Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 243 You should call me uncle!

Sirius spread his hands, pulled up a relatively sturdy wooden chair, and looked at the Black family crest engraved on it with disgust.

He sat down on it:

"Okay, okay, I'll just wait here, clean up the hall, and figure out how to get my mother's portrait off the wall."

Kreacher did not dare to directly insult Black, so he walked out of the room sobbing softly, cursing Sirius in a low voice using words he had never heard before.

The four little ones have jumped to the top floor, and they are ready to start cleaning up from here.

The Black family's old mansion was so big that it seemed to have cast a traceless stretching spell, making the five-story building look like a maze castle.

It didn't take long for the four little ones to run down, and Ron said with a very experienced look:

"All the velvet curtains have a lot of foxworms hiding in them and we need a lot of foxworm killer."

This does not take into account that the effect of magic on living creatures is much worse than that on dead creatures.

Malfoy crossed his arms and praised uncharacteristically: "Weasley, it seems that you are quite talented at doing housework. Unlike me, I can't do anything."

"Really? No, it's just that I often see my mother doing housework, so I'm influenced by it." Ron said rather embarrassedly.

Harry and Hermione next to them were already covering their faces and couldn't bear to look at them. They were not complimenting you, Ron!

After arguing for a while, Zhang Xiao finally found out through Black's suggestion that there was actually a store specifically for elves to buy things. They didn't need to bring money, but they kept accounts.

Whatever the master needs, the elf will buy it. The account will be recorded in the master's family and settled every month.

The next time they had to write a long list and gave it to the elves.

Fortunately, the elves are very fast. In almost a blink of an eye, they come back with large and small bags of things.

Each of the little wizards held a large bottle of Humeizi pesticide filled with black liquid.

Malfoy also packed a considerable amount of Mrs. Skoll's All-Purpose Miracle Stain Remover into his small satchel.

The crowd dispersed again, and Zhang Xiao took Kreacher to the foyer on the second floor. He still remembered that in the original book, Slytherin's locket seemed to be found here.

It's just that in the original book, this old house has been initially cleaned by members of the Order of the Phoenix, but at this moment, it looks like it has been deserted for decades. There is thick dust everywhere, and the carpet with exquisite patterns has turned black. It's rotten stuff that can't be seen clearly.

It's hard to imagine how Kreacher survived here, or what he had been doing in the ten years since Mrs. Black's death.


Zhang Xiao snapped his fingers again, pinched his waist and looked at the extremely dirty living room that was illuminated. He murmured softly:

"I love magic!"

He pulled out his wand and waved it wildly:

"The whirlwind sweeps away! The whirlwind sweeps away! The whirlwind sweeps away! The whirlwind sweeps away!"

The strong wind seemed to have a special attraction and stirred up large clouds of smoke and dust around it. Soon, a huge gray wind ball condensed in the center of the room, and the thick dust almost formed a solid body inside.

Zhang Xiao thrust out the magic wand forward, as if thrusting out a sharp sword:

"Clean up!"

I saw cracks of light shining on the dust-gathered smoke ball. The smoke ball twisted and shrank rapidly, and finally disappeared.

Zhang Xiao put down his wand and took a slight breath.

Only Kreacher stood behind him and glanced at Zhang Xiao in awe, muttering in a low voice: "The powerful and noble young master."

This set of actions may seem simple, but it is actually supported by powerful strength. The lower limit and upper limit of the "Cleaning Up" spell are very high.

Hermione was able to use this spell in her first year, and in her second year she was even able to use Restoration.

But the most she could do with her cleaning was to remove the words on the parchment and some minor stains.

Even some housewives who are relatively proficient in household magic can never let Zhang Xiao clear this big ball of smoke and dust like this.

After cleaning up the dust, the entire large living room looked much more pleasing to the eye. The paint on the furniture had long since peeled off, revealing the underlying color of the wood, although it looked dilapidated.

But we can still see the glory and wealth of the Black family.

Zhang Xiao tried to restore the things here to their original state, but the effect can only be said to be limited. The effect of the repair spell is quite powerful, but the longer it is used, the worse the effect.

It's like using it on a cultural relic and it's hard to turn it into a freshly baked product.

After trying several times and being able to barely repair it, Zhang Xiao simply gave up on this thankless job.

There’s no shortage of money, so why bother.

He walked over to the glass-fronted cabinets on either side of the mantelpiece.

