Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 148 The Weakest ‘Dharma God’ in History

So how did I skip the middle stage?

Zhang Xiao returned to the dormitory, threw himself into the soft bed, looked at the curtain on the top of the bed, and asked questions.

Through Hermione's description of her own learning process, the process of young wizards exploring magic should be linear.

From the beginning when I released magic based on my feelings, I became interested in magic spells, and then I began to read related papers and books on magic spells and get in touch with more esoteric things.

In the end it was just like Penelope and Professor Flitwick when they were young.

Try to improve the magic spell based on the theories you understand. When it accumulates to a sufficient level, you may need an opportunity, an inspiration, and even more talent!

They will integrate the knowledge they have learned and take it a step further to reach a new level.

what about me? Am I different?

Zhang Xiao asked himself silently.

Yes, I am indeed different. From the beginning, I was filled with weird magic theories that I discussed with others in my previous life. My mind is more active and I have more ideas.

After learning magic, when I was supposed to be doing theoretical knowledge, I encountered Ron's wrong spell again.

I have questions in my mind...

It was at this time that I embarked on a completely different path, without even having time to come into contact with more professional books.

If you follow the way you are most accustomed to, you can divide the realm of magic.

The realm of magic should be divided into:

"Magic Apprentice" - refers to a first-year wizard who tries magic for the first time and cannot even cast a complete spell.

"Magician" - an ordinary little wizard in grades 2-5, who can cast some magic spells and is a representative of numb spells.

"Magicians" - academic masters and young wizards in grades 5-7. Most adult wizards are very proficient in common spells and can even try silent spells to improve magic.

"Magister" - the level of an ordinary Auror, very familiar with common magic, knows some unpopular spells, and has one or two "unique skills" that he has improved.

"Grand Magister" - Flitwick before the finals, elite Aurors, Sirius, and Barty Crouch Jr. Their magical knowledge is extremely profound and powerful, and they can be called super masters in the magical world.

"Yafa God" - the elderly version of Flitwick, Professor McGonagall, and Professor Snape. Their level of magic has exceeded the inherent limitations.

"God of Magic" - Dumbledore, Tom Riddle, Grindelwald, Nicolas Flamel, Hap

This classification is just Zhang Xiao's vague classification of spell levels based on what he has seen in his previous life. There may be many mistakes and omissions, but without detailed contact before, it is almost the same.

It probably indicates the realm of magic, and has little to do with strength. Just like Yafa God and the Great Mage may not win in a fight, Wang Yuyan cannot beat Duan Yu.

What is really deep is the stage of the 'Dharma God' that he thinks of himself, which is even far beyond his current understanding.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but laugh. Other young wizards were climbing up the ranks from magic apprentices to magicians, and then to magicians.

I jumped directly from 'Magic Apprentice' to 'Yafa God'. I'm afraid I am the weakest 'Yafa God' in history, right?

Zhang Xiao sat up suddenly, his eyes shining with excitement, no, it doesn't stop!

Professor Flitwick only spoke half of what he said. He remembered Professor Flitwick's advice last year:

"First grade is a crucial time!"

Why do you say that? And are those magic systems really useful? The so-called syllables and gestures, since their final destination is what I think is magic,

What theories and gestures you explain are all useless!

So what is the entire theoretical system of the curse?

Yes. What?

Zhang Xiao took a deep breath, and his whole body was immersed in a strong shock. Even everything around him was distorted, and countless bizarre and blurry images flashed behind him.

It seems like I discovered something extraordinary

Zhang Xiao stretched out his hand, and a stream of clear water condensed in his palm, changing various shapes playfully. Finally, it was like an invisible straw that was sucked into Zhang Xiao's mouth.

Feeling the cool liquid flowing down the esophagus and into the stomach, Zhang Xiao held down his trembling hands.

Since gestures and spells were of no use, there was only one thing he could think of.

The gesture that anchors the entire spell, the spell is all about anchoring the little wizard!

It is this system that transformed magic from abstract, indescribable, and incomprehensible to the relatively easy-to-understand, fixed spell it is now.

It also allowed powerful ancient magic to quickly withdraw from the stage, and the overall spellcasting ability of the magic world was greatly improved.

Before the establishment of Hogwarts, there was a huge gap in the wizarding world. The powerful ones were like the Big Four, while the weak ones couldn't even use a single magic and could only rely on instinct to perform tricks.

So why does Professor Flitwick warn first-year wizards not to be exposed to advanced spells too early?

Because they have just felt the magic and their thinking is not yet stable, rash contact with advanced magic will cause confusion to their thoughts.

Only by going through the entire first grade stage can we help them lay a solid anchor, or mindset.

Only then can you learn further!

Zhang Xiao slowly exhaled a breath, and the invisible illusion behind him slowly dissipated. Although he didn't know if this was the specific truth, it should be similar.

So how should I go about my magical journey? Is it as you please?

Zhang Xiao thought carefully for a while, shook his head, and rejected the idea.

I am taking a road that no one has ever walked before. It is a coincidence caused by the superposition of multiple factors, so I should be more cautious and take it one step at a time.

Professor Flitwick was probably worried that I was going the wrong way, so he asked me to continue going to the club to hear how the little wizard explored according to the designed path, right?

This is an alternative anchor given to me by the professor!

After being advised to have a full meal, Zhang Xiao made up his mind not to take too big a step all at once. He would first learn the new magic in the orthodox way, and then try to 'turn it into a god'.

Be reckless when you should be reckless, and be steady when you should be steady. The combination of stability and recklessness is the way to win.

Yes, it is like that!

"Albus, you know! This kid Zhang is incredible!

He is only in the second grade, and he vaguely came into contact with the concept of "no curse" in the second grade!

Oh my god, I’m so excited, this is something worth raising a glass to! I think he can even take over from you and continue to protect the wizarding world for more than 100 years! "

Dumbledore raised his eyebrows, showing a trace of surprise. After pondering for a while, he calmly said to the silver-white Patronus in front of him:

"Thank you Filius, I understand."

The Patronus let out Flitwick's grunt:

"Okay, okay, you've always been like this. I'm going to keep drinking. It's a really happy day."

There was a sound of bottles colliding, and the patron saint turned into a silver light and disappeared.

Immediately, there was an explosion of exclamations from the portraits in the principal’s room:

"12 years old! Incredible!"

"How did he do that?"

"Do you have such students there?"

"How is it possible? Even Dumbledore was just a little wizard who could wave his wand foolishly when he was 12 years old, and believed that spells and gestures were all the truth, right?"

Because the portrait will gradually lose its vitality due to the passage of time and become a "dead painting", the oldest existing portrait of the principal is Delise Devante.

This highly respected female principal, who has been the principal for nearly 30 years, thought for a while and said:

"In my limited memory, this kind of thing seems to have only happened before the standardization of spells and the widespread popularity of wands. At that time, people usually relied on imagination and unreliable books to teach themselves magic.

But during my time teaching, I have never seen such a little wizard. "

Phineas Black had forgotten the last experience of being beaten by a group. He put his hands behind his back, and the goatee under his chin was curled up with a proud smile:

"So I say that Slytherin only produces the best wizards! Although we cannot evaluate the moral level of those people, there is no doubt that they are the best wizards."

Several principals couldn't stand Phineas's expression, and Everard shouted at him:

"Come on Phineas, Dumbledore belongs to Gryffindor! No matter which aspect you talk about the great wizard, you can't avoid him!"

Phineas did not refute, but showed a mysterious smile:

"'I' was instilled with a lot of memories, including many short stories such as when Dumbledore was in the Sorting House."

"That's enough, Phineas!"

Dumbledore said coldly, and Phineas in the portrait actually shivered. He closed his mouth, but his eyes still shone with disbelief.

"Albus, no matter what, this child has unlimited potential!" Principal Dippet said solemnly.

Dumbledore nodded slightly:

"Of course I admit this. In fact, I already have a good idea. I want to give Zhang a gift."


"Yes, I originally had this plan - for the sake of the Forbidden Forest, but now it seems that my gift is obviously a bit inappropriate. I'm afraid I have to discuss it with my old friend to see if I can give him one. A more thoughtful gift.

A gift that would help him. "


1. Monthly ticket 2. Recommended ticket

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