Choosing to be a scumbag in Conan

Choosing to be a scumbag in Conan Chapter 1130


Belmode cried secretly in his heart: I'm still careless...Since Shirley dared to appear swaggeringly, it seems that the other party's purpose is to attract the members of the organization.

After being upset, Belmode took a deep breath and adjusted his breathing and emotions.


Now the situation is critical. Once she releases it, the door handle returns to its normal position and the shrapnel is also pulled out.

Plus there are people outside.

Once the grenade explodes, it will inevitably attract people from outside.

Alas, it seems that I missed this time.

Belmode sighed secretly, feeling that his impression of Shirley still remained on the other side as an unthreatening scientific researcher.

This is her biggest mistake!

It seems that the other party has completed the transition from a white rabbit to a wolf while disappearing.


Now that the body shape was inevitable, Belmode thought about what he was going to do later.

Then she counted her equipment.

smoke bomb.

Fortunately, I have the habit of wearing smoke bombs.

The number is small, only two.

But enough for her to escape.

After thinking of this, Belmode stopped hesitating and put the pistol back into the gun bag.

Then he took out the smoke bomb, bit the tab with his teeth, and threw it in the direction of the door.

The other one was thrown at his feet.

Watching the smoke bomb start to make a sizzling sound, and a lot of smoke comes out.

Belmode didn't hesitate anymore. After letting go, he ran towards the bathroom instantly.

Just less than four steps out, the bedroom door behind him blasted loudly!

The ability of the explosion to tear the door open!

A wave of air blasted out!

Chapter 992


The explosion sounded!

The bedroom door was simply blown up.

A powerful wave of air swarmed from outside the door frame!

Belmode can't run as fast as it can.

The powerful heat wave directly pushed Belmode to the ground.

Fortunately, Belmode has a wealth of experience in dealing with such things. Instead of resisting stubbornly, she rushed forward and lay directly on the ground.

The heat wave rushed through her body.

Belmode felt as if he had entered the interior of the volcano, his clothes became extremely hot in an instant, and his wigs were a little scorched!

Fortunately, this situation only lasts for a moment.

The heat is fleeting.

Belmode just got up, she shook her head, the explosion just now was too loud, buzzing his ears, and lost his hearing in a short time.

However, she could still see a figure looming in the smoke at this moment.

Obviously, the bodyguards outside were attracted by the explosion.

Belmode didn't even think about it, he immediately pulled out his pistol and pulled the trigger at the figure in the smoke.

Bang bang bang!

At the same time as the gunfire sounded, several figures suddenly paused, and then fell to the ground with a thud.

Too many people is not a good thing.

Belmode didn't take aim seriously, so he shot two shots casually, and someone was shot.

The bodyguards who are still in the smoke are the reason for scruples of their teammates and dare not shoot casually.

He didn't dare to rush forward, exposing his figure to the enemy's eyelids, which was undoubtedly a gift, so he could only leave the room temporarily.

After Belmod had fired the bullet in the pistol, he threw the gun aside without saying a word.

She quickly got up, leaned on the wall and quickly returned to the bathroom.

Hurry up and fasten the rope, and the glass cutter was not taken away. Belmode got out of the glass with agility but calmly. Then she climbed the rope with both hands, and her feet quickly stepped on the glass wall and moved quickly.

After returning to Room 9 on the 19th floor.

Belmode quickly took off his night gown and dressed up in the mirror.

Tucked the night clothes into the bag, and then Belmode quickly evacuated.

After leaving the room, she walked quickly to the top of the stairs and pressed the elevator down button.

She was lucky and didn't wait long before the elevator door arrived.


The VIP elevator opened, and there were people inside. Belmode smiled at them, then entered the elevator and pressed the close button.

At the same time that the elevator Belmode was riding in closed, an elevator next to it opened.

A group of sturdy bodyguards came out from inside, and walked quickly towards Room 9.

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