It was crammed with all sorts of oddities: a collection of rusty daggers, animal paws, a coiled snakeskin, and a host of dull, black silver boxes.

It was engraved with characters that Zhang Xiao couldn't understand, which looked like goblin script or runes.

The most uncomfortable thing was a decorative crystal bottle with a large opal embedded in the stopper. The bottle was filled with something that looked like blood.

Zhang Xiao waved his magic wand, and the cabinet opened automatically. The contents flew up and landed in front of the big box that had been prepared.

Kreacher suddenly asked in his low and hoarse voice:

"Dear young master, what do you plan to do with the Black family's property?"

Zhang Xiao answered easily while waving his magic wand to guide these things to fly into the cardboard box:

"Kreacher, don't worry, Sirius only lent me the right to use it temporarily, but this house still belongs to the Black family.

I plan to find a room large enough to store these things upstairs without throwing them away or selling them.

If you are worried, I can leave the maintenance of these things to you, you only need to be responsible for taking care of them. "

Kreacher widened his gray eyes, looked at Zhang Xiao in disbelief, and asked eagerly:

"Dear little master, are you telling the truth?

Won't these things be cleared? Could I be responsible for guarding the Black family property? "

Zhang Xiao nodded, used the floating technique to lift up the almost full large box, and walked downstairs.

"Kreacher, if we were together longer, you would know that I never joke."

Kreacher bent down deeply, his big nose almost touching the floor, and almost cried with joy:

"Thank you, kind, great, noble young master!"

"Malfoy, Hermione, come here, see what we found!"

In one room, Harry shouted loudly and quickly covered half of his face with a tea towel. The little witch covered in gray and the equally gray-faced Brother Drag ran over from another room.

"Potter, do you know that you have to concentrate when you work, otherwise we won't be able to finish it in a few days if we follow this method!"

Malfoy dusted off his clothes vigorously and looked at Harry and Ron with an unfriendly expression. In the past hour, Harry had called them about four or five times.

Whether it's particularly ugly, like a pair of multi-legged tweezers, or a bunch of antique seals, or even a Merlin First Class Order. It can make Harry scream.

One in particular had a music box, and when the clockwork was wound, the ominous music of Tintin Dongdong was faintly emitted, and then they all found themselves inexplicably becoming weak and drowsy.

If Hermione hadn't made a quick decision and closed the lid quickly, several young wizards might have been knocked down by it.

It was this box that made Malfoy furious, urging the seemingly mindless Gryffindor to control his recklessness.

Don't try to touch something you don't understand.

Malfoy couldn't understand a monster hand that obviously looked wrong and was placed upright in a glass case.

Why did Harry have the strange idea of ​​'This thing seems interesting, let's shake hands with it'.

What's even more outrageous is that after Harry was tightly grasped by this hand, everyone spent a lot of effort to rescue him, and in the blink of an eye, Ron was holding it again!

These Gryffindors have shit in their heads!

Only Granger could barely make Malfoy look at her, provided that her furry little head belonging to Gryffindor didn't suddenly get crazy, otherwise Ravenclaw's body would still handle things very carefully.

"This time is different! Come and look at this tapestry -" Harry waved his hands and pointed at this huge tapestry in surprise. It looked very old and old, and the color was dim. It seemed that foxes had bitten it in several places. broken.

However, the gold thread embroidered on it still shone brightly, and they could clearly see a branching family tree that could be traced back to the Middle Ages.

There are several large words embroidered on the top of the tapestry: The noble and oldest Black family is always pure.

Malfoy clicked his tongue, shook his head and said, "I also have a pure-blood tapestry at home, but it's not as big as this one."

He looked at it and added, sighing and saying: "Even for the Black family, the oldest pure-blood family, the genealogy tapestry is as thin as a piece of paper compared to Zhang's.

If Zhang's family also used such a tapestry, it would probably fill the entire house. "

The Gryffindor friend stuck out his tongue. It had long been rumored in the school that Zhang's family was unfathomable and had a terrifying history, even older than the wizarding world in England.

But most people think this is bragging. Slytherin, who knows the specific facts, keeps it secret. It's not that they don't want to tell it, but it has been more than 3,200 years. No one would believe it!

Hermione's eyes roamed back and forth on this tapestry, matching the names on it with what she had learned in the history of magic. Suddenly her eyes stopped on a name:

"Look! Phineas Nigellus! He should be Sirius's great-great-grandfather."

Ron, Harry and Malfoy looked at the name together and asked in unison: "Hermione/Granger, who is he?"

