Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 273 How do wizards add points?

Dumbledore looked at it very carefully. He almost read it word by word, paired with his serious expression.

There is a feeling of doing something big.

Zhang Xiao knew very little but also a lot of things. Most of them were the original books he had read in his previous life. The few things he knew were things mentioned by Slytherin, only letters and notes.

But Dumbledore is different. He must know more than himself at this point, so every time he reads a word, he has to integrate the scattered information he knows.

Zhang Xiao waited quietly for the old man to draw a final conclusion.

But in his mind, he was unconsciously thinking about some irrelevant things, such as Dumbledore.

The evaluation of this principal is really interesting.

Especially in the previous life, the polarization was very strong.

Those who support Dumbledore think that Dumbledore is a god, omniscient and omnipotent. In their eyes, Tom was clearly arranged by Dumbledore from birth to death.

Even his own death was because he didn't want to live anymore, so he deliberately wore the cursed ring.

What's more, it is conclusively said that Dumbledore has controlled death, because at one stage he actually gathered the Three Hallows of Death and became the master of death.

The evidence is that in the last part, Harry was hit by the Avada Kedavra and came to the compartment between life and death, where he met Dumbledore.

The Black Dumbledore faction firmly believes that the principal is a complete villain.

For example, Dumbledore clung to the position of headmaster because he was greedy for power;

For example, Dumbledore is a crazy old lunatic with a craving for sweets;

For example, the conspirators are constantly taking advantage of Snape and Harry;

For example, the Eccentric Lion House constantly suppresses Slytherin;

But Zhang Xiao feels that Dumbledore has always been a complex person and can be considered a great person for the wizarding world.

In this world where individual power varies greatly and can even overthrow power, people like Dumbledore, who stands at the pinnacle of individual power and holds the Elder Wand, are willing to be locked in by the rules.

Fudge and the Ministry of Magic should both kowtow to Old Deng.

Whenever Old Deng is a little selfish, he can use the Ministry of Magic as his own concierge.

The most important thing is that Dumbledore is not a god, he is a genius with the limitations of his time and vision.

He cannot be like Muggles, who spend a long time trial and error, accumulate, and develop their own wisdom from generation to generation.

He is not a god, so he does not have a God's perspective like the readers, and many things are unclear.

As it stands now, Dumbledore clearly had no idea about the disaster Slytherin mentioned, although he said he had done his own research.

Dumbledore closed his eyes, his long beard trembling slightly. After a while, he opened his eyes and sighed softly:

"Okay, Zhang, your discovery makes me doubt my previous conclusions. I'm afraid I have to devote some energy to paying attention to this matter."

He raised his hand, and the scrolls suspended in the air rolled up by themselves, and slowly piled up on the table. Touching the parchment that spanned thousands of years of vicissitudes, Dumbledore sighed:

"Slytherin. Slytherin Zhang, I don't think it's appropriate to reveal these things. The biological modification mentioned in it is a bloody and unproven thing.

If possible, I'd rather you keep it. "

Zhang Xiao nodded, not feeling guilty at all for asking the principal to work overtime:

"Of course, Professor Dumbledore, I will keep them well. In fact, I have decided to seal them before this."

It can only be said that Tom is indeed shady. The diary said that the things left behind are actually semi-finished products and are of high value. But if the body is really modified as mentioned above, the flesh and blood will only collapse.

The real good stuff had been taken away by Tom a long time ago. With his extremely insidious and selfish character, how could he be so kind as to leave Slytherin's treasure behind?

How could you allow others to share the same thing with you?

The conversation was almost over here. The most important thing was that the disaster of Slytherin's improvement was finally dumped on Dumbledore by himself.

Zhang Xiao stood up, saluted Dumbledore, put his things away and left.

Dumbledore watched his back disappear out the door, before he could start contacting his old friends.

Zhang Xiao's head suddenly stuck out from the door again. He smiled sheepishly, took out a large bag of stuff and put it on the shelf at the door.

"Mr. Principal, I still have more here!"

The sound of the gargoyle turning the stairs was heard outside the door, and this time it was really leaving.

Dumbledore waved curiously, and a large package of things Zhang Xiao placed on the shelf flew over.

