugget says his face pale, but looking back at Drintor's adventurer, he looks at Cain's face and stiffens at once.

Silver-haired demon

None of the adventurers who belong to Drintl know their names. Mock Battle A silver-haired kid who wrecked the guild's training ground and drove senior adventurers who played Drintle to retirement. Truly, only a limited number of people know that they are lords, so they do not know at this place.

A silver-haired demon (or ... it's also a terrible street name ...)

As Cain gets a step closer, the adventurer of Drintor sits down and falls back. And Cain says with a smile.

"This is a tavern at the post. Will it be annoying if you get stuck? If you're an adventurer, you know that much ...?"

Those in the canteen, shaking with fear at Cain's words, shake their heads vertically. Then extinguish the killing and call out to Lugget with a smile.

"Drintle has a lot of adventurers. Please be careful. Oh, sorry. Please give me one fruit juice."

The waitress working at the tavern was also killed and escaped into the counter, trembling. Prepared like Mach, with a drink in front of Cain. Adventurers who sold quarrels to Lugget also left the store to let their companion pay for it and escape. Cain sits down, drinks the drink she receives, and proceeds with the meal, but none of the people at the same table get involved.

"What's wrong?"

Ninary opens his mouth whispering a little away from Cain asking his mouth with his muzzle.

"――Cain-kun ...... one ..."

Cain smiles at that question and returns only a word.

"... Are you just a Dlintre adventurer?"

It would be the same for everyone there. "Do you have such a stupid thing?" However, none of those who had the fear of it could have said that. Cain, a little sorry for the funeral calm down the bar, quickly returned to his room.

"I guess I did a little too much ... I don't mean to kill so much ..."

The next day, the escorts who had breakfast finished preparing a carriage and waiting in front of the inn where Rerine stayed. Perhaps because of yesterday, the four are waiting slightly away from Cain.

(Is it failed yesterday?)

While waiting for such a thing, wait for Reline to come out. After a short delay, the rerines came out. After gracefully greeting, board the carriage and depart. On the way, it was quieter than yesterday. Lugget seems to be reluctant since yesterday's change of Cain. Meanwhile, Ninari spoke to Cain.

"Cain-kun, actually Cain-kun is quite famous ...?"

Cain smiles at the slightly nervous ninary.

"I don't think that's the case ... but there were a few in the Guild of Dlintle ..."

Ninaly relieves her of her chest to Cain, who explains her words so muddy. In fact, anyone who knows Cain's profession will never look at him, and anyone who knows that he is the lord cannot speak casually.

Silver-haired devil

Cain nodded with a grin at the words. When Ninary smiles, he says, "I have to solve everyone's misunderstanding," and runs to the other members' places. And thanks to Ninaree's explanation, he was a bit confused during the lunch break, but only Lugget was still far away. After lunch, the goblin from the forest had a chance to come out a little further down the road, but Lugget was the first to attack and deal with it. While doing that, you can see Drintor. Drintor is surrounded by an incredibly magnificent outer wall by the magic of Cain. Along the outer wall, which stretches over several kilometers, voices are heard from those traveling for the first time.

"Wow ... this is Drintor ..." "Really amazing ..."

The entrance to the city is crowded with merchants' carriages. I was waiting for a check, and it was evident that the sun would set aside in this state. Cain says he will negotiate to get in first and only one person leaves. He passed by alone and approached a young guard.

"I am an escort, but the aristocracy daughter passes, can I get through?" "Aristocrat! Who is it?" … .. For now, give your ID-”“ Good.

It was a middle-aged guard who blocked the words of the young guard.

"I don't mind if you just come in. Or ... are you an adventurer? ... Cain ..."

Finally, Cain smiles and bows lightly to the middle-aged guard who speaks quietly.

"Thank you. I'm an escort this time. I'm in a secret position! I'll call you a carriage!"

Cain leaves the word and runs to the carriage. The young guard leans his head and asks a question in response to the middle-aged guard.

"Captain, can I just pass it through? I haven't checked anything." "? !!! Remember well.

The guards gently teach Cain's position at the ear of the young guard.

Really, “?! Lord!? …… That person is rumored ……” “If you work in this city, remember it properly.” “Hi!”

Knowing no such exchange, Cain returned to the carriage and told him that he could pass through.

"As expected, a local adventurer ..."

Lugget also talks about the treatment. The carriages pass by the carriages that are lined up for entry, and guards are lined up on both sides at the entrance of the gate. Even the adventurers were puzzled by the welcome like VIP treatment. And when they enter the city, they will be surprised at the cobbled paving and the spacious roads.

"This ... It's a much cleaner city than the royal capital ..." "Really ... I told you that this was the new lord ..."

Ninari and Mine walk down the street talking in a whisper. Luggets and crosses are also nervously moving along the beautifully maintained streets. Cain didn't seem to bother, and led in the forefront to guide him to one of the finest accommodations in Dlintre. Leline and his followers will be staying at the inn, but the four escorts Laghetto will stay at another inn. The servant got off the carriage and made the reception first, after which Lelene descended from the carriage.

"Thank you for making this arrangement, Cain-sama."

Cain handed the request from her pocket to the servant, who wrote the signature and returned it.

"Thank you. My escort is up to here, but I will guide you to the hotel where the Lugget stays."

Rerine calls Cain as he guides the luggets to the inn.

"Um ... Cain ... Actually after this."

Cain nodded with a smile to Leline's words.

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