The little witch's eyes widened in disbelief, looking at the bewildered trio:

"Have you never paid attention to the history of Hogwarts?

He used to be the headmaster of Hogwarts!

And he is the most unpopular headmaster in history. It is said that during his tenure, Muggle discrimination in the school reached its peak! "

Hermione looked down again and pointed at another name:

"Araminta Melifren - trying to force through a Ministry of Magic decree legalizing the killing of Muggles!"

The trio gasped again: "Is she crazy?"

"Yes, that's why she left her name in the history of magic - the craziest legal proposal in history."

The little witch pursed her lips, obviously disgusted with this man.

Harry shrugged: "Okay, these are all accidents. I want to call you here, mainly because of this -"

He pointed to a location on the tapestry, and everyone looked in the direction he pointed.

A double golden thread connects Narcissa Black and Lucius Malfoy.

Then a single vertical golden thread ran from their names to Draco Malfoy's.

"Look! Malfoy is up there too."

The young master looked at the fussing Harry speechlessly, as if he were looking at a giant monster:

"Please, I've been calling Uncle Black. If the brain is not used, it can be donated to people in need, such as Professor Snape.

He repeatedly persuaded Gryffindors to show their courage and bravely contribute their brains to potions. "

Hermione, Harry, and Ron glared at him.

Malfoy's output is still not over:

"Pure-blood families are related to each other. For example, Aunt Molly of the Weasley family is from the Prewett family."

Suddenly Malfoy shut his mouth and said nothing.

Harry and Ron were listening fascinated and couldn't help but ask:

"Malfoy, go on! I also want to know how we are related."

Hermione held her chin, looked at the tapestry thoughtfully, and suddenly pointed to a name and said:

"This person married into the Potter family. It seems to be Harry's grandfather, and this person married into the Weasley family-"

"Oh my God! That's my grandma!"

Ron held his head and shouted in surprise.

"So." A look of realization flashed across Hermione's eyes, and she hit her palm with her fist: "I understand!

Ron, Harry, according to this pedigree, you are all Malfoy's uncles! (According to Chinese custom, he should be uncle)"


Harry and Ron were stunned for a moment, and then looked at Malfoy, whose face was getting paler.

Hey uncle!

A large number of strange things were gathered in the entrance hall: daggers, books, decorations, dinner plates, silverware, armor, photographs.

Compared to the four little ones fishing, the elves' movements can be said to have reached their peak. They specialize in housekeeping magic and they are as good as a team.

The entire mansion was cleaned at an almost incredible speed.

Yu Yu also gave a serious report:

"The most noble and kind young master, there is a Boggart in the desk on the third floor, a ghoul in the closet on the fourth floor, and 528 suspected items of the fifth grade of black magic were found."

Sirius almost scratched his neat hair into a chicken nest. He helplessly looked at the things piled everywhere and said with a headache:

"Zhang, what do you think about me throwing them all away?"

Throw it all away? The corner of Zhang Xiao's mouth twitched. He had seen prodigal people, but never such a prodigal one. Many of the Black family's silver tableware were the most exquisite fairy silverware from the 15th century and were very popular in the market.

Many wizarding families are proud of one or two pieces, but here it exists in sets.

And this is just an inconspicuous part of the huge debris. If it is really thrown away, it is estimated that an endless bloody battle will break out in the garbage dump.

Only the last person standing has the right to pick up trash.

Under Zhang Xiao's gaze, Sirius made a French greeting:

"Okay, okay, I won't throw it away, I will identify it now, I will identify it now"

Zhang Xiaolue looked at the things in front of him with some regret. Although the things were in pieces, he had also looked at the cabinet in the original book, and there was no pendant box, nor among these things.

Not far away, Kreacher watched with twinkling eyes as things were put away in categories, and then the elf sent him upstairs to the clean and spacious room. Even the photos that Sirius hated very much were wrapped up one by one. .

It looked at it for a long time, and finally seemed to make up its mind, dragging its steps and disappearing into the darkness.

When it appeared, it was already dragging a dirty and torn big sack. It looked at Zhang Xiao with gray eyes, showed a trace of begging, and said in a low voice:

"Dear little master, old Kreacher still has some things here. Can you put them in that room together?"

Zhang Xiao looked at the mess of Kreacher lying on the ground, as well as a dusty pendant box with a small silver snake bent into an S shape on it.

I finally found you. Slytherin's locket.


1. Monthly ticket 2. Recommended ticket

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