The Flame of Fallen! 【For subscription】

Pain is something that is indispensable in the short life of human beings. Its existence will make mankind extremely hateful. But if it doesn’t exist, it will still cause trouble to human beings.

“It’s not the same when it’s worth the pain. It’s not just about my pain physically, it’s also about my mind.

In the past, although Liu Yun’s Chedan flame would give others pain from the soul, the pain that is closer to the body

But when Suiyun Fruit awakened, Satan’s flames changed. In other words, it has become a power L that is closer to the concept of the devil year.

“The Lock of Sinking!”


Looking condescendingly at Karp. Liuyun, without the slightest intention of seeing clearly, he came directly to the second-hand to strike first.

^ The flame intertwined with black and scarlet seems to have become a form that is close to solid under the power of the flowing cloud, and finally turned into two chains that emerged from the ground, and instantly wrapped around Garp’s body

When the flames burned the tower on the legendary navy, Garp didn’t feel the slightest pain, but felt a burst of… Comfort 2

When you are hungry, you can taste the taste of mountains and seas

, to solve the feeling of physiological cover. The whole world is holding the feeling of the palm…

These can be called

The feeling of happiness, contentment, and even happiness came in waves, as if a steady stream of shocks hit Karp’s consciousness.

“Qian he will sink into this forever. Don’t go back to the painful reality

After all, reality is so cruel. Even though Garp is a legendary navy and his status is not low in the world government, there is still a vote of people standing above his head.

And his son is still the leader of the revolutionary army. If his grandson is a jerk, he will shout every day that he is going to be the Pirate King! ‘0.

“The choice between happiness and pain, legendary Navy Karp, which side will you choose?”

Looking at it as if there is no money left

Karp, who was stubborn, Liu Yun squinted slightly, but revealed his noble pupils. murmured with a smile

Human beings exist. It is contradictory and complicated. Many people work hard all their lives just to realize some trivial desires in their hearts.

For this they are stupid, throw the bottom line,

, an existence that is even more terrifying than a demon!

But on the same ladder, there are indeed noble people among the insects of mankind. They are determined to work hard for the meaning of their ideal survival, and even give their lives!

And this kind of person is theoretically the weakness of Liu Yun’s upgrade to the Fallen Flame 1

Devil fruits all have weaknesses that are almost unreasonable. This is not a fact to hide.

It is possible that Liu Yun’s fallen flames are helpless to even an ordinary person without the slightest power, but it is also possible that even the existence of the Four Emperors cannot resist the terrifying man Yun.

So, is Karp, a legendary navy, the former or the latter?

In just a fraction of a second, Karp gave Liu Yun the answer, because the lock of the ditch sinking theory has already dissipated voluntarily!

In the hallucination of the fallen flame, Garp was not only perplexed, but also some other scenes, such as his futuregrandchildren and even sons will die

In the hands of the navy and world government.

This is for a grandfather and father

. Undoubtedly the greatest despair.”

But even so, Garp still woke up, and even Liu Yun had to sigh, this old man is really cruel to himself!

“Bastard boy, this time you are really provoking the fire method! Definitely let this boy taste the taste of the iron fist of love!”

There was a flash of exhaustion and sadness in his eyes, and Karp suddenly sneered with a malicious smile on his face.

He was really annoyed now, as if there was a fire burning in his heart. do not vent

If so, Karp estimates that he can’t sleep all day⊥

i whole taste….card it! ‘

Regarding Karp’s declaration, Liu Yun’s face didn’t change in the slightest, he even twisted his neck and let out a clear kneeling voice, saying: “Then let me see and see, the ceiling of personal combat power in this world!” 7 Although degenerate The flames have no effect on Garp, but don’t forget. Even if it is a human fruit, it is a zoology⊥

In this state, Liu Yun can clearly perceive how powerfully his vitality and physical quality have improved!

Even in the passive addition of the fairy body

Hold on, Liu Yun feels that there is nothing in this world that can kill him.

It’s so hot and swell I

huh! huh!

After the scenes were all finished, almost invariably, Karp and Liu Yun turned into two streams of light. Get rid of the shackles of gravity and wreak havoc on the sky and the earth!

Every time the black-red streamer and the white streamer collided, a thunderous and dull sound would be emitted, as if beating on the hearts of all those watching the battle.

Especially the navy, whose rusticity almost fell directly to the extreme, for fear that they are now the only one relying on Garp to lose!

In fact, even if Karp is not defeated. As long as he can’t defeat Liu Yun, today’s events will still be the nightmare of Xu Minghai’s life

And in the dark corner where no one noticed the slightest, Nicole. Robin and Crocodile’s faces have become extremely solemn

“Mr. Dengdao Kedal, it seems that our future cooperation partner has already fallen a bit!”

After a long silence, Robin suddenly said with a chuckle.

That’s right, after having Liu Yun, the incomparably huge coral butterfly, Crocodile did not intend to subdue Robin.

Instead, to make sure that Robin doesn’t

will betray

She made a lot of promises to this future intellectual big sister who is still a young girl. 84Z__ subconsciously took out two cigars and lit it on fire. After taking a deep breath, Crocodile said expressionlessly: “It’s still too little to talk about now. This man. I still can’t see it clearly until now.”

Although they belong to the Three Tais blood migrant workers. But Pirates and Hokage are still quite different.

One of them is high-end combat power. The power gap in Hokage is very high. A batch of five Tairen villages were hanged in the early and mid-term. In battle, you can’t even beat a Pochiha Madara!

“The world of pirates is different.

Yes, although the personal force is also excellent, and after the war, the operation of three-color domineering was added, but the personal force in this world has its limits.

This can be seen from the protagonist group, and it is not individual heroes who are researched. but teamwork

Not to mention the three ancient weapons that are supposed to have the power to destroy the world. Haiyu, who has been revealed, the usurper who is about to reveal the veil, and the king who has always been mysterious

However, Crocodile felt a sense of near return at the moment, perhaps the current combat power is far from the limit of Liu Yun.

This man may be able to master ancient soldiers with one person in the future

The power of the tool is also uncertain!

This kind of idea is very far-fetched, and even unrealistic in the world of pirates, but it is buried in Crocodile’s heart like a seed. En also contains “WeChat Public Account: “Yulong Tweet Web Article” —Update It’s All Here” Fiction App. See full _ text version small!. (1706131

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