Looking at the familiar thing in his hand, it was the drunken peanuts that Zhang Xiao's grandfather shared with him.

Dumbledore laughed happily, picked a thick book from the bookshelf, picked up a few peanuts, put them in his mouth, and tasted them with pleasure.

It was also at that time that Dumbledore learned that besides sweets, there were other snacks that tasted great.

The text in the book is very good:

‘The Balrog walked to the bridge, and Gandalf stood in the center of the bridge, leaning on his cane with his left hand, but holding the Sword of Glenrij that emitted a dazzling white light in his other hand. .’

Hmm, Excalibur? A cane that emits a dazzling light?

Dumbledore turned his attention to the gem-encrusted Gryffindor sword

As time goes by, Zhang Xiao has gradually become proficient in playing the time turner.

For example, the 'clone' can only bring back knowledge, not physical training.

So now I have changed to physical exercise and practice Taoism. When I have accumulated enough, I will start trying to convert talismans into spells.

The clones are all used to learn magic-related knowledge.

The progress during this period was so fast that Zhang Xiao felt a little unreal. The two-pronged approach saved more than double the hard work.

The difference between devoting your whole heart and soul to one thing for 10 hours without interruption is different from that of dedicating it intermittently hour by hour.

When the little witch Hermione discovered that Zhang Xiao had obtained the time turner and was not using it in class, she immediately transformed into Little Grid and thoroughly criticized Zhang Xiao's 'wasteful' behavior.

"Zhang, how could you do this! The school provides the time turner so that we can study better."

If Zhang Xiao hadn't repeatedly ensured that the way he was using it was specifically approved by the school, I'm afraid the little witch would have supervised him not to miss any class.

Because in Hermione's opinion, if the time turner is not used in class, then something worse than death will happen - being expelled!

In short, Zhang Xiao feels that his current life is very comfortable and peaceful, just like going to school in his previous life.

The little wizards were chirping, their tables were empty, there was nothing, Professor Lupine's class was so interesting.

No need to take those tedious notes, just take out your wand and learn how to fight off those dark creatures in the simulation environment arranged by Professor Lupine.

This feeling of personal experience cannot be compared with books. The little wizards were surprised to find that the things they learned through this method were remembered very firmly.

Professor Lupine's status in their hearts immediately increased greatly. Many young wizards believed that Luping, who could make them happy and remember knowledge, was the best professor in the school.

What? You mean Professor Snape?

If you don't mention him, the conversation can actually continue.

This name will never appear on the last list of welcome professors, ever!


The door to the classroom was pushed open hard, and the little wizards shivered as if on conditioned reflex, and sat upright.

As we all know, there is only one person in the entire Hogwarts who makes this noise when entering the classroom, and that is - Snape!

Harry turned his head stiffly, and sure enough he saw Snape's gloomy face, greasy long hair, and black robes that bulged as he walked.

Yes, that nasty old bat!

"Oh! No!" Ron groaned, collapsed on the table, and weakly said to Hermione and Harry: "It seems that something has happened to our Professor Lupin.

Snape must have poisoned his pumpkin juice so he could fulfill his long-cherished wish of becoming a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor! "

"Weasley, if I really need to drug him, I will definitely put it in your pie first! One shot at a time."

Snape's dark eyes flashed with danger, and he spoke slowly and in a long voice:

"Because you can't tell the difference between a poison and a stimulant."

Zhang Xiao's brows furrowed as fierce laughter erupted from the Extreme Slytherin side.

They looked like they were drinking a gallon of bad joy potion.

Ask Hermione later about the rules about fighting in the school rules.

Ron's face turned red, and he lowered his head, not daring to look into Snape's eyes, but Snape did not let him go, and suddenly shouted sharply:

"10 extra points from the Grand Point! I hope these 10 points can help you learn what politeness is!"

Harry suddenly raised his hand.

Snape raised his chin at him in disgust.

"Where is Professor Lupine?"

“He said he was too sick to attend class today.

Potter, sit down! "

Snape said impatiently.

Well, the moon is full these two days, and it seems that even with the wolfsbane potion, every transformation will seriously weaken the werewolf's vitality.

Zhang Xiao nodded thoughtfully, and the next Hogsmeade weekend was not far away.

But Harry stood still.

"Professor, may I ask - what happened to him?"

Snape narrowed his eyes slightly and said calmly:

"It's not life-threatening." But looking at his expression, he seemed to hope that Lu Ping's life would be in danger:

"Five points from Gryffindor. If I ask you to sit down again and you don't, then fifty points from Gryffindor."

Snape looked around the class: "Before Potter interrupted me, I was saying that Professor Lupine had left no records showing the progress of your class -"

"Sir, we've already learned Boggart, Redcap, Cabba and Grindylow," Hermione said quickly: "We're just about to start-"

"Quiet!" Snape said coldly, "I didn't ask you, I was just commenting on Professor Lupin's lack of organization."

"He's the best Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher we've ever had," Dean Thomas said boldly.

The rest of the class murmured in agreement.

Snape looked even more threatening than usual.

"You are easily satisfied.

Lupine has almost no high demands on you - I think the first year should be able to deal with the Red Hat and Grindylow.

Today we are going to discuss-"

He quickly flipped through the textbook until he reached the last chapter.

"—Werewolf." Snape said.

Alas, Snape's temperament was a confusing one. No one was right or wrong, no one was righteous or evil.

If he had to say it, Zhang Xiao felt that the two sides were half a catty and half a dozen.

Even Sirius himself knew it, so he had always found it difficult to talk about that period of history.

"But, sir -" Hermione was still arguing, seemingly unable to control herself: "We shouldn't learn to be werewolves yet, we should start learning to learn hinkpunk -"

"Miss Granger," Snape said, his voice deadly calm, "I feel as if I am teaching, not you.

I'm telling you all, turn to page three hundred and ninety-four. He looked around again: "All of you! Now!"

Many people in the class secretly exchanged painful glances, some murmured gloomily, and everyone opened their books.

"Can any of you tell me how to tell the difference between a werewolf and a real wolf?"

Everyone sat there in silence, motionless except Hermione, who had her hands raised straight in the air as usual.

"Who can answer that?" Snape said, ignoring Hermione. He grinned again. "Are you telling me that Professor Lupine didn't teach you the basic difference between the two-"

"We're telling you," Parvati said suddenly, "we haven't learned the werewolf chapter yet, we're still learning—"

"Quiet!" Snape roared: "Okay, okay, okay, I never thought I would encounter a third-year student who couldn't identify a werewolf. I'm going to make a note of it and tell Professor Dumbledore how backward you are - "

"Sir -" Hermione's hand was still raised: "Werewolves are different from real wolves in several ways.

The werewolf’s snout—”

"This is the second time you've spoken preemptively, Granger!" said Snape in disgust. "Another five points from Gryffindor for an insufferable know-it-all."

Hermione's face turned red, she lowered her hands and stared at the ground, her eyes filled with tears.

The little wizards of Gryffindor stared at Snape angrily.

Ron stood up and charged at Snape bravely: "You asked us a question, and she knows the answer!

If you don’t want the answer, why are you asking?”

hiss! The little wizards took a breath, and the temperature of the entire classroom seemed to have dropped. What words are the most lethal?

That's the truth, Ron is telling the truth.

Snape walked towards Ron slowly, and the entire classroom held their breath.

Ron seemed to have realized something, his face turned pale and frightened, and he looked at Snape who was getting closer.

"Stay after school, Weasley." Snape actually had a smile on his face, as if he had found some fun.

Ron looked at his friends desperately, as if he had been sentenced to death, and slumped down on the chair.

No one made any sound in the class after that.

Everyone sat, taking notes on werewolves from their textbooks, while Snape walked back and forth between the desks, checking the work they had completed while Professor Lupin was teaching.

"The explanation is very poor.. This is not correct. Professor Lupin said that Kabbah was more on the grassland, eight out of ten?

I said less than three tenths..."

The bell finally rang. Snape did not let them go, but said loudly with a malicious smile:

“Each of you write a paper and give it to me on how to identify and kill werewolves.

This topic should be written on two pieces of parchment and handed in on Monday morning.

Someone should take charge of this class.

Weasley! "

Ron shivered and looked paler than Malfoy.

Snape sneered: "Stay and don't leave. Let's have a good discussion about your objections to my teaching methods!"


1. Monthly ticket 2. Recommended ticket

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