Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 126 This victim’s style is not right

In the following time, Zhang Xiao tested some common spells to increase the number of samples.

The test results were much the same.

For example, the repulse spell, this spell changed wonderfully when it was shouted out in Chinese.

"Retreat! Retreat! Retreat!" became three consecutive impacts, with astonishing power. This may also be related to the fact that when he shouted these words, he had images in his mind and poked and stamped his feet with the wand.

It’s still the ‘mother tongue’ \u003e recite the incantation loudly \u003e whisper the incantation \u003e silent incantation.

No wonder many wizards are very proficient in silent spells and have great power, but they still shout spells loudly when trying to cast spells with others.

For them, shouting a spell loudly is equivalent to "mother tongue + chanting a spell loudly", and the bonus is really not small.

So what does the power of the silent spell have to do with it? Is it proficiency or understanding? Zhang Xiao thought for a while and had no idea. After all, this was for grade 6.

It would be best to wait until the Charms Club is held to find an opportunity to ask Professor Flitwick. This kind professor should not hide anything.

Zhang Xiao pinched his chin and looked at his record sheet. Well, they were all relatively positive spells, not black magic or the like.

If you have the chance, you should still learn one or two black magic that are not so dangerous. With Sister Bird by your side to remind you, you won't fall into it.

However, black magic seems to be different from positive spells, and they are both ridiculously powerful.

In the first grade, Daphne Greengrass had only been in school for less than a month, and the power of dark magic in that family was as powerful as that of fourth and fifth graders.

When it was time to eat, Zhang Xiao threw a Bigu Pill into his mouth. The effect was not as exaggerated as in the novel, and it could probably keep him from being hungry for a whole day.

The taste of this food is average, and the predecessors have tried to make it taste better, but once the taste becomes good, those little Taoist priests who are still children at heart will only eat Bigu Pills without eating.

In particular, fruit-flavored bigu pills appeared, and several little girls ate them directly as fruit-flavored pill snacks and almost died.

In the end, I had to compromise and turned the Bigu Pills into an unpleasant taste and texture like sawdust, so that the Bigu Pills returned to their original purpose.

Emergency elixir when you don't have time to eat or when there are special circumstances.

I don't know who the owner of that mysterious room is, but he can actually summon food from the Hogwarts kitchen directly in the Room of Requirement.

This move alone is amazing enough. Does Dumbledore know that there is such a big boss hiding in the school?

Zhang Xiao snickered for a while, but unfortunately the boss was a bit reserved and didn't like to show up, or couldn't show up. He really wanted to discuss magic with her.

Generally, such seniors have some unique skills hidden in them, and their knowledge is quite broad and profound, so they will definitely benefit a lot from communication.

In the afternoon, he spent time practicing Taoism. Sometimes Zhang Xiao felt that his title of 'Shaotian Master' was not worthy of his name at all, and what his father taught him was pitiful.

In addition to golden light spells, which are talismans, Taoist sects also have spells and spells, and talismans are just supplementary means extended from the two types of spells and spells.

According to my father, the Golden Light Mantra is actually the basis of everything and one of the wonderful methods to reach the origin. The 'cultivation of both life and life' is not just talk.

It is the comprehensive cultivation of body and mind to reach the highest state of perfection.

Zhang Chengdao also used the metaphor of ‘oil lamp’:

"Son, the wick is life, and the oil is sex. If there is no oil in the lamp, the lamp cannot shine. In the same way, if there is oil but no lamp, it cannot light.

Therefore, the Golden Light Curse is not a curse, but a Dharma. "

"What about our protective golden light?"

"That's the light.

Therefore, the stronger the life, the stronger the light. It is only the reflection of our practice. The golden light is never the purpose of our practice. Simply pursuing the power of the golden light is to sacrifice the basic and seek the last. "


Zhang Xiao raised a hand and silently activated the golden light spell. A golden light gradually appeared. After careful observation, it seemed that it was really the light emanating from his own body.

As he exerted force, the golden light slowly spread outwards, and finally reached the position of two and a half inches, only half an inch away from the hard target of 3 inches.

So why did the Golden Light Curse improve so quickly after my fight with the spider that day?

From 1.8 inches to 2.5 inches, is it a sexual breakthrough or a better life?

Zhang Xiao was a little at a loss. If he was talking about insights, he really didn't have any insights except that he had some more ideas about how to fight. His body also had a deeper understanding of the moves.

My head hurts! I pinched the bridge of my nose, feeling like I was in a puzzle game. I finally discovered something through some clues, but I didn't expect that there was a thicker fog underneath.

Grant it! It must be given as soon as possible! This feeling of hiding is really unbearable. The golden light curse can reach the standard in one year, and the rest is the talisman.

The Thunder Talisman is already very familiar, and I can also make up the number of things like tracking, concealing Qi, etc. With the addition of the Five Elements Talisman, it is not difficult to make up ten types.

practice! Practice now!

Moreover, he also wanted to try to see if using a magic wand could cast it as quickly as the thunder talisman. If it could cast it instantly, then this would be the magically modified version of the Tongtianlu!

Zhang Xiao took out the sandbox and threw himself into the boring exercises with longing. It was another day where you all played and I studied secretly.

I'll kill you!

Zhang Xiao's involution was stopped by Malfoy. The young master, whose style had completely changed, strongly requested Zhang Xiao to accompany him to participate in the college Quidditch selection.

The reason is that he is nervous.

After spending an afternoon on the court, watching Malfoy outperform the others and being selected for the team with his undisputed strength, Zhang Xiao didn't understand why he had to go through the back door to leave others talking when he could obviously rely on his strength.

When they returned to school chatting and laughing, and were about to go to the restaurant, they found that the corridor leading to the restaurant was full of little wizards, staring in front of them in horror.

The buzzing like thousands of mosquitoes gathered in the corridor, making people feel dizzy.

Most of the little Slytherin wizards went to the stadium to watch the team selection. They looked at each other inexplicably and squeezed forward desperately, trying to see what was happening in front of them.

An ominous premonition welled up in Zhang Xiao's heart. He called out to Crabbe and Goyle. The two Hengha generals immediately rushed forward to help clear the way. With their help, Zhang Xiao finally passed through the obstacles. The crowd squeezed to the front with difficulty.

Then my heart sank, followed by a sense of absurdity.

Harry was seen standing helplessly at the front, flanked by Ron and Hermione who looked confused.

What silenced the little wizard was not the three of them, but an even more bizarre scene.

Filch pouted, his eyes tilted to the side, holding up his annoying cat, Mrs. Norris, in his hand, as if he was about to kiss the cat's head. Mrs. Norris's ears were folded back, showing a plane. Ear shape.

The point is, both of them were petrified, with such a very strange appearance.

Zhang Xiao twitched the corner of his mouth and looked at the rose-red message on the wall.

Why don’t even the messages on the wall look right?

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Wuhu~ I passed the test and got my driver's license. I will reply tomorrow. There is a slight delay, but it's not a big problem